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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. oh lord i remember that! Every single one of them favoured the faked boobs. Really does very little for confidence! Now I have to go get a boob job to be accepted by men? Fuck that shit.
  2. I'm actually relieved to see that my name wasnt included in this little statement! I think this is a very fair point. Mags like nuts and zoo do nothing for NORMAL female image. I've never worn a face full of slap. Wouldn't have a clue and have very little interest in wearing it on a daily basis. Shouldn't feel like you have to! besides, Ine, you are stunning anyway! also just another point, beauty is subjective, eye of the beholder and all that shiz.
  3. ReZ, your jokes suck so bad. --- Last night I went to bed way too early, because my wrist is dislocated and i was in a considerable amount of pain. Which resulted in me waking up at 4am.. Feels a bit better now. Trying not to overdo things. Had a bit of a disaster when I nearly dropped a scalding hot grill pan on myself (while i was using my good wrist) mega frustrating that i can't do normal shit without being an accident waiting to happen. i tried to get my dad to pull my wrist and try and get it back into shape, but he said all he could feel was my joints cracking >_<
  4. liike clock spider? *shudders*
  5. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo get the colour BACK NAOW :(
  6. I wasnt really scared of spiders until recently when I saw a 3 inch long spider in my room. The bastard was FAST >_<
  7. Oh wow that looks yummy. Needs moar pepper tho, tsk tsk!!
  8. I knew this would be a rez original thread when i saw the title. And the answer is yes, you are mad haxz crazy.
  9. Happy birthday blueeeey ^^;
  10. Ashmonger used flail! (sorry couldn't resist)
  11. i had a dislocated wrist yesterday so i went to bed early in the hope that it would ease (which it has) but the result is im am now fully awake at 4am. grrr. anti-social sleeping pattern ftl
  12. are you looking on your own posts? you cant thank your own posts so it isnt on them.
  13. I'm very allergic to chlorine so I don't generally go swimming.
  14. Yay buttons bought me a present from Looooondon, shes awesome. =D Work was boring, im glad its the weekend!
  15. It does come and go, but its more the repetitive movement that trashes my joints. I mean like a lot of the time i'm in considerable pain after walking. I walked home once, it was about 2 miles (a good few years ago maybe about 5 years) and my hips were in agony. This was basically the first time that I worked out there was something VERY wrong. Now its more like 5 minutes of doing anything to push myself at all will trash my body. Hopefully a little less weight will ease it, and ill try and build it up slowly. Need to get shouting at my rhematologist to get some meds for it =)
  16. Fake it and make yourself look really sick. pale down the makeup (but not obviously so) rub your eyes a bit to make em a little red, and pretend to sneeze lots. Worked for me :P
  17. Urgh I just found out the nasty way that (I think) I'm allergic to acrylic. Either that or I stretched my ear too soon. It was fine for the first 12 hours, then when i went to work I had to change the earpiece to my other ear to take calls... i changed the piercing to metal when i got home and it bled quite a bit. Don't think its a blowout cause its only 3mm. It still didnt feel right so I downsized it. I'm 99% sure its an allergy as I've had one before with gold. Now the only problem is finding suitable jewellery. 3mm seems to be really awkward >_< My ear is bleeding, and swollen. Tasty.
  18. New call centre get! Its like trying to work the tardis with the new phones we have. Awesomesauce. But its huge, airy, the right temp, and the sounds of people around me dont distract like they used to in the old cramped office. I'm very happy to finally be in a legit call centre. And as part of the rent money the NHS pays for this private place, we get free tea/coffee/milk/sugar/hot water/bread/butter/jam. Toast for breakfast. Hell yes. <3 I'm now 10x happier working there (even though we are still shortstaffed at the mo) Now I feel that work has settled I feel that my diet has improved. I'm not stress-eating. Yay.
  19. why thank you :P


    I think I may just refrain from posting and enjoy the nice round number. mmm 5k =D


    p.s your profile is very....dotty. I approve!

  20. I work in an NHS call centre myself and I have no "medical background"
  21. I have two goldfish and they are in an absolute state. One has what seems to be fin rot, and one has what looks like a MAHOOSIVE tumour/ulcer thing. They seem very happy. Always excited when they get food ^^;
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