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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I think I take home 940/950 a month... 13,300 before tax. (I think?) Could get a £1k more if the appeal for the banding is accepted... Not that it will be. Fuckers. LOL @ war - everyone pays tax. I think I pay close to £300 a month. But it all comes back to me in the form of lovely medications and health care <3
  2. Is this your motherboard? http://www.aria.co.uk/Products/Components/Motherboards/Socket+AM2+(AMD)/MSI+K9N6SGM-V+Nvidia+MCP61+AM2+Motherboard+?productId=25590 If so: Looks like an am2 chip.. So I imagine you should. You can get a gfx card too, just remember to unplug your monitor cable and stick it into the port on the gfx card =)
  3. Exactly! If you are looking to get into this kind of career you'll have to come across these kinds of cases.. regardless of how you feel about them.
  4. I've got one of those and it is truely beyond awesome. But I think you have to be quite careful with them.. Saves all the need for card adaptors when you can plug it in to usb port straight away! woo!
  5. So you've donated blood moogle? Congrats! I really want to give blood but sadly my veins collapse under pressure, and its very difficult to even get a bottle sample let alone a pint... Maybe my body is trying to say something Today was my uncle's funeral, and apparently everyone was in bits... So in a way I'm glad I didn't go to see it... Work was cack, and telling everyone he had died was hard..
  6. So like I went to the wake today, and they were talking about how he died.. Apparently he was laughing at something his daughter said, leaned back to adjust the recliner chair, and just fell forward. So he died happy. =) They all passed around this awesome picture that was taken of him, smiling like the nutter he always was. One of those wakes that I will remember as being a very happy one.
  7. no wai dude, huge sigs are really annoying to look at/scroll through.
  8. It'll be okay once it dries out, as long as there isn't too much "substance" left. (sugar is a big problem - as it trashes the circuits)
  9. Yeah northern Ireland isn't quite used to all the flooding I live right beside a river (Galgorm to all ye locals) and I went out today and took a snap of the disaster. Never ever had flooding this bad. river doesnt usually come past the fence on the right, and runs down through the trees on the left.
  10. Aw rok, I'm so sorry to hear that. it's pure shit when mates do these things to each other. You can always talk to us when you need a rant -- Our house phone has been ringing non-stop. Our family seems to be the first contact with what happened my uncle... My dad and my uncle's son has been arranging the funeral. The funeral has been arranged really quickly (seems to be a general trend in this country) he died on saturday and his funeral is on monday. Went walk round the village I live in today, its completely flooded. The river has burst its banks out onto the football pitches. The weather has been madness lately.
  11. Oh wow, you have! That's pretty awesome. The hair is pretty awesome too! You keeping it red for a while, or trying something different?
  12. I suggest doing loads of exercise or something that makes you exhausted, then go to bed early. Yes. It works. Changing your sleeping pattern is very bad for your body..
  13. get vista for the time being, you can always consider alternatives, dual booting or whatever later =D I imagine all the new games are being programmed with vista in mind, so it will do the job.
  14. That R_A gal knows her stuffs As for recommended specs/models: Processor - Intel dual cores (as mentioned before) are generally a-go. I have an e6750 (just over the hundred mark afaik) Its a really good chip. I would generally avoid AMD processors atm, last time I looked into it AMD's weren't as bang for buck as intels seems to be. If you can get quad go for it, dunno how pricey they are atm. ram - tbh I think speed is more important than size. IE 2gb faster ram > 3gb of slower ram. Generally speaking you don't really get much of a choice with prebuilts in terms of ram speed. (but its a very easy thing to upgrade in the future if you take note of your motherboard.) So really 2/3 gb would be adequate. I'm assuming vista will be the OS, in which case I'd be leaning towards the 3gb. Graphics can be a bit complicated.. I imagine the 8800 series has fallen a bit in the past while. What I would advise is to buy one without a graphics card and buy one off e-buyer or any online retailer (if you can convince the rentals ofc!) And i'm sure many people here can advise you with specific ones to buy. HDD - SATA tends to be standard really. 500-1tb would be advisable. You can always buy a smaller one to start off and add another one for a lot cheaper again. Any budget in particular? I see this one on Currys that looks pretty decent. The only thing is I can't seem to find any with decent graphics cards! Oh and @ the dell thing, I have a dell laptop, and use dell PC's at work. I don't find them to be any better or worse than any other PC. Ideally you should build it yourself, but I know how antsy parents can be about things they don't understand when it comes to paying money. Good luck with your search and hit me on msn if you need a hand, or more specifics. /essay! EDIT Integrated = fail, dedicated = win. Integrated steals from the ram, dedicated cards have their own ram built in, basically.
  15. I use antibacterial wipes and kitchen roll to wipe off the excess.
  16. My dad was very close to him. He visited him every saturday, and he went round today, 5 minutes after he had died. :/ Thanks a lot guys means a lot! =)
  17. Challenge is a good thing, ne? You should go for it, unless you have family responsibility or whatever to think about. I would imagine future employers would look on experience like that VERY highly, you'll learn an incredible amount!
  18. Wowser rok, your hands are fabulously feminine =D
  19. Thing is I feel completely empty about it. Anybody I've known that died, I've been really sad about. These people weren't especially close to me in the past, but this uncle was... He was part of my immediate family. Thanks for the offer =) Can I abuse your body now? XD
  20. Send all of the Parkers to jail for being so goddamn awful. And Lynn can join them too. when did her acting become so fake?! Did I miss it last time??
  21. My uncle just died In a little way I'm glad he went when he did, and that he didn't suffer for months/years being bedridden and stuffs. But I'm still absolutely gutted.
  22. I generally spend 99.5% of my time in general or tech... I only came here via soag's demanding that I join back in the C-E days, I lurked there and decided to make an appearance when it moved over to R-E. Take notions to not post for ages, then I'll be on here constantly for months on end I sometimes take a read at wii/handheld/retro, I don't feel like I generally have much to add, but its interesting to read opinions =)
  23. I break things all the time, by accident of course.. When i was about 14/15 I broke very expensive (and non replaceable! eek!) crystal glasses that my dad got when he finished his raf service! Mostly seem to damage myself more than things around me.. knocked out 4 discs when I got out of bed and crippled myself for 3/4 months, among various other incidents. And headphones wise, I have my sennheiser HD 215s for an age, and they still work. I think its 'cause the cable is coiled like a phone cable (therefore never gets knotted or tied) and is also replaceable (unplugs from both sides!) Best. Headphones. Evar.
  24. I'm sorry to hear that about your mum and dad, but by fuck did that last sentence make me laugh! Good luck with the cleaning and such. My day was comparatively boring... Work, and went to the clinic. Finally getting round to ordering meds - yey. Found a job in the local library I might apply for, its similar money (a bit more actually) but with less hours. 30pw rather than 37pw I'm doing. Would be good to get a little more time off. I don't think I can cope with a full time job forever. I'd stay with the one I have if I knew there was permanent jobs coming up. My job is temporary ongoing, which basically means I have a job until the dept closes down, or I really fuck up. I'm one of the hardcore "there since the beginning" workers and I think I'd be one of the last to be fired tbh Just if ever I want to get a mortgage or apply for credit or whatever, I wont be able to get it in a temporary job. And the job security would be pretty nice. what to do....what to dooooo, tell me KNEEEEE!
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