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Everything posted by Jon

  1. I am wondering why they're wearing Lighting and Canadiens jerseys. At least pick a couple decent teams I don't remember them back in those days, just a little before my time.
  2. I love all this talk about what Red Bull are going to do about it They'll do absolutely nothing. Vettel is money in the bank for them, he's going nowhere and nothing will happen that will affect his status with the team. He is a little shit though. As for Rosberg, wise up kid. There's a reason they got Lewis Hamilton. Rosberg is a better Kovelainen, he's not a no 1 driver for a top team.
  3. I've changed my programme a lot over the past few weeks. I had far too many isolation exercises as well as compound moves. Some muscle groups were being worked far too often. My programme basically consists of this now. Bench Press Military Press Barbell Rows Barbell Curls Straight-Leg Deadlift Calf Raises Squats Press-Ups I also do an ab workout involving some planks, crunches and leg raises as well as 15 minutes of interval training on a Stat bike. I've found it works really well, targets all the major muscle groups and is great time-wise. Far more simple and now I actually enjoy each workout as opposed to before it always felt like a chore. After 3 times a week for 2 weeks, I've really do feel much stronger.
  4. I almost explode with honour when I see Robb Stark. I dont get the point of Jon Snow. Is he just the token emo guy who must pout at every opportunity.
  5. By that definition then, it's not really 'free speech'.
  6. Why does an opinion have to be expressed for it to be validated? It's what you believe, expressing it doesn't change that. It's not just down to the law or employers, there's a moral element to it. You could believe that Hitler was absolutely right in everything he did and whilst few would agree with you, that's your view. Just because it's your opinion doesn't give you the right to march up to Auschwitz and tell everyone that.
  7. People seem to confuse freedom of speech with freedom of opinion. You're perfectly entitled to believe what you want, expressing that belief however should be done on an appropriate basis.
  8. Erm. He's simply calling you out on your view that Spurs had it wrapped up. He wasn't being negative, he's just going by what they've done for the past 16 years.
  9. You're body can take as much protein as you give it. You'll never get enough from food alone unless you're eating Chicken by the bucketloads. The average chicken breats has 30 grams of protein. If you're lifting weights to add size you need to be getting at least 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. if you weigh 160 pounds, you'll be shooting for at least 240 grams of protein.
  10. Jon


    Just one more race. One more One more.
  11. The reason for after the gym is fairly standard. After you're workout, your muscles are at their most damaged and fatigued. The quicker you can them protein the quicker they'll repair themselves. It's a lot easier to down a shake than a whole chicken breast whilst at the gym
  12. Nah, I meant that's the only time you should absolutely make sure you have some. Doesn't really matter where you fit the rest in during your day.
  13. From everything i've read the only times when you should be having one is after workouts. A lot of people also recommend using Casein just before bed. It's absorbed much slower into the body then than normal whey protein, so it stops the muscles 'starving' over night and aids repair during sleep. Personally, I have one after each workout and i've started to using Casein before bed too. It's a lot thicker and more like a milkshake but I like it, definitely feel less 'sore' at times the next day.
  14. The average bloke needs 2000 calories just to for his body to perform basic functions. You can easily add double to that if you've got a pretty active lifestyle and that's not factoring in any workouts. If you're looking to add size, you should be aiming for 1.5 to 1.75 grams of protein per pound of body weight.
  15. It took me a while to realise the actual weight of an olympic barbell. For ages I thought I was just pathetic, lifting what seemed puny weights compared to others. Then suddenly it dawned on me I was adding the total weight completely wrong
  16. People who ask pointless questions on social media when they could have had the answer from google by the time they've written out their question. "GUYZ, WHEN DO THE CLOCKS GO BK? "WHEN IS "Generic Movie Title" OUT?
  17. I was following it until mate 3 was mentioned, then my head exploded.
  18. One of the best things for DOMS and is actual exercise. It may sound crazy but getting your muscles warmed back up again and moving eases the pain and can promote quicker healing. Obviously you would't follow up a heavy leg day with another heavy leg but some simple exercise like a run or some cycling. Breaks between sets all depends on what you're aiming for. If you're lifting heavy weights then you should be struggling to finish your last rep, so the break is absolutely needed. Where as you might superset and create a little circuit if you wanted to burn some fat.
  19. People's need to stop using 'he's looking at the ball' as an excuse. You need to be responsible for yourself and others. It doesn't matter if Nani takes the ball down like that a thousand times in the league, it's a different ball game. Arbeloa clearly has enough sense not to raise he's foot when he's already a few feet off the ground, Nani clearly didn't. I've absolutely loved gloating about this today. Normally I don't but I remember the absolute pouding i got after we lost against Barca when RVP was giving that nonsense red for kicking the ball away. It always stayed with me the abuse I got and I swore i'd get revenge
  20. Friday Night Lights obviously. As Odwin said, Studio 60 on the Sunset strip is really good, was probably too clever for American audiences. Season 1 of Jericho is phenomenal. Supernatural is brilliant and has a good 8 seasons to get through and is still going strong. Oh and The Event.
  21. Foam Roller. Srlsy, they help so much with DOMS.
  22. The majority of Rangers supporters are not decent, they're a scummy bunch. The city of Manchester will attest to this.
  23. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. You say letting it so close as if it was the club's doing. He stalled for ages. You could say they could have agreed a new deal 3 years before that, back when he played 8 games a season, it wasn't exactly expected he'd turn like he has the 2 seasons. It's easy to say sell abroad but to who? wasn't must interested other than Juventus and he didn't want to go there.
  24. I still think we'll finish above you I don't think Giroud has struggled. He's done well, he's no Robin van Persie however. It pains me to see Vermaelen struggling so much, always been my favourite Arsenal player. Need him to turn it around quickly.
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