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Everything posted by Clownferret

  1. Yep more aliens this time, you can kill them now but only get limited ammo to retain the suspense, but at least we get to kill a few of the blighters this time. Said it before but that engine using the jurassic park franchise would be brilliant.
  2. i'm playing golf this afternoon and will be tight for time. So can somebody else host group 2 and if i don't make it apologies in advance.
  3. Battlefront and PGA is all I need. Any news on an Alien sequel would be nice.
  4. I've just ranted in the FIFA thread about this, but PS4 doesn't have legends on FIFA?! Why is this console selling? The controllers wear out, the main rival has a superior version of one of it's two main games, so fucking angry I didn't buy an xb1 now. At this point I don't even know who I blame more this, Sony, Microsoft or EA.
  5. FFS! I bought a PS4 mainly as a FIFA/COD machine and having just started playing FIFA have learnt that ultimate team legends are only on xbox, I hate this console specific content bullshit. Does PES still have legends? Is this going to be the same in Fifa 16?
  6. WOW! I didn't even know that shortcut existed!!!! No wonder I'm in Group 2/3
  7. I want a no item night as I'm cheesed off at being interviewed top 4 after half a lap due to better cornering etc just to get dumped on when the items kick in. As for frantic mode I kept picking up coins whilst everybody else was getting triple reds.
  8. bloody annoying, I can hear you guys but in the party screen my profile has an x over the microphone???? got to collect my daughter will be back at 8pm
  9. i've only played once, would be a short career.
  10. i'm up for some FIFA.
  11. thanks team, will change the HDMI and see if that resolves the issue.
  12. HELP! PS4 is driving me nuts. Quite often when I turn on the PS4 there is no sound output to the tv as if there are headphones plugged in to a controller, even though no headphones are plugged in and the only way i can get sound is to plug in some headphones. Can anybody tell me how to fix this please?
  13. I don't think there's anything coming for Wii U that I'm interested in. A Nintendoland sequel would be a good Amiibo game with online. Would love to see GC on VC and a lot more N64 games.
  14. in fairness up until recently Nintendo has been dominating the software chart in Japan for some time, mostly due to 3DS titles, but likes of Smash and MK have done big numbers. It's baffled me how few PS4 titles have been in the charts despite the console selling well.
  15. i'd like to see Messi play in another league, not doubting his brilliance (for me he's the best player ever) but playing in Spain does favour his stats, there's no way he'd score anywhere near that many goals in the Premier League.
  16. it's already on playstation 4 i just need to know if I can stream it to my Playstation TV box from my PS4
  17. does anybody know if i can watch the skygo app via playstation tv
  18. It was a only a few weeks back that Chelsea were level on points with Man City, so it's utter drivel to claim they have been miles ahead all season. How some numpties can claim chelsea have been bad this season is laughable... Only lost 3 games all see season, got knocked out of Europe without losing a game and Costa has only been fit for half a season. Yeah that famous 3-3 hammering that went to extra time and got decided on away goals, a tie that Chelsea were never losing in 310 minute! 4 Yeah that famous 3-3 hammering that went to extra time and got decided on away goals, a tie that Chelsea were never losing in 310 minute!
  19. @Phube see you on Thursday lol
  20. how can i discuss the Chelsea vs Leicester result with @Phube if wer're in different groups?! You'll be back!
  21. well this generation is barely out of nappies and I've already got 3 COD games so I for one won't be pouring any more of my money into Activisions pockets on that franchise.
  22. Certainly once we've all had some time on 200cc I can imagine that 150cc will feel too slow. Until then it's just chaos.
  23. Was harsh racing new tracks on 200cc. Using brakes in mario kart is so bloody alien it's like playing a different game. Hats off to Nintendo though, this is how dlc should be. There is absolutely no reason for yearly versions of Fifa and COD they could so easily release updates and patches and then spend their time making other games.
  24. group 2 waiting on jimbob
  25. send me a friend request
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