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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. *is dreading the post christmas madness in the gym*
  2. Having done both types of exercise I have to say I'm more of a weights girl :P although I do employ an element of cardiovascular conditioning because my hr is always high whilst I exercise, and I do try to limit having too many lengthy breaks between sets. I was at the gym today... Wow it was quite busy! Have upped my weights significantly in the past wee while: Kettlebell double handed swing - (started at 8kg) 16kg Trx rotational row Clean and press (started at 10) 20kg Needle thread (started at 8) 16kg Kettlebell single handed swing - (started at 8kg) 12kg Trx reverse lunge and row Squat up and chop (started at 8kg) now 12kg Lunge and sweep (started at 8kg) now 12kg Do 10-12-15 reps of them all, in a circuit, and the last two are left and right (so double reps). My body has changed dramatically since starting this routine (about 8 weeks ago) I've got a lot less fat and a lot more muscle. My body is strong in ways I didn't expect, like balance and such. I've also started to do yoga after my session to work on my flexibility, and it has had positive effects on my mindset after a workout. Normally I'd feel a bit chaotic but I find the cooling down effect of the yoga settles me down nicely so I leave the gym incredibly calm and happy. Also I do believe I've lost weight over Christmas as I had to tighten my bum bag, it fell off me!!!
  3. Tis the seasin ye bastards <3 Fightfihht
  4. It would explain a lot.....
  5. Club 2 dooo eeeetttt naaaoooowwww.
  6. I'd rather go to work than do cardio, even with the way things are at the mo :p just find it so dull and boring. I might do a cycle with my weigh ins, I will weigh in every four weeks and cycle my routine.. Day 1-7 - weights 4x Day 8-14 - weights 4x Day 15-21 - weights 3x cardio x1 Day 22-28 - weights 1x cardio x4 Day 29 weigh in
  7. +0.8 over the last two weeks. I have every confidence that my eating is more than acceptable. I'm not putting on any weight width wise, definitely getting smaller, and got muscles popping up everywhere. muscles go! And now for the gymmmmmm Also I bought gloves for the above mentioned hand problems I've been having so will be giving those a go today
  8. I like to perv at the fittie personal trainers doing their weight work... Muscles.....mmmmmm.... I keep bruising myself at the gym, think I'm slapping myself with the viprs (they're like rubber coated log style weights) and ive got a nice big bruise popping up beside my knee today! Also blisters on my hands... I really need to start paying attention instead of perving......
  9. I'll come out and say it, I can't stand overly nice guys. I don't like it when guys ask me how I am constantly, or want to do things for me, or buy me too many expensive presents. But thats likely to be my sub personality attracted to arrogant dom men.... :p But then that seems to always lead me into the wrong path..... But you can't change what you're attracted to, so I'll just keep plodding along and hope that one day it works out with someone lol
  10. Fuck. Work was horrible today. Found out the gory details... Daughter had a flat tyre thur morning on the way to work, called her brother to help. By this time they both were already late for work so decided to pop in and see their mum. Doors locked, car in the drive. They ended up breaking down the door and finding her hanging on the bannister. Her funeral is tomorrow but I can't bring myself to go, I've never been good at funerals :/
  11. One of my colleagues hung herself last night. Her daughter (who I also work with) found her this morning in her house. One of the most lively women you ever could know. Our Christmas lunch felt more like a wake
  12. I ALWAYS want to do that :p I'm completely not over him and the truth is part of me has always loved him... I've never felt like this about anyone, yet I'm still happy to be friends with him and have no romantic involvement. Somehow he's become my soul mate and I'd rather have him as a friend than not at all. I just always thought I was never anything more than flirting for him and I had accepted that my feelings were unrequited. I still feel like I'm going to wake up and it's not been real. Got it bad
  13. So..... he had a complete meltdown and admitted that he has feelings for me (I personally thought it was all just a bit of harmless flirting from his side) and he's went on a bender and thinks he's destroyed our friendship despite me telling him the opposite. Was kinda moving on from the above, getting over it, letting wounds heal and he just jumps in and rips it right open again. Would've been fine if he hadnt said anything!!!!
  14. I love the atmosphere of the gym, and I don't think I'd be motivated enough to work out at home.. Plus I get free tea and coffee in my gym lol :p
  15. Got some bcaa's today and took them before and after workout. Wow is all I can say!! Definitely helps with muscle strength and stamina!
  16. My work colleague did a pb squat, 155kg that's insane. He did 4 reps of that too. I don't really aim for high high weights and low low reps at the moment, I'm sorta in the middle, do 10,12 and 15 reps of 8 exercises in circuit style. Quite comfortable with that. Weight wise I'm trying to aim for as high as I can, within the boundaries of physically able to complete my fixed routine. I'm still a complete novice to lifting, so I'm not in any rush to start at competitive levels of weights, will get there when I get there. I'm happy when I'm pushing my weights up lil by lil, whilst still concentrating a little on the cardio aspect, by trying to get a reasonable time. I think being a particularly overweight woman I can't kid myself into thinking that i can completely forget about cardio, but I'm definitely working on a plan that's incredibly more weight orientated and I feel like I've had more success with this in the past month than in the 18 months of female cardio style training I was doing! I'm burning the guts of 450 cals in 25/30 minutes so I think I'm pretty much pushing myself as hard as I can physically go. My hr monitor is always beeping cause I'm pretty much solidly maxing out my heart rate. I have seen 189 on it on more than one ocassion!
  17. Some fucking silly bitch hanging off the trx, doing a completely half assed row, looking all around her... Bitch please, do something worth being here for, or get out of my way -_-
  18. Mooooaaaaaarrrrrr weight doooo eeeeet!!!
  19. Well done pratty keep at it!!! I'm trying to will myself to add cardio work into my routine but I despise it like the devil.... Curse being a woman with hormones designed to hold onto fat :P
  20. I hate being beaten, the stubborn part of me likes to show off. I'm certainly feeling it today, every part of my body aches :P Because its easier to take a photo than type all of that out :p Did sets 10 and 12 on Saturday, in about half an hour.
  21. Oh yeah totally.. I would never do that to anyone, that's why I've never acted on my feelings. I'm always going to be there for him, but it is hard for me that he does depend on me so much for emotional support. There is an element of truth to that but this is not the first time we've been in this position, it's been an ongoing saga since we first talked... O And this is not nostrings, it's a completely different person, his girlfriend is actually quite sane lol. Nostrings got kicked to the kerb ages ago :P it's not unrequited love persay, just always bad timing. He goes on self destruct mode after a breakup and I won't hear from him until he's got with some other girl xD
  22. Completely in love with someone, who has a girlfriend. What a crap situation. We're complete soul mates and I've always harboured these kind of feelings. But honestly I've been ok about it, because we've only ever had an online relationship, and I do value his friendship. We've been through pretty much everything together in the last 10 years. He knows more about me than anyone else, and I the same about him. He's got a bit of a compulsion to rush into relationships that crash and burn, and I think the one he's in is going the same way... However I don't feel that it's right that I just sit and wait til he's single! Why should I put myself through that?
  23. Raaawwwrrrrrr. I was with my pt today, he's given me a slight variation on my current workout, added a couple of things in. He said he doesn't like to make too many complete changes too quickly, just additions, and adding bits to current sets. Like how you change a tricep lift to a 21, to involve the biceps as well, or adding a row into a clean and press. He was astounded by how far I've come in the last 4 weeks, especially considering how I've not been able to train for two of them. So I did the 10 and 12 of these 8 exercises with him. (I did only have 6 exercises prior to this, but in a 10, 12, 15 set) So next time I go I fully intend to do 10,12 and 15 of the stuff he's given me today. New goal = extremely motivated. And I like that he's only made a few changes, keeping the 6 exercises I'm now relatively accustomed to, and added 2 new ones. Means I've got a bit to bite onto but I'm not feeling totally lost with everything. Oh yeah and I lost 3.6lbs this week hurraaaahhh He did say to me that gains aren't necessarily fat when I'm training like I am, muscles grow and as they do they store more glycogen. Every gram of glycogen that goes into your muscles requires another 3g of water, so there's a bit of water retention going on in the initial stages. Hopefully that will pan out a bit now, and go back to a slow and steady. I've decided to only weigh myself once every two weeks as I was pretty much daily weighing and getting obsessed. Was fairly well through the routine, got onto the 12 set of clean and press, pt said to me, you know that's 144kg of weight?! (as if to say that's a lot, you know it's ok if you can't) And I said nothing and pushed 12 out in a row without any problems. Ha. Take that. I can do the 15 set too....!
  24. I actually thought it was frigging hilarious, but then both myself and Rez come from a call centre/customer service type background... I think honestly that this place has gone to shit recently, more and more people getting on their high horses.. One cannot post anything without fear of being spellchecked, grammatically corrected or just insulted/patronised. You might post shit people don't like (and I'm not even your greatest fan) but you're still fucking awesome @ReZourceman
  25. I do find I'm coping ok with the upping at the moment, but I am feeling like I'm biting into the proper amount of weight now. As a female I am going to be on slightly less weight than a typical male of my age/strength/weight etc, so I think I'm progressing well. I'd rather be a little slower in upping my weights now at the beginning while my muscles aren't as strong, than risk damaging my body from over exertion. I like the idea of doing the 1st set with a higher weight and going lower if I need to, that's a good backup plan. Thanks
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