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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Happppppy happy new years eve :P (I kid) Have a good birthday portlett!
  2. Lefty just hasn't got the skills eh
  3. Mhm. But then again it DOES greatly depend on how good your monitor is, and how much you actually care about these things :P There are a few people with white sigs, that you can blatantly see don't match.
  4. Won't your left hand get jealous?!
  5. the white of the forum isn't actually white, its #F5F5F5 (which is basically a VERY pale grey) and the white of the text is probably pure white ie #FFFFFF. Probably means its got a sharper colour difference.
  6. Hmm clicking hard drive, eep, backup all the data you need just in case... If your HD is 3+ years old theres a big chance of a failure tbh
  7. Thanks guys ^___^ @ daniel: your girlfriend is purdy <3
  8. aw @ Flinkenuh! Sweet =) I bloody have to work tomorrow *cries* I've begun to find myself getting REALLY impatient with people on the phone. Some are bloody arseholes. Sometimes I just want to tell them all to GTFO. I have to work on new years eve, what a load of shit no no its okay, just you go on ahead and talk to people beside you while we have a queue of people waiting at quarter to five *angers*
  9. high maintenance would defo be one way to describe it. I had some pink left in it and i couldn't be bothered bleaching it out.. I put lilac on top and it only took to the bottom half. (I have no idea why, I bloody BAKED the dye in with my hairdryer on the hottest setting) So now I look like a rainbow. It works so I don't mind/care. Only thing is it'll be faded come next week A whole head of hair, is horrendous. This is why the majority of my hair has been taken back to brown, haha. ^___^ ninja edit: i dunno which hairdressers would do it, there is a lot of liability issues with bleaching your hair white, and the coloured dye is specialist so they don't often stock it. Really need to phone around and ask
  10. lol @ rez advertising awesome. I has new hair (again)
  11. I've got nothing to hide Mods/admins are welcome to do an IP check on me, I'm honestly not that bored. X( Lol.
  12. Darko is not online, afaik he's in bed sick!
  13. You guys in the mainland really don't know what you have If the train to Belfast was cancelled, its a long 2 hour wait. Damn you all and your superior public transport.
  14. Did you (or potentially anyone else) install anything or do a system recovery? Overheating or windows issue I would imagine. (If its okay until the windows splash screen its more like to be a windows fault than a hardware fault) You have to be careful not to overdo the virus scanning, sometimes these things are picked up by virus scanners that are to strict and delete genuine files. (could also be something else that could have removed/locked/renamed the dll files, making windows unable to access them) Don't be overly abusive with the hoover, it can still cause static by pulling the dust particles at a high speed. Dust *generally* wont harm it unless its in mahoosive quantities/blocking fans/stopping decent airflow Hate to be a defeatist, but sounds like it probably is the best option. Actually, have you checked what things are running (CTRL + ALT + DEL > Task manager) if you sort by the CPU usage column maybe that could shed some light. Sometimes it just gets to a point where people have installed a ton of software - and it takes less time formatting than actually trying to work out what the problem is and removing it
  15. That plane is just sweeeet ^^
  16. I see what you mean Mooglez. I thought Homosexual was to prefer your like gender... So theorectically, intersexed/hermaphrodites would be into their own kind to be homo? Bloody hell the more you think about it the more it gets confusing
  17. Get back in your box boy Who now? Matthew Bellamy of Muse fame? To. Die. For. Shuuuusssh, I told you not to tell anyone! Ehh. I'm not in trouble that's for sure.
  18. That's assuming she doesn't marry out of her surname (or maybe she is married already :P)? I like classic, not necessarily common names. Chris, Ben, Arthur, Fred, Sophie, Ruth, names like that. How many middles names? I think I'd just go for the one, any more is a bit excessive. One of my friends was called Victoria Elizabeth Rachael Mary. Bit much for form filling methinks!
  19. Yay <3 Hannah is a name made of win :awesome:
  20. Strider, you give me the impression you aren't very confident in yourself, but actually, you are a very good looking chap! =)
  21. I have it, and I had a go of one of the wee racing games in it, where you sit down with your heels on the wii-fit board, (like accelerator pedals I suppose - one boosts you briefly and one is the actual accelerator) and drive with the wii-mote horizontally. Its a fun game, but I've yet to go into big depth. Maybe I'll post moar when I've given it a longer than brief play. =) Seems to be quite a few games to get my teeth into. Buy it you know you want to :wink:
  22. Short hair is win. Easier to colour too. ^___^
  23. Dear god that heights video was shocking. I got to the point of the guy doing pull ups from the crane and could not watch any more X(
  24. hahah ReZ is crazy AND awesome! ^^ --- Um, lets see, my day was pretty good minus work, I got a bargain in the form of pokemon diamond for 15 lovely British pounds. ^__^ Bummer being back at work mind you. Discovered I had more leave than I thought, and its coming up to a new tax year, so I gotta get spending it!
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