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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Yikes, I hope you are okay! Still staying friends?
  2. that's a bit of a baptism of fire! Maybe your next driving adventure won't be so crazy. You having the get the wheel fixed or is it okay now?
  3. The one day in the year that my Dad cooks, and my Mum gets drunk. Best family time all year. Probably be having turkey, roasties, veg, stuffing etc. Christmas pud custard and creeeeammm for afters
  4. Its in the playground I don't really understand why its in the playground tbh *shrugs*
  5. Upscaling DVD player avec HDMI cable ^__^ And I bought a fry this morning with my mum and sister
  6. Same here Yeah staying in the house all day, when everyone you know is at work or whatever, would get pretty stale. Then I wonder if the novelty might run out. I've never lived on my own to really know, so it might swing either way tbh.
  7. Today was pretty meh. I wasn't with it at work.. Mind wasn't on the job at all. People around me were being really noisy and annoying. Which resulted in me getting a migraine. I caught sight of myself in a mirror - I looked like one of those creepy Japanese anime characters (hugely dialated eyes). Might be cute in anime, but by fuck its freaky on a real person :P I took pills to help it but I still feel tired and fuzzy. But I only have to do a half day @ work, on Christmas Eve, over the entire next week. Get. ^___^
  8. Hmmm. I never thought about it that way! What about south Ireland? sorry I'll stop being awkward now :P I think for a lot of people in northern Ireland there is pride in the pound sterling, particularly for unionists, as the pound sterling bonds us with the UK somewhat. And being tied with South Ireland would be so awful or something
  9. generalising FTL.
  10. If you feel like straying from your current misses there's obviously something wrong with things there. You have to consider whether its worth working the relationship out or not.
  11. Neither did I XD
  12. Congrats on the passing! belfast uni?! You won't be able to get rid of us before too long
  13. Lets all have a midnight feast of noodles in the celebrations ^___^ Have a good one dude!
  14. hmm yeah, would be handy for us northerners if we wanted to travel to the south, and vice versa =) I'm not really fussed whether we use english monies or the euro. S'all good!
  15. bulbasaurrr uses razor leaf on Feral Granbull ^___^
  16. I WONDER who it was that told you to go for red Your mother sounds friggin' awesome.
  17. my day was as boring as normal, but somehow good. I feel happy inside and its pretty awesome ^___^ also lol @ the new mod/vet/admin names. I find myself getting awfully confused
  18. Nice one! There aren't too many of us females about the forum at the mo, they all seem to have gone quiet! Hopefully you stick around and don't let the boys scare you off!
  19. Surely they'll be okay by then?! I would hope so anyway. Least your getting chickenpox out of the way while they are young - save them getting it worse when they are older =)
  20. Well I do have a skin condition too. Surely nothing that blocks up your pores can be healthy. Just the thought of having make up on my skin makes me feel sick tbh. (this is why my complexion is as good as it is - i've never had a problem with spots)
  21. Awh, hope the kiddies and wife get better soon!
  22. you, sir, are on fire today I think I'd rather pass on the makeup - its bad for normal skin not to mention open wounds!
  23. bleach was a bit bleh. I did, however, like the superhuman thing at the end. Enjoy the next thousand years, sucker! XD Quite weird! Can't believe the next episode will be #200. Maybe bleach will be coming to an end soon... I mean DB stopped naruto at #220 odd. Hm.
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