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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Its the same over here, I was in Argos, this weekend - it was bloody empty. This time last year you wouldn't have physically gotten in the shop there was so many people. The town seems busy here but I think a lot of people are dandering about, the shops are pretty empty, not many queues.
  2. PC specialist is good for customisation Overclockers are good for a big beast of a machine, or parts (maybe out of your price range if the parentals are paying?) but you definitely get quality from OC. Mesh have quality computers as well. Theres always the likes of Currys, but I find them a terrible rip-off and lacking in information
  3. But she's probably mentally scarred from the abuse she was suffering. A child doesn't really deserve that. Yes its great that she's alive, but what her parents did will be something she has to live with for the rest of her life.
  4. You need to get 6 for a full dinner set. I laughed but felt awful for it afterwards!
  5. I like the 2nd one too eenuh =) (but both are awesome)
  6. I had so much problem finding a desk, because I wanted a bigger than normal one, so I ended up getting wood and making one! Ikea has a nice range, argos is good for a basic computer desk.
  7. 12- In WD-40 what does is DW short for? (dunno why its DW in the question, but anyways) Water displacement, 40th formula/attempt Only one I know off the top of my head.
  8. Bleh it really is this time of year eh?! I got really ill over the last 2 weeks, and I'm just shaking it off now. When I get ill my immune system starts to attack itself, which probably doubles the recovery time! Hope everyone gets better soon!
  9. Have you been reading those dating books again tapedeck?
  10. ReZ av: i'm personally not much into comics, but thats a very cool av, the splotches around it is a nice addition. Really colourful, and nicely put together. One of my favourite avatars on the forum. 9.9/10. Sig: Someone did mention that it was a little busy (which i would be in agreement with) Towards the middle I'm not overly sure what I am seeing.. but you get away with it because the quality is top notch. If it was badly put together it would be a horrendous mess, it works pretty well. And the little balls addon on the right is awesome (self plug = yay). Also the quote is very fitting of your character. 10.5/10, for awesome levels exceeding the norm
  11. Stupid bloody parents. We have this "family plot" (grave) which my family are expecting me to part-pay to get redone. I'll rewind a bit and explain. We have a double width plot. And some stupid person (being my grandmother) got a single headstone and surround when her husband died. She's tight with money to put it lightly. So the plot has a single surround on half and just grass on the other half (the grassy bit is empty) And of course the centre of it collapsed (like they tend to do) taking most of the surround with it. My father and uncle fixed it up, but that was a good 5 years ago, and it needs re-done completely. Now i know I should have loyalty to my family.. but 1) the only person in there is someone that was buried 10 years before I was born.. and 2) I don't believe in being buried and find it entirely creepy that there are dead bodies underground, and hate graveyards, so therefore it will never be my grave. The cost will be well into the thousands I imagine I'll be paying a good couple of hundred if not more. If I asked my outside family for funds for a cremation, they'd probably shun me to hell. So why the hell is it okay this way?! :|
  12. @ paj: Av - Not a clue who it is. I like the pose though. A simple border, nicely done. 9/10. sig: I like the idea of your sig. Its something different - Would be nice if the pics were blended together better. 7/10 @ molly, i love your sig, its enchanting *stares* 8.5/10 avatar - I keep thinking its you and its badass :awesome: 10/10
  13. My ipod dock (its on a cd player system thing) wont charge my new ipod nano either What a bloody pain.
  14. To be fair his opinion wont stop the euro from taking over if it is going to My point was that its really unnecessary for having a dig at the guy for having an opinion, we all have them, right or wrong... Its actions that cause the problems, not thoughts.
  15. Retail therapy is win. I feel lots better today, migraine gone and got a decent nights sleep Its getting closer to christmas, and I'm really looking forward to it
  16. The guy is allowed an opinion, and its not very fair that everyone is taking rips out of him for doing so. Its not like he's harming anyone by having that opinion. Nothing wrong with a bit of pride and identity. We do supposedly live in a society of free thought, well maybe not
  17. moogle, you silly, you are an awesome catch! Saying that, I understand how you feel though. Its like being stuck in something safe (but unhappy) and not wanting to go out into the dangerous wilderness. Or something At least you know its what you want rather than have rushed it and regretted doing so, eh?
  18. Awh that's sad. *n-e hug for moogle*
  19. just typical, eh! Don't let it put you off tho! ^^
  20. o I wasn't trying to have a dig at anyone, hope nobody took it that way. ^__^;
  21. *high five* Can't beat simple really, thats always the way ours are. Roasties are the best!
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