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Everything posted by Clownferret

  1. it may have started 10 years ago but the two formats have been running side by side for at least the last 4 years and I don't think console sales dropped off a cliff as soon as tablets and smartphones were launched. Take that argument aside, the PS4 selling less than the PS3 which must be an indication that things are bad. This generation as a whole is quite unique in that never has a new generation launched with so many of the games being made for the previous generation of consoles. Obviously, media is one reason as they all use discs now, and I guess it shows that the advancements in technology are getting smaller each gen that so many games are playable on the previous consoles.
  2. Game are utter counts. I ordered 2 games for my son at Christmas, never turned up, I had to rush out on Christmas eve and buy them from the shop and it took months to get refunded, proud to say I've never spent a single penny with them since
  3. whilst we're on subject what the fuck is happening with 90's arcade racer and watchdogs? It's like a fricking vacuum.
  4. I'm so tired of your constant bleating, as you love PS4 so much and clearly detest everything Nintendo why don't you do everybody a favour and fuck off to the PS4 thread and talk about how great Sony are in there, where everybody who wants to discuss the Wii U doesn't have read it.
  5. that bottom gif, you went from 7th to 4th and two of the people you overtook crashed and got hit with a shell. You have 1 video from 4 months of playing where you overtook a load of people on the last lap, hardly conclusive evidence that the mushroom is a good item. It's also bloody annoying when you get a triple mushroom on a track like toad harbour where you can take a shortcut on the last bend and every other bugger gets the same item.
  6. I'm sure you can back up this data. A while back when my Wii U HD was close to full and I picked up an external drive, I'm fairly certain I had the option to transfer save file as well as games across to the new drive. Not that this will help @Blade now, but I do think the option exists.
  7. if you don't like paying subscriptions then buy a Wii U.
  8. only 1 game each for current gen consoles in the top 10. Some new exclusive content is needed or this gen is just going to fizzle out.
  9. what usb drive are you using? I tried one and it didn't work and I now have a 2TB hard drive plugged into the Wii U with about 2 games on it!
  10. I know! What happened to banning all talk of PS4 and XB1 in here? Let's end it all right now... you buy a Nintendo console to play Mario, Zelda, Metroid. You but Sony or Microsoft to play Fifa & COD and then it's a toss up between Halo or Gran Turismo to decide which one. Done.
  11. can't you back up your saves and/or digital purchases to an SD card or usb device?
  12. the problem is at launch it was all of the above. The stuff they were showing the gamepad could do looked really cool, EA were singing about this great partnership, for first time in generations a Nintendo console was getting on par 3rd party support. It all looked peachy at launch, it was a few months in that the wheels came off. But in fairness PS4 and XB1 have also fallen into this trap. There is very little new content on these machines (in fact Wii U probably has more exclusive content than either of them) XB1 has already had to change its sku, so whilst these machines are selling better, which is of little consequence to the end user, it's hardly a bed of roses. But when all is said and done I doubt i will buy the next Nintendo console at launch.
  13. you'd just claim it on your insurance and re-download them. I had a ps2 with a hd full of games that was stolen and I claimed for every game on the hd.
  14. after 18 straight defeats I finally broke my duck against @RedShell. Are bikes faster? I have noticed that the majority of players with high rankings online seem to use bikes. Also had a bunch of races with @Zechs & @Blade they both had the same bike set up and i could not get near them most of the time.
  15. surely Kong should be immune to banana attacks
  16. Is there any news on release dates for Watchdogs and 90's Arcade Racer?
  17. you've listed 3 different games, on 4 different consoles spread across 6 years, clutching at straws. If everybody does it and let's be honest, Nintendo do it a LOT less than most, then why is this discussion a rant at Nintendo and not at EA or Ubisoft?
  18. Chickens evolved from lizards and lizards lay eggs, therefore the first chicken came from an egg. First I give you Mario Kart lessons and now natural history that does ring a bell, pre-orders were higher or something like that.
  19. I'm sure I read that Wii U sales for Ghosts accounted for 1% of the total game sales and i think it did release simultaneously across all platforms. It does make me wonder what percentage of Wii U's there are in the world compared to PC, PS3, 360, PS4, XB1. There are circa 170 million PS3 & 360's out there compared to let's say 5 million Wii U's at the time that game was released, so based on that is 1% in line with other systems on a like for like basis? If this is the case then I'm sure 3rd parties will start releasing more games on Wii U when it shifts more units, but if that percentage is much lower then it's a totally different prospect. Food for thought?
  20. The Egg came first if that helps :awesome:
  21. let's be honest here, the items situation is peculiar, we know this, however it does cut both both ways. We've all had a moan about being near the back and getting a rubbish item, but then by the same rational we've all been near the front in races and managed to hold this position because everybody behind us got rubbish items, we just didn't see it. We can't just take credit for the wins but blame the items for the losses.
  22. the coin item should be removed whenever they do an update, it's so pointless and frustrating. They also need to fix the weapon distribution. but loving the game and especially the league. I have not played another Wii U game since I got MK8
  23. i actually like the tactical thinking element now that you are in effect driving blind. If you're in second or third on the last lap with a red shell it's a real tough decision whether to attack the driver in front or defend yourself. You could move up one place or go back several. It's starting to annoy me now that I get hit with a lightning bolt on the last lap pretty much every race, invariably when I'm holding 3 mushrooms, and yet I never get it as a weapon, literally half a dozen since launch, to the point where I'm starting to wonder if certain items are character specific, I use Mario mostly and just get mushrooms and coins constantly plus a few stars, which would all be Mario type weapons, does bowser get fireballs, koopas get shells etc?
  24. exactly, FIFA may not sell loads on Wii U, but without it a lot of potential new Wii U owners will opt for a PS4 or XB1 instead, which is why Nintendo should be throwing money at EA to get it on Wii U.
  25. Honestly what the fuck are you mumbling on about now... what truth do you speak of? They have been dominating the charts yes because they only came at christmas, like for like sales there isn't a great deal in it at present, certainly not enough to warrant not releasing a game on one of them. I understand that if Wii U owners just don't buy FIFA then it's not worth them releasing it perhaps, but that has nothing to do with how many hardware units have been sold, which is your basis for every single fucking time you try and justify absolutely anything. It also shouldn't matter if PS4 and XB1 are "more" lucrative than Wii U, it should only matter if FIFA on Wii U would make a profit at all. And my point earlier, which as usual you ignored was that I bet it would not take a huge amount of units for a legacy edition of Fifa 13 to be profitable on Wii U. Just spouting off about hardware sales again just has no relevance to this discussion.
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