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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. mp says I have an outdated client?
  2. mine healed in two weeks then rejected in 6 months, talk about gutted. The pain I went through for the damn thing was unbelievable. My piercer said he'd never seen cauliflower ear so bad (my ear was puffed out so much there was no indent around the top of my ear, completely round) I even had it changed about a month in to a labret stud to keep it light, to no avail Minimal pain after the hellish 2 weeks, then it got really loose and I took it out just before it would have fallen apart. And the structure of that bit of the ear has collapsed a little too. (think that's part of the course though) How are you finding your stretches? I just recently went up to 8mm (0g) in one of my ears and it was so unbelievably easy compared to every previous stretch! I'm tempted to go further but I think I'm at the point of no return now! (given that its stretching a bit too easily now)
  3. I agree How long have you had your rook for?
  4. I'm @hannata_
  5. Yay mcoy you're the best <3 Here seriously though, let me know if i can donate? It's only fair!
  6. so you should be I can give as good as I get so its no worries man. We had plenty of lolz on the game, completely harmless may I add. I dunno... has this been a case of crossed wires? I'm sure Plomps/Tys didn't mean any harm, nor did he steal. It's a community server so we do have to share space.. and I think the bonfire thing may have been a misunderstanding.
  7. Haha nice post rummeh! The cold is pure boggin. Once I get cold to my joints it takes hours upon hours for me to get back to norm! Unfortunately I'm bad during the heat too... Because of my immune system problems (psoriasis especially) my body has very little control of its temperature. Which means I'll be frozen to the bone for hours then suddenly I'm sweating the bit out. >_> When I was a kid I used to looooove the cold. Again because of my psoriasis I covered up, and in the summer it was pretty hellish. Now I don't really give a shit what people think so its all good My favourite weather is a moderately warm day (early 20s) with a bit of a breeze and not too much rain. And I don't mind the cold days when its high pressure and all is still and quiet. They are nice thinking days. :P
  8. See that would kill me. Its not even in the negatives here and my joints are throbbing on a constant basis. You lucky lucky guy :P
  9. ....and darker! I just got to thinking how much i DETEST the winter. My poor ankle is throbbing like a bitch and my hands are ice cold. And its uber sad going to work when its dark and leaving when its dark again... I'm missing the whole daylight god darn it! The one thing I like about winter... spring is next, and its my favourite season! Yeay : peace: Talk to meeeee.
  10. Oh my that coat is hideous.... throw it back to the 90s where it belongs plz
  11. I'm pretty sure plomps was just moving things around, I don't think he stole anything.... You're all forgetting we're still in Alpha.... which means faults. It's more than possible that its a gameplay bug
  12. errr... I do second the sentiment however :P
  13. you need a phone line to have any broadband internet connection....
  14. Hey suckah.


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  15. He said he wanted to move it to build a house, and there was space beside my house.. i said it would probable be okay for it to be moved over a bit if he needed the room, he took it down then never bothered to replace it.
  16. I think I'll give it a miss
  17. Milanos lunchtime special... best pizza in the world :3
  18. a few years ago (2007 i think) they did it on the 1st Nov and were actually in the national newspaper as being the first in the UK. Madness
  19. as long as its clean and not stupidly unruly, I really don't give a monkeys how much hair a man has
  20. i (as well as flomps) was on it minutes before it happened and everything was fine.... (then mcoy did an update) Its not possible that anyone could have done that in that space of time.
  21. why has my house been destroyed?!
  22. They aren't going to laugh at your bits you know waxing isnt itchy when it comes back.... and it usually comes back finer/not sharp like ine said
  23. where'd you buy eeet? I'm still loving teh gym, ive just got a bollox diet so my weight is going nowhere. But im getting seriously fitter.. The crosstrainers in the gym go into standby if you stay below a certain speed (might be 5kph) and I struggled to do 3 minutes without it going on standby... (it really aggravated my hips in the beginning) now I can do 10 minutes at a steady 10kph
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