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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Took the Wii U one year 10 months to add them, but you could customise your home screen and move stuff around at will there so not quite as needed as PS4/Switch. So going by the Wii U, we have four months to wait, going by PS4, a year and a half. Hopefully closer to the former, but I can't say I'm that desperate for them.
  2. In my defence it took Playstation three years to add folders on PS4 and that home screen really needed them with all the apps and bloatware
  3. Is that a SNES controller? Doesn't really look like it but can't think what else it could be
  4. Wow. King of Cards releases April 2019 a whole two years after Specter of Torment. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2018/08/30/shovel-knight-king-of-cards-showdown-physical-edition-release-date-announced At this point I don't think it's too much to ask that this is even more of a standalone game than SoT was.
  5. One way of not doing it is have it out a month after the game's release. D'oh.
  6. Another month to convince me not to renew my PS+, can't remember the last time I actually played a game off it. Easily over a year ago.
  7. I suspect that the shrines are just a byproduct of the giant open world. They needed puzzle areas and so filled it with 120 shrines. Personally I loved stumbling on a shrine, it made for a nice change of pace from the traversal and combat. That said they really needed to vary the design of them more. Having them all look the same was a definite downer, and it could have been great if they were themed by the area they were in, (aesthetically at least, the puzzles were themed by location on the map) Oh and no horror as such but there's a couple of eerie/spooky areas. Also running into a guardian when you're ill equipped is pretty scary. It's weird though, Mario Odyssey didn't have any boos or haunted mansions either. Like Nintendo just abandoned the scares for this gen. ... and then had Luigi killed, Mario squeezed to death and Mega Man impaled that is.
  8. At least most of the others have a strong cover graphic to draw your eye, the Naboo fighters are easy to miss. Also I suppose there's not much you can do when your title graphic takes up HALF THE PAGE! That Majora's Mask feature plug right in the middle of it made me laugh too
  9. Wow that's pretty poor, only a month after release is ridiculous. At least wait a bit of time so it looks a bit better to the consumer! That said £50 (at launch, before the big price cut) isn't enough for big AAA games any more so they need to make more money. As games get even bigger things like DLC, season passes and lootboxes will only increase. Unless they up the price of games that is, which won't happen.
  10. I loved N64 magazine but looking back, that's probably the worst cover design I've ever seen, from any magazine!
  11. Not a bad showing, especially when combined with the EU one last week. Nice surprise to have Hyper Light Drifter out in a week or so, been desperate to play that for a while. Mineko's Night Market looks interesting.
  12. I like the white handles but the Smash logo doesn't look great.
  13. It seems pretty clear now the Switch was rushed out of the door for release and they would have ideally worked on it for a little while longer. It worked out well in the end but the joy con hardware is definitely an issue, at least the launch ones. For the record mine don't have the above problem but I tend to use the Pro controller mostly anyway.
  14. That's a shame, was hoping for some story stuff at least. Also annoying how they've locked both DLC's behind impossible to find places.
  15. They're adding online play to NES and SNES games
  16. Yes he was in no way criticising others, not even hinting at such a thing and was only commenting on their own pricing models and how their pay-once offering hasn't worked out that well.
  17. If Nintendo slashed their prices to bargain basement ones six months after release I absolutely would take advantage, as H-O-T points out everyone loves a bargain. It has nothing to do with me. The software itself is still quality, why shouldn't it be full price. We're not talking about a 10 year old port, we're talking about a current gen game being released on a different platform. Now if Nintendo had a system where they could tell which accounts had already purchased the game on Wii U and offered those select people a discount then that would be great. Sadly not the case though. I'm fully aware how much work Bluepoint put into the Shadow remake (visually at least!). My point is if Sony thought they could get away with charging full price for it, they would have. Look I'm not saying I wouldn't welcome a 10 quid cheaper re-release of MK8. What I am against though is the crazy slashing of prices on PS4 and Xbox One games that do so much damage to the industry. One where publishers and studios are already struggling to make ends meet. Yes the lower price brings an extra influx of sales but the byproduct is lowering the value of games in the consumer's mind. Something Miyamoto directly talked about in the quote I posted. That's why Nintendo keep their games at the same cost for a long time and even if it puts me a bit more out of pocket I'm absolutely fine with. Games are more expensive than ever to make yet cost the same (if not less) as they have for decades.
  18. Not sure where the suggestion that Miyamoto is criticising greed in the mobile industry. He said their one-time-payment model hasn't worked too well but that they're going to try and persist with it. There you go again speaking on behalf of everyone. No we don't all think people who bought it one one console shouldn't be paying the same price on another. That's the whole point of this discussion. Three years. Two years 11 months actually. It's practically ancient. With tons of DLC added and a brand new battle mode. How dare they charge full price. Sony don't release Shadow of the Colossus (a game that's actually old) at a reduced price out of the kindness of the heart. They do it because PS4 owners would laugh at having to pay full price for a remaster.
  19. Buying a game twice is 100% up to the consumer, so they're not "paying the price" for the game not selling on Wii U, they're choosing to invest in the game on a different platform. Why should a current gen game have its value slashed just to "reward" people who've bought it already? (As if playing the game itself the first time wasn't reward enough) I bought, played and loved Tropical Freeze and Hyrule Warriors on Wii U, but have zero inclination or desire to buy it a second time, so I won't.
  20. A steal, it's worth 4x that much
  21. Really, last I heard the dev wasn't very forthcoming when asked, but would be great if it was indeed coming.
  22. Too early to hope for a Steamworld Dig 3 I suppose, but fingers crossed for a Guacamelee 2 and Spenlunky 2 announced for Switch.
  23. Seems to be working. Switch software numbers are insane.
  24. From your point of view. And that's just gamer entitlement. You don't pay for something based on the difficulty it was to create, you base it on the value it offers you.
  25. If publishers are going to give me a way of saving money then I'm going to do it, just as most people would. I do buy games like Detroit or God of War at launch, but ones I'm less keen to play I wait for the inevitable price slashing. Mario Kart 8 doesn't look like an old game. It's one of the prettiest games in the industry at the moment, regardless of what the technological leap the Switch is or isn't. It doesn't play or look old, the gameplay holds up, the visuals hold up, so I don't see why it's not worth the original price tag.
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