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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I think I might avoid the forums for a few months to avoid this sexual whatever *lurks* haha.
  2. Congrats Llama Juice! You look great! =)
  3. Is it mating season on the forum these days? -- I'm still feeling down, but getting on with things like always. I think my parents are having a hard time coming to terms with the "auto immune disease". They never really say much to me about it :/ Next Thursday will get the ball rolling with my new meds so I should be feeling a lot better soon
  4. My summer has been rather crappy too. I don't like working when its hot! I wanna go home and be lazy! The week I took off (beginning of July) had thunderstorms and nought but rain! B00. I'm pretty sure the last week in August will be the same because I have it booked off too. And also, as I was writing this post, I just realised that i'm doing the very thing that is causing my wrist deformity. MUST. NOT. DO. EET!
  5. I fiddle with my piercings when I get bored. XD
  6. Haha no worries d000d! Yeah I'm trying to be calm about it all n whatnot, the very very little and unobvious damage I have done, has been done over years of abuse on my wrists (typist for teh lose!) I'm sure I'll be alright! ^^ As long as I be careful Congrats =D that's so awesome letteh!
  7. My day was kinda awful... But opened my eyes a lot. I'd been having this weird thing in my hand where sometimes like a hole forms on the top of my hand. I was at the rhemy and spoke to her about it.. Apparently it is an early sign of wrist subluxation, where one of the bones in your hand moves down and it becomes deformed I'll stick this in teh spoilars, as an example of full blown wrist subluxation
  8. There are crappy women drivers yeah, but there are also crappy MEN drivers! Get well soon flameboy d00d!
  9. Why didn't you just empty the bath mummy?!
  10. alcohol causes dehydration water solves dehydration
  11. Happy birthday, d00d. I also thought it was about dysons behaviour too.
  12. ITS SPREADING GET UNDER COVER AND SAVE YOURSELVES PEOPLE ¬_¬ I'm kidding of course, i love the song =D
  13. I just bought a labret bioplast retainer, a titanium labret stud, and a nose stud. £13.25!
  14. I'll say a similar thing as the sig comment I made for you war. Its a good sig, but I don't think the pink background goes with the topic! 7.533/10
  15. I love "I kissed a girl" by katy perry. Not normally my cup of tea, but you can blame Haggis for that "Too good to deny it!!"
  16. cd/hard disk caddy? How much?
  17. Northern Irelands insurance is nearly twice the cost last time I compared. We've got different road laws here I think I'll stay slightly richer, and slightly less lazy for now
  18. If insurance wasn't so expensive in this country I MIGHT consider to get my licence.
  19. I never really got the point of it *mumbles to self about wasting electricity and laziness*
  20. Thats mine on a pretty regular basis... ---- I just did a comparison with my 3 data card for lolz. I live in northern ireland - ie the signal is not fantastic here, and it still rips the arse out of pipex.
  21. thanks ash It is the weekend, wooooo! :awesome:
  22. My day has been terrible.. I was in work and took some badass epic fit of coughing/sneezing so much so i couldn't actually speak. Added onto trying to maintain a call centre almost by myself (lazy workmates are FUCKING LOSE!) Also getting texts from several people trying to BLOW MY MIND. God, leave me alooooooonneee! I hate mind games =( I had a curry at lunchtime, and suddenly felt a whole load better... Thinking my immune system went a bit batshit on me. I'm still feeling the arthy pains from it now tho. Now I feel really rubbish for no reason. My head always has been all over the place but today was taking the piss.
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