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Everything posted by Clownferret

  1. concerned, but resigned :-( PS4 being delivered tomorrow for all things non-Nintendo. Have about 25 Wii U games to play through plus Zelda, whenever it comes out.
  2. purchased my PS4 today. Got a good deal... white PS4, Little Big PLanet 3 which has a £40 trade in value and The Last of Us download code for £299 Anybody want to buy the code? I have no interest in it so will sell to best offer.
  3. it may not have been as bad but would still have been poor. COD Ghosts and AC Black Flag both launched alongside other versions and still accounted for minimal sales. It would seem that we are in a very small minority of gamers who buy adult games for Nintendo consoles. The fact that FIFA 13 is outselling a brand new game must show EA that it would be worth making a FIFA 15 port.
  4. well i want to be in, to the extent that I'm buying a PS4 purely for FIFA nights with NE. However, it's a Christmas gift for Ferret Jnr (the only person in the world who is worse than me at Mario Kart, although he has won 4 GP's to my 1 so even that's debatable) so I want be able to play until then. Does this mean I'll miss out, how long will a season take, can i join the next season and what about playing as a team, is that still happening??????
  5. as @dazzybee pointed out, controllers would be the main difference in that scenario. At the moment I see Wii U Pro controller best suited to FPS, XB1 best suited to FIFA and DS4 coming in 3rd place based purely on analogue stick placement. There must be enough money in gaming for Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo to all make a nice profit if they just went thirds on everything except in-house software. It would certainly reduce their R&D costs if they just pooled their resources and made 1 generic console. It would never happen, but I could see Sony and Nintendo teaming up in the future to try and destroy the XBOX brand. A kind of East vs West scenario.
  6. I've been perusing the market for a PS4/XB1 and it dawned on that apart from the odd exclusive, the main reason to choose between these is who I know/play with that owns whichever console. This progressed in my mind to why can't we play FIFA 15 or COD against players who own the "other" console. I'm no programmer but I'm certain it's something that it quite easily achievable. Gaming seems to be about the only medium where there is applicable, a dvd will play on any DVD player, likewise CD, MPEG etc. Now whilst the dream of a universal console is never going to happen, cross play should at the very least for the 3rd party franchises. This to me seems the next step in gaming for the next gen of consoles. This gen has seen about the smallest leap forward and usually there is a two generation cycle between a small leap and a big leap. I'm surprised that there has not been talk of some kind of regulation to make cross platform play an industry requirement. So, to conclude: Apart from 4K HD graphics where else can gaming advance in the next gen? Cross platform is the next big leap in my opinion and would end the console wars. Which begs the question, if all consoles could play all the same games, whose hardware would you go with?
  7. love it... you piss taking swines
  8. Without a doubt! No COD or FIFA is an absolute steak to the heart of Wii U. I've said it many times on this forum that Nintendo should throw whatever money it takes to get those games on their system, because without them nobody is going to but the console and without the console they can't buy the games, which is where Nintendo really make their money. I'll be getting a PS4 soon and after that there are probably only 2 more games I'll buy for the Wii U in future.
  9. well I'm pretty pissed at Nintendo that I've got to fork out for a PS4 so I can play FIFA, PGA, COD etc going forward. As a Wii owner all I wanted from Wii U was the same again in HD. And whilst the Wii got some fairly downgraded versions of these games at least it got them. But's what even more annoying is that I know whilst COD on PS4 will look better it won't play nearly as well in local multiplayer due to split screen. So I'm going to spend £400+ to get a worse experience than what I'm getting now, just because Nintendo sold us a pup when it comes to 3rd party support.
  10. power invertor
  11. Drove from London to Birmingham in awful traffic but my boy didn't mind as he was playing ghosts in the back. Love the wii u. Will be a sad day next gen if gamepad is dropped
  12. it's the thought of an NE Fifa league that is the deciding factor. I was a little taken aback to be honest, and pleasantly surprised at the amount of PS4 bashing in this thread. Having only read the Wii U thread up until recently you would think that Wii U is a piece of junk and PS4 was perfection personified, so it's nice to see that there are gripes on here.
  13. i posted in here because I was set on PS4 and have been following the thread, but the last few days have just been complaints about PSN, so on the contrary I thought I would get a very fair assessment on here from guys I chat with on COD and MK. Nobody has come out and said they regret getting the PS4 over XB1 so I guess I'm still in the PS4 camp, just wish they'd get some bundles out there to match XB1 right now.
  14. I'd like some impartial feedback please. I'm just about ready to purchase a PS4 which will be a FIFA, PGA & Minecraft machine. My reasons for opting for PS4 are it's smaller, no power brick, I generally dislike Microsoft, I've seen Kinect fall apart when there are more than two people in the room (not so much an issue as I won't be getting Kinect) PS4 has move which I want for PGA (assuming it's compatible) and it seems there is a good NE group playing FIFA online. However, there seem to be much better deals for XB1 at present, PSN seems to be down constantly and I've always thought the playstation controllers were the worst of the bunch. So what do I buy??????
  15. Off screen play baby! Honestly, this is such a great feature. I'm getting my son a PS4 for Christmas and I know he's going to be devastated by how little he'll get to play it when we want to watch tv.
  16. gutted I'm missing out on this until christmas. How does this play on the PS4 controller? I've always felt the analogue sticks on PS controllers are in a horrible place, tucked away at the bottom like it's the secondary control method.
  17. NEVER order from Game, stuff goes "missing" all the time and they won't refund until their couriers confirm the package has been lost. Meanwhile, they sit on your money for 3 months earning interest and you're left both our of pocket and gameless.
  18. Definitely worth getting a Wii U. With hindsight the white version offers better value as you will almost certainly need an external hdd at some point. But colour also plays a big part in your decision. Overall cost of owning a Wii U is a fraction of PS4/XB1 especially if you already own a Wii and carry across controllers. You can pick up games for pounds. The current deal for a white Wii U with MK8, Bayonetta 1&2 plus Nintendo Land (i think) is a steal. HOWEVER, if you want to play EA games the majority of AAA 3rd party games going forward then you're going to have to get a PS4 or XB1 to sit alongside your Wii U.
  19. Don't I bloody know it. The only reason I didn't buy it was because I'd already bought minecraft. My boy loves cod and Fifa so I'm hoping I'll get a deal with those games.
  20. i foolishly procrastinated on the brilliant Tesco deal (glitch) £349 for PS4, Fifa 15, Alien Nostromo Edition & Minecraft. Now everything else seems bloody expensive. Anybody know of any gems out there.
  21. shopto have by far the best deals at present, plus I'm sure they have a FIFA/Minecraft bundle as this is the same one I'm looking for. The best bundle seems to be FIFA & Alien + 3 months PSN for £369. I'm getting one but holding it back as Christmas present for Ferret Jnr so guess I'll have missed all the FIFA team action by then.
  22. cheers for the info, will pop in tomorrow.
  23. does anybody know of any websites where you can customize a bundle? there are a couple of bundles on ShopTo that are close to what I want, but before I commit wondered if i could tailor my own specific requirements
  24. I'm not sure £289 is actually a great deal for the solus pack considering you can fifa plus a download game for £349
  25. how are Simply Games? They are selling PS4 for £289 limited stock
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