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Everything posted by Clownferret

  1. New members, the league is growing
  2. top speed is pointless on league nights, you'd barely get out of second gear before a weapon gets stuffed up your exhaust pipe.
  3. go heavy, that way i won't be able to ram you off the track quite so easily
  4. This conversation is all that is wrong with the Wii U... platformers, platformers and platformers!
  5. Great theme @Phube despite getting murdered with items. I'm definitely going o suggest a theme soon. It's good to be back.
  6. a @Phube theme with no Donut Plains, something is rotten in Denmark! Apart from Toads Turnpike, I'm liking these tracks so a glorious return from the Ferret is on the cards.
  7. sorry dude I'm going to have to pull out tonight
  8. No change there then
  9. what shambles this game is. Wes Brown appeals and gets off, but there is stupid rule that you can't review John O'Shea so they both get off... Absurd! The same thing happened with Gibbs and The Ox a while back. Why are there so many broken rules in the game that never get changed.
  10. Moyes has not done anything in his career to make you think he could have turned things around at Man Utd, or even to get the job in the first place, whereas Van Goal has an uncanny knack for winning things. I can see Utd winning the FA Cup and getting top 4 which would have to be considered a good first season. Even as Chelsea fan I don't get the logic of reducing it by one game. To come out and say the ref saw it and therefore no further action can be taken and then reduce the ban is nonsensical. I think there was such a backlash in the media that they felt they had to do something to appease all parties. On the subject of tv just give each manager 1 appeal each half, that won't slow down the game and will prevent every little incident being reviewed, the managers would only use it for a game changing incident.
  11. Same goes for me.
  12. Sell 100 consoles @ £1 profit = +£100 Sell 200 consoles @ 50p loss = -£100 Nintendo are not in a position to show any further losses and have to keep selling Wii U at a profit.
  13. Tell that to Matic who will be sitting out the Cup Final on Sunday whilst Vertongen who did exactly the same thing didn't even get a yellow. The officials have been dreadful this season. The frustrating thing is until they start using tv replays for decisions this will continue. What I really don't get with refs is when a team has multiple penalty appeals and the ref turns every one down. You would think logic would dictate that three half penalties add up to a penalty, so if the ref has already turned down 2 appeals that could have gone either way, by the 3rd he would give it, a bit like when you see a player get a yellow card for numerous tackles. Southampton must have been we well and truly pissed off with the ref yesterday. It's understandable that refs will miss somethings, but when you have 3 penalties and a red card all turned down you can't help but think the ref is on one.
  14. i offered to take over the when lost declared he had lost his mojo
  15. you want some sugar for those grapes? Bittersweet for me, obviously want to win the final, but would also love for Ferret Jnr to experience a cup win. I would take the league now and give Spurs the league cup if I had the choice.
  16. I'm out for the next two weeks.
  17. LOL read it and weep bitch
  18. now i know why Glen-I is so good. Just shot a red shell at him on the last lap on rainbow road and it just went straight past him WTF
  19. fucking bomb dropping bastard!!!!!!
  20. what gives?
  21. let's go!!!!!!
  22. should have played just one group, feeling jinxed this year
  23. sweet bruvs
  24. I'm definitely very near the end but the bitch is all over you. It's horrible when she is after you and you do a save, but then when you restart she is right there. I must have died at least a dozen times last night. I've run out of flame thrower fuel and molotovs and now completely powerless to do anything other than hide.
  25. hoping my connection behaves tonight, only managed 2 out of 6 GP's so far.
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