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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Not for me, personally. The Mass Effect trilogy though.... The least EA can do after killing the franchise.
  2. I wouldn't be so sure that they regret not putting microtransactions in their most treasured IP tbh, a missed opportunity but I think they care more about not devaluing Mario.
  3. Maybe they only reluctantly put a Mario platformer on mobile because they thought it would make crazy money to keep their investors happy, but in the end didn't.
  4. Already did, starting it next week when I've got time off work. These arrived from Japan today too in anticaption...
  5. I've no doubt you'd finish it a second time before I even start it!
  6. Congrats! Still enjoyed till the end? Did it ever become a chore?
  7. I think Stardew Valley is a bit bugged atm, so I'd suggest waiting for a patch or two; that's what I'm doing.
  8. At EGX last month I queued for an hour and a half to play Odyssey, as soon as I'd finished I walked straight onto an empty Sonic Forces demo, no queue, no one waiting. The game was a mess, and not fun in the slightest.
  9. My eShop 'to play' list. This could take a while...
  10. Put in a few hours of Thimbleweed Park last night and really enjoying it! The pixel art is lovely, the writing is predictably fantastic and there's been a fair few laugh out loud moments. The hint system is very useful, I've only had to use it once. One negative is having to move the cursor around and select the various verbs can be a bit cumbersome, but hasn't really been too annoying. Also if you play in handheld mode you can just use the touchscreen to play, which is cool.
  11. No wonder they're still making games for the 3DS! Interesting, so just under two thirds of Switch owners are over 20
  12. Sold 2 million in three days
  13. Nice cutscenes. Now where's the game?
  14. Direct incoming? We just had a nindies one so maybe not.
  15. I really didn't need to see some girl having her elbows hammered in Violence purely for shock value. Meh.
  16. I played the E3 demo (hostage scenario) at EGX last month, and it blew me away. Clever idea overall but what really wowed me were the visuals and especially the presentation, stunning.
  17. This looks beautiful, can't wait to play. Looks like a Media Molecule type of game.
  18. It's been in development for so long. Sony revealed it at E3 2015 but the concept was shown off at the PS4 launch so 4+ years of dev time. Surely they wouldn't throw all that work away. Maybe at PSX....
  19. What an amazing game, just 100%'d it. Surely they dropped enough hints in that finale about a Steamworld Dig 3?? Image & Form did brilliant work though, once again.
  20. I'd rather be us with fond memories of LOZ/ALTTP/OOT and Super Mario Bros/3/World AND be able to appreciate and love BOTW and Odyssey!
  21. Taken as a whole it was pretty good I think, though the pre-show had bigger reveals with Guacamelee 2 and Spenlunky 2 tbh. It's also a bit dishonest to go on about how "E3 was only half the show" and then have the vast majority of this one show the same games as E3! Destiny, Monster Hunter, COD, Battlefront, Spiderman, Detroit, God of War, Horizon DLC, Shadow etc... That said, Concrete Genie looked phenomenal, and was my personal highlight. It looked fresh and beautiful! Wonder what the game will play like. Couldn't judge Sucker Punch's new game from just cinematics.
  22. From the looks of things, same thing they had at E3! Destiny, Monster Hunter, COD, Battlefront, Spiderman, Detroit, God of War.... Edit: And Horizon DLC Edit 2: And Shadow of the Colossus! Detroit looks amazing though tbf
  23. Yeah nothing shown for VR to make me want to buy one but at least the ball is still rolling
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