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Everything posted by daftada

  1. Here's a blast from the past for any long-time Cube-Europe forumites still knocking around. I found some old footage of Game Stars Live from 2004 on a cover disc and uploaded the video to YouTube. One of my old C-E friends CubeChris got in touch to say he's in the video (and the thumbnail!). Thought there might be a couple more of you oldies featured, so if you went along to the event and checked out the Nintendo booths have a watch and see if your younger self is in it too. Any newer Nintendo fans curious about mid-noughties fashion are also welcome to check it out of course
  2. I've made another collection of footy kits if anyone would like one to wear on their island?
  3. Thank you! They took a while to make, record and edit, so glad people like them 😃
  4. Anyone still playing this regularly? I’ve made a bunch of kits for Euro 2020 if anybody is interested?
  5. Tried making some festive town tunes, some actually turned out ok! Would have made more if we could use sharp and flat notes but hey.
  6. I’ve made another collection of footy shirts - all 20 Premier league home shirts if anyone is interested?
  7. Second batch of premier league kit codes. Haven't got around to Ajax yet @markderoos
  8. Completed my first batch of 20/21 footy shirts if anyone is interested?
  9. 278 over here if that’s any good for anyone? Dodo code is BKG3Y
  10. 172 this morning, plus Redd flogging some fakes.
  11. Open again, sorry chaps. Went into sleep mode! Just rum tasting with the missus so will just leave console running #Datenight
  12. My collection of custom retro Man U designs. Relive the glory days of the Fergie era from the comfort of your own Island!
  13. Is it ok to post links to youtube vids? I have a fe Animal Crossing ones I’d like to share but thought I’d ask here first. Ta!
  14. My wife has Reneigh on her island too! Marshal’s one of the most wanted islanders according to the interwebs. Might sell him off on eBay if he does anything to annoy me. Thanks for popping round! If anyone comes across anything football related (other than the goal or an actual football, got those) can you let me know. Ta!
  15. I’m just looking after little un so might not be very chatty! Town is Hobbston, by the way!
  16. Opened my gates, left the items in my trading post by the entrance 😃
  17. Thanks @Tales !! I’ll bring more watering cans next time!
  18. @Tales sent you a friend request, mind if I pop over? Any furniture sets you’re on the lookout for?
  19. Yeah just logged off sorry! Will be online most of the day tomorrow Though
  20. Logging in now, i’ll leave them by the entrance
  21. If you still want them, I have a red life ring and pink sun loungers. Can leave my island open later for you to pop over. FC is sw-8326-4564-2218
  22. If anyone wants some custom footy shirts I’ve got a nice collection of retro Man Utd kits and every Premier League home shirt available. Creator ID MA-1389-2225-9772
  23. Apologies for gate-crashing Kaepora, hid a tip near your house!
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