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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Pokemon diamond DS £15
  2. Yeah I suppose its like anything else, using it with caution is the best idea Taking pills is rotten x( Thank god for the invention of a neeeedle ^^; edit: 10 days - jesus christ! I was ready to fall on my face after a week of taking paracetamol. Hope you feel better soon!
  3. Full time paycheck for the WINRAR! NER SO THERE. n00bs.
  4. bloody hell nightwolf - you look different with long hair!
  5. The one shorty posted I actually have too. Its ace, but yeah don't install the useless software! Mine gets thrown in the drawer because the light in it is awfully bright.
  6. Your body gets used to having crap in its system, then your liver starts to fail, lol. I was taking two different medications and I had to come off them cause they started giving me liver damage. But day to day I didnt feel unwell. Paracetamol really doesn't make you feel great at all. I took it when I had a bad reaction to a piercing and it was so bad i was sleeping most of the time! Its not really something you should take longer than a few days - made me feel groggy and shit.
  7. I plan to be 12 stone by christmas next year ^^ And maybe get fitter in the process!
  8. Aye there's quite a few of us, sadly! Although, I don't pop, I inject myself. Less side effects :awesome:
  9. Its true - seems to be an easy "solution". Not once has my registered GP advised me to do yoga/pilates, or take vitamins to help my arthritis. They are far to keen to throw brufen at you for pains. I only got referred to a Physiotherapist and Rhematologist after asking to see a different (and much better) GP. Edit: @ ashley - Henna guide
  10. Piercings > tattoos Piercings can be taken out! If you go tattoo get one somewhere easily hidden. Because one day we all have to get a sensible job! snore! Plus piercings are so much more awesome.
  11. Yeah living on medications isn't a fun thing. It really doesn't solve the problem at hand. TBH I think people feeling this way would be better going to talk to someone (maybe even open up to a friend, or see a professional) and make changes to their life. Adding drugs to your life does NOT make you feel better. The added health risks may not be a concern for somebody right now, but years down the line it might decide to stab you in the face. I pretty much live on medications myself (for other reasons), and I know a few people that have had drugs thrown at them for depression. It just made their lives worse and they wish they had never started taking them.
  12. sometime then? Read the OP people, lol.
  13. Strawberry ones are the first to go in any tin of sweets in my workplace or at home. Everyone I know loves em :3 coffee and orange are okay.
  14. I like shopping in a store sometimes, it can be fun with friends. Its also great to see the physical object - particularly shoes - nothing worse than a bad fitting pair of shoes to put me in a bad mood But then again its sometimes just SO much easier to buy online.
  15. I have an upscaling dvd player (w/ HDMI cable) and an HDTV. Its pretty damn nice. If you are a big movie buff (and have a nice big HDTV too) then maybe blu ray is worth it, but I couldn't justify spending so much money tbh
  16. The western digital is sexual. I have its 1TB bigger brother. You must get eet naaaaw!!!
  17. food dye in your printer, edible paper, and away you go That actually could be a ruddy awesome invention
  18. Absolutely bear in mind he actually had a beard n such when i saw him. Plus his hair is redder in the sunlight of Sheffield!
  19. Defo nothing like that n00b drake.
  20. Yes been there done that XD The trick is to buy smaller candles, they don't need to burn for quite as long as the bigger ones. I have those big yankee candles, and they do that a lot. And once it funnels a few times there is no way of melting it except leaving the thing burning for like 20 hours, lol.
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