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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. aw but my pathetic house was awesome
  2. b00h00. I generated a new map there and all the weather stuff is funky! I came across some grassland that must have had about 30 animals on it
  3. Is the kneeeee server down today? I'm getting a connection error!
  4. ... I got up an hour earlier than I should have. Stupid
  5. Our pizza hut is only nice if you are sitting in.. They don't do deliveries and if you collect stuff they completely forget about you and you eat up with cold food
  6. Wait wait wait.... These people are getting paid min wage.... and you actually expect them to care about their job? Fair enough if you already have a passion for it (dyson i'm looking at you) but they aren't actually trained or really expected to know anything about these games.. You want a good service you need to A/ pay staff better B/ employ staff who are knowledgeable via application criterion/testing C/ actually care about the industry
  7. Yesssss. We have a Milanos in ballymena as well. Its nomtastic. Seriously goooooood. I find the local, more individual, branches tend to be the best. As opposed to the chain stores.
  8. if it means I can get some coal and other stuff i'll help. We should all pitch in
  9. how does one get on the NE server?
  10. Eat a whole pizza by yourself and you'll soon see what filling is! Although its a bit expensive to do that any more than a rare occasion
  11. Max Power But seriously, I don't wanna change my name, its like divorcing your family and i'd feel sad
  12. ahh god way to much pesto. If its anything like the one with cheese in the middle it'll be as dry as a board. Blergh.
  13. I thought I wouldn't be interested at all but its awesome. Dude only £9 if you get it naoooooooooooooooooow. Do eeet! Yeah I agree with Wesley, it is very Lego like!
  14. Minecraft
  15. look what you lot made me do... now i'm £8.96 down! =P
  16. aww poor martini. Hope you had a good day love
  17. but then Rez would want 5 of those...
  18. stay at home daddy?! Congrats!
  19. I got my ghd's today /girly squeak
  20. I think Schwarzkopf Live Color XXL do a dark blue shade. Dark blue is very hard to achieve normally, but you have very dark hair so you might get away with it well. Normally my blues end up REALLY BOLD or really pale. I mean, heck, hair grows....if its crap its gonna grow out eventually :awesome:
  21. dunno yet, need to get raf medical records from when I was a baby (i've got a history of eye problems). Got a review in December but thats pending on those. No idea when or what is even being done surgically wise. Basically up in the air!
  22. i like the hair but you could do with dying it green or something... maybe thats just me :P
  23. fuuuuu~ i have to get surgery... they can't fix my dumb stupid eye. damn damn damn.
  24. Supergrunch used EndThread... It was very effective!!
  25. I think I read the 13 and 3/4 book in school and it was pretty awesome if i recall
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