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Everything posted by Clownferret

  1. back where you belong, you can't torment me from Group 1
  2. are you using a couple of yogurt pots and a piece of string as a phone line???
  3. we'll also get no shows, Jimbob and Dazzybee are only ever 50% due to travel etc, don't want to end up with 3 groups of 6
  4. why don't we just have 2 groups of 12? Always more fun with more racers.
  5. do we have a contingency in the event that the DLC is not ready until later. Do we just go random?
  6. can't wait for this, I've seen the first film 4 times at the cinema, I never seen any other film more than once. I do wish they would make a more adult version more in line with the books. It's a bit boring knowing the kids will survive every film. I'd also love to see an Alien Isolation style game using the Jurassic Park franchise.
  7. Welcome back son!
  8. despite being one of my higher scoring weeks, i thought it was a bad night. The bomb theme just meant that after the first corner the positions were set. More frustrating was getting coins as an item on EIGHT occassions, did nobody else get this? Strange that it was only coins every time.
  9. joioning gp3
  10. were waiting now
  11. no worries, I'll keep an eye on here for any updates.
  12. As much as I love the gamepad the range is a major oversight. Mine only works in the next room above or behind and it really should work anywhere in an average sized house.
  13. i honestly don't know what button is brake, never used it in 8 versions of Mario Kart.I assume it's B but I'm screwed if you need to brake it will be like learning to play the game from scratch.
  14. Can't believe still no Ghost House tracks. Also, what about adding some of the retro items with dlc.
  15. WHAT!!! Is Last of Us 2 player in campaign mode? Also is it two player in multiplayer mode?
  16. The gamepad is the best thing about the Wii U and yet gets the most stick. It's worth it just for off screen play and as @dazzybee pointed out 2 player multiplayer. Since I've had my PS4 I've realised just how great the gamepad is as there is only a small window every day where I can get the tv to myself. People moan that it's made the console too expensive but it's still the cheapest console you can buy even with an extra pro controller so I really don't get the negativity.
  17. I've got ACIV on Wii U still unopened, but Far Cry looks interesting so a toss up between this and Tomb Raider. Although, now realising that I've still got possibly a dozen Wii U games unopened, so perhaps I'll wait for Battlefront and PGA.
  18. loved Alien and Last of Us, looking for my next adventure, any suggestions>
  19. I love the Wii U, I love the Gamepad and if the 3rd parties hadn't jumped ship it would probably be my favourite console ever. That said, they took control of the industry again last gen and should have released powerhouse Wii2 this gen which would have left Sony and Microsoft with nowhere to go, instead they have limply handed control back to Sony this gen. I think it's bullshit that we still have to choose, consoles should run all software just like a CD player, DVD player MP3 player etc
  20. QPR fans were muppets, basically allowed Chelsea to run down the clock for the last few minutes. I can see Man Utd vs Chelsea being a bore draw. Jose knows if he avoids defeat in those two games the league is won and nobody knows how to set up a team not to lose better than him. I'm sure both Man Utd and Arsenal will be happy with a draw also. Two weeks ago City were second and now they are battling for top four so it shows that things can change very quickly.
  21. Was a brutal night for me. Battling Phube for 1st near the end of the first race, got demolished by weapons and that was the end of me. Got hit with so many red shells. Am I the only one who gets dumped into a wall when the bullet bill runs out? Does it to me most times, always expires on a sharp bend.
  22. yep he's added
  23. friends added, room is open
  24. Nintendo can't go 3rd party. They are a hardware manufacturer and are set up to do so. They can't just make half their staff redundant and close all their factories and more to the point why would they? They still sell more hardware than Sony of Microsoft and their in-house titles sell millions at very high profit margins. I don't think the Wii U is a bad console, in fact it's one of my favourites, the problem is with the lack of games and outdated online infrastructure. I bought in the region of 20 Wii U games in it's first year and since then I've bought MK and Smash. Unless you're a massive platformer fan, there is very little output.
  25. what time do you get home if you miss your connection? If it's close to 8pm I'm sure we can wait.
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