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Everything posted by Jon

  1. . Full body workout on Friday night. . 12km run on Saturday. . 6km run Sunday morning . Full body workout Sunday evening Not sure what part of body hurts the most.
  2. Just clear up that wrestling wasn't removed for golf, both sports will be in Rio 2016. Wrestling is being removed from 2020, possibly for Baseball and Softball, Karate, Squash, Roller sports, Sport climbing, Wakeboarding, or Wushu. I'd also like to say for the record, i'm against the removal of Wrestling from the Olympics.
  3. This is why it was removed, it was the lowest supported sport, both financially and in viewership. Also, this talk of 'Olympic sports' is bollocks. Any sport where an olympic medal is decided is worthy, regardless if it fits the tradition of the Olympics. Why shouldn't golfers be able to compete for an Olympic medal? just because they have a successful tour that goes on out with the games. More popular sports shouldn't be penalised because of other minority sports. Don't see many people debating the place of cycling in the games (Something that coincidentally we're very good at), despite it's very popular profile out side of Olympic competition. It's easy to say it's all motivated by money but these events aren't cheap to put on and the less money taken in by organisations like the IOC, the less money is available to help these so called minority sports. It's never a black and white as people like to see it as.
  4. Can we both agree they're pony? Let's face it Wellbeck is only being kept around because of this.
  5. It's the defence, nothing to do with van Persie. People who point to that are clearly stupid. His job was to score goals, we don't have any problems doing that. We've changed from being a one man team to scoring by committee.
  6. It's funny how every one said Arsenal wouldn't score goals once van Persie left and if possible we've probably come out better. As good as van Persie was for us last year, it's always risky having one guy score so many goals and that showed on the odd occasion Wenger rested him, we were pony. Now you've a similar amount of goals shared out amongst 4 players. Might not look as sexy in the headlines but it's a lot more beneficial to the side.
  7. Sevens isn't hugely popular, it gets no coverage at all. Table Tennis is hugely popular all over the world, it should absolutely be included. The others i'm not that bothered about. The Olympics is elite competition at it's finest, a watered down version of a sport has no place in the games. Exactly. Many people disagree with football being in the Olympics but at least it's the full sport, not some half assed effort.
  8. Allow me to sum things up for you lost south of the border who hadn't seen Celtic before last night in the last 5 years. Does that behaviour happen in every game? to a degree yes, no where near as bad as it did last night. It was disgraceful, made worse with the fact you have the idiot officials behind each goal staring at it and doing nothing. Did that behavoiour cost Celtic the game? No it didn't and any media (probably Scottish) trying to spin it that way is just bitter. I'll make one thing clear though, you'll never get a pen for that, doesn't matter what the rules are, they're never given. I don't know who the clown was that said something about Hooper being the best English striker, he isn't. He's a damn sight better than some of the trash you've had over recent times, however he was poor last night. He let that RB get in his head and never got going. Celtic were the better team but it doesn't matter how well you play if you make costly individual errors. We've beaten far better teams than that Juve side at Celtic Park but you can't hope to beat decent teams conceding after 2 minutes. Never fear, big Georgy Samaras should be back for a 2nd leg hattrick in Turin.
  9. What is your point? Include the sport in all it's glory or don't. Embarrassing that other sports are being dropped or not being included for a sport no one cares about except you apparently.
  10. Rugby Sevens an Olympic sport. That is the joke.
  11. I'm right footed but I'm almost as proficient with my left as I am with my right. I spent a lot of time when I was younger in training predominantly using my weaker foot. I don't have the same velocity as do with my right but I'd certainly never pass up an opportunity on my left side so I could move the ball to my right.
  12. One good thing about the bicep is that you only really need one exercise to work it fully, the curl. There are so many you can do for Triceps' and although the bicep is worked to a degree in other exercises. nothing is as effective as the curl. As basically said above, with carbs more attention should be payed to making sure the carbs are of qood quality, ie from wholegrean and wheat, and not 'white' if you like.
  13. It was a weird game to watch. Even though it was backs to the wall towards the end we realistically could have scored 3 or 4 every time we went forward. Ironically Sagna probably put in the best shift of an Arsenal centre half this season.
  14. Yeah, I wasn't referring to yours. Abs are made in the kitchen to a degree but that's statements more geared towards people who do all the exercise yet have no relatable diet at all. Despite what all the magazines say, you don't have to live like a nun to get some abs. It depends on what plan you follow and what exercise you do. If you're into doing a lot of running, good luck trying to do that whilst taking in very few carbs, you'll collapse in no time. If you work in an office and perhaps the only exercise you do is picking up the remote, then limiting carbs is a sensible approach but in my experience all this no carb nonsense is bullshit that's been enforced with these faddy diets. Not to say it hasn't worked for some, but i don't believe it applies to the norm.
  15. Having a flat stomach isn't related to carbs, in saying that you're almost stating you can spot reduce weight, which you obviously can't. A healthy diet does the trick with sufficient exercise does the trick. Genetically men will always lose weight round the abdominals last, as it's normally the first place you gain. Obviously eating too much carbs and not burning it off will lead to weight gain and men gain weight round the mid riff first but that's as far as it goes.
  16. What's your current diet like for curiosity sakes? I know you rarely every go out but do you find alcohol prohibitive to weight loss?
  17. That is basically my view of the world now. One decent guy (Iun) and a boatload of wankers. Everyone else caught up in their own life to give a fuck. Bring back communism then we'd all have to fall in line.
  18. It's habit. People are so used to saying that but never doing it. All it takes is to break it once and see a bit of success and things will change. Breaking a habit is one of the hardest things to do.
  19. Reading this thread reminds me of certain people I know that always complain things and how they wish they could change them. I ain't no shrink yo, but one of the most powerful things in life is your own free will, the power to change things. I hate when people say respond with "it's easier said that done". Of course it fucking it is, but you'll only get out of life what you put into it. It's very hard to better the sense of accomplishment you get from doing something you never thought you could, no matter how simple or difficult it may seem. Yes, everyone goes through bad times and some poor souls have it worse than others but there's nothing to be gained by feeling sorry for yourself. Whatever is you want to do, go out and get it done. It could be as simple as just making conversation. Not a rant at anyone here, just my annoyance with the world nowadays. In a society where we're given everything fairly easily and the world has gone crazy with political correctness and z-list celebrities. A random generalisation but so many people nowadays have no will power or gumption to go out and make shit happen. I sound like my old man now. Uggh.
  20. I was tempted to get a Wii U simply because I hadn't bought a new console in so long. Then I looked at the games line up. Oh dear.
  21. I get mine from the ON website. http://www.onacademy.co.uk
  22. I'd second ON. I've used both the Turbo chocolate and what i'm currently using, Chocolate Mint. I make mine with water, very tasty.
  23. I had a great conversation yesterday with some berk who considered normal being completely incompatible with life on weekends because he was so fucked from drinking himself stupid. I did try to explain that whilst there's nothing wrong with a good night out, turning your week into 5 days because you can't function for 2 days in every 7 is fucking retarded.
  24. I hope both teams lose, I genuinely can't stand either. Ray Lewis is a complete tool, and the Harbaugh brothers are a circus act. I did like the way the 49'ers played with Smith under centre but i've totally gone off them after the way they treated him. So yeah, hopefully they have to cancel it after Beyonce deafens everyone with her disgraceful music.
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