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Everything posted by daftada

  1. Cheers for the help! And thanks for the offer of Vullaby - any pokemon from black you need? I'll pm you my friend code. I'm currently testing out Sigilyph and trying to evolve Golett. Sigilyph seems pretty handy, but I'm not a big fan of its design. I really wish Druggidon or Emolga could learn fly, they're cool looking and seem good fighters. My current team is made up of: Emboar Serperior Oshawottever its final evolution is called Krookodile Boldore's final evo They're a pretty tight bunch and can handle just about anything I've come across so far (up to dragon spiral tower). I'm just holding auditions for the sixth space in my team. Emolga would get in on cuteness alone (and I love electric pokemon), but Drugiddon looks like a real bad-ass mo fo who would kill someone just for thinking about him. Got Sigilyph and Golett as mentioned before (Sigil also fills the psychic gap that I need). Then there's Venipede (I've never really used bug/poison much before but its final evo looks pretty cool) and some funny-headed, grey psychic fellow. Just can't decide between them!
  2. Which pokemon can learn fly in this game? I really want to switch out my unfezant for a fancier 'mon but none of my chosen replacements can learn fly (which i use a heck of a lot). Even druggidon can't learn it and he has wings! I just reached dragon spiral tower, so prob not found an area with decent flying types but if anyone can recommend a good one please let me know!
  3. Not at all, at least not for one (very large) section of their audience. Nintendo can keep the Wii chugging along nicely for another couple of years if they keep bringing their more casual titles to the system. Hardly any casual gamers are even going to be aware of a Wii successor until it's actually on the shelves, giving Nintendo at least another 18 months as a viable low-level entry system. Think of the life span of the PS and PS2; Wii could comfortably carry on selling bucketloads in the same way. On the hardcore side, Nintendo still has a lot of stuff to offer: Zelda, Xenoblade, Last Story and DQ X, and not forgetting any surprises on the VC (earthbound please...). I've got far too many games to complete anyway so I'm in no rush for Wii 2. We still don't know what is going to be revealed for Wii yet either. Nintendo probably would have kept it all under wraps till E3 had developers not leaked details, and if Nintendo's finacial forecasts hadn't taken a tumble (they need to keep shareholders' minds off diminishing Wii/DS income).
  4. Anyone around reading/newbury? I NEED a white suited mii to finish a room on the quest thingy.
  5. Added you all!
  6. I've added everyone so far, I'll be on SSF4 later tonight if anyone wants a battle or two
  7. Added you!
  8. Did anyone get theirs in the post today? My friend code is 2793-0578-5004. Add me!
  9. How can you breed from the starters? Are there any ditto types in this or do i need a male and female (got male snivy and oshawott already). Cheers! I'll take a zorua egg off you! Can swap for one of the starters once i've out how to breed them!
  10. Give me a kingdom hearts style action-rpg crossover with characters and locales frol Nintendo's back catalogue and I'd be a happy chappy.
  11. Wait what? They have a level set in Oxford??? That made me laugh. Don't remember it ever looking like that!
  12. I don't think one single dev sits in the Rare seat, instead Nintendo have a bunch of smaller developers that collectively make the sorts of titles you'd have expected from Rare: Retro Studios, Good Feel, Monster Games and Skip. In a way Rare was almost like a collection of developers, seeing as the studio structure meant that 3-4 teams within Rare focussed on different genres (FPS, racing, beat-em-up, platform) almost competing against one another. Despite a drop in quality (although I personally loved the last B&K game) I wish Rare had never left Nintendo. I would have loved to have seen what they could have done on the GC and Wii graphically, and their sporadic releases would have at least given us something to look forward to in Nintendo's lean periods. I also miss their constant teasing of new projects and the gossip/rumours that they generated in forums and in magazines. Oh well, maybe they'll return for the 3DS/Wii 2
  13. No probs - I understand hpw painful it is having a pile of unplayed games! For anyone that is interested in this game, I got mine from Asda for £11, might be worth checking them out.
  14. I have a spare copy if you want it? It's unopened, I'll take £10 for it with p&p included!
  15. Do the materials you unlock in lbp 1 appear in the sequel? I never played the first game but i'd definitely pick it up if i can get some more stuff to use in lbp 2s create mode.
  16. If anyone's playing on friday night i'd be up for some online action. I'm only a few hours into it and haven't had much chance to try an online battle.
  17. Wasn't Richard Jacques responsible for the Blade-Runner style music in the first one? I don't think he was involved in the sequel so maybe that's why it lacks that special something? The music was definitely better in the first game from what I remember.
  18. I'm going to wait and see the reviews before getting this (just like the rest of the 3DS launch line-up). If they only have Wuhu Island and very little content I'll pass. Shame as I was really looking forward to a new Pilotwings
  19. Can you revisit old worlds again? I missed quests on mickeyjunk mtn and plutonia...
  20. Isn't it more likely that 20k is the remainder of the firSt shipment? I don't think Nintendo have shipped the second batch yet.
  21. More bumpage (sorry!), but this is £12.85 at The Hut right now!
  22. If they could somehow beef up the options in Combat Training I'd be a happy bunny.
  23. Best water effect in a game ever? For me it's got to be the first water level from Diddy Kong's Quest on the SNES - the subtle mode 7 effect Rare used to make the water look 3D was amazing back in the day!
  24. Any news of more DLC on the way? I'm 175 exp points away from level 30 and I've completed absoultely every mission on the main game and DLC. That power gamer achievement is sat on my dashboard taunting me...
  25. DQ8 is one of my all time fave games - definitely the best DQ imo. I've enjoyed DQ9 so far (just got to Greygnarl), but I can see why you might not have warmed to it yet. In place of the game delivering character development I've made my own back stories in my head anyway (my priest is in exile after some money went missing from his church funds, although he insists they were just 'resting' in his account)! You should definitely follow Grazza's sage advice and go for DQ8, you won't be disappointed! I can't wait to see DQ10, hope it's still on Wii - there's nothing like playing a DQ on the big screen!
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