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Everything posted by Jon

  1. What was he supposed to do with van Persie? you can't make a player sign a new contract. It was Utd or City, nothing else. It's easy to say it was foolish to sell him to Utd but was the alternative, run down his contract and let him join Utd for nothing in a year?
  2. 2 stupid pieces of defending cost us. Don't think there was too much between the sides if i'm honest. Why the fuck do we not turn up until the 2nd half, seriously becoming very annoying. Too many anonymous players. These games are where you need your big performers like Walcott and Wilshere to perform and as typical for Arsenal of late they were no where to be found. What the fuck has happened to Vermaelen? is it because he playing with a constantly changing partner? he's no where near the player he was a while back. Ugh.
  3. I use a spin bike, which in my gym is the Lance Armstrong Models (lolz). Then I normally do a 3 minutes warm up at about 65% maximum effort and then do 8 cycles of flat out for 20 seconds followed by 20 secs at a controlled pace. I was reaching nearly 200 rpm's by the end yesterday. I've tried it on the treadmill but it's not as effective as there's no way to program a similar routine and I can't be bothered to manually change the speed all the time.
  4. Doing HIIT after a heavy weight session is killer. If it wasn't for a well timed blast from Survivor and Eye of the Tiger, i'd have fallen off the bike.
  5. I'd hardly call Arsenal fans fickle. Considering the length the club has gone without success, and the fans continuing to be shafted with ticket prices, the pressure Wenger is under is next to nothing. Obviously they're are fans not happy but it's the media creating most of the pressure not the fans. You've always got idiots like Piers Morgan running their mouth but i'd bet Wenger has far more supporters than haters at the moment.
  6. Wasn't long ago the Spurs faithful wanted AVB out. You're a loyal bunch.
  7. Gareth Bale is the 3rd best player in the wold. LOL. It took him a year and half to win a fucking game.
  8. Nothing more annoying. Even more amusing when you see their pencil legs.
  9. I wouldn't worry so much about the bar hitting your shins, as long as your back is straight and your not dropping your shoulders, it's all gravy.
  10. Jon


    I also know Drunk Scottish.
  11. Not sure what to believe to be honest but people need to realise what it's like in South Africa. Where as over here you'd never expect someone to break in to your house as you sleep, over there it's a completely different ball game, it's a daily occurrence. Although I do question why someone would break into a house and go straight to the bathroom, did Pistorius have some very rare cologne or hair gel perhaps?
  12. Suarez at it again. "He can avoid that, he can avoid thaaaaaaat".
  13. Has anyone checked on Madpool? he might have died from multiple Suarez induced orgasms by now
  14. I absolutely agree. I can go running outdoors for an hour easily but I just can't do it on a treadmill. After 5 minutes i'm staring at the clock praying for it to end. As you say outside, there's so much more to focus on and to stimulate you.
  15. I don't see how being an interim manager makes much of a difference, Di Matteo had been at the club previously, he knew all the players and how the club operates when he took over. If anything he had an advantage. It's not like the Chelsea squad was lacking either, most fans would kill to be able to choose from players they had. You don't need to explain how football works to me, as a fan of the SPL i'm well accustomed to seeing how the small teams should act in Europe. I don't have a problem with how they lined up. I've just never before seen a team outplayed in so many games manage to triumph in a competition and as much as you can call that a tactical masterclass by the manager, I don't. If you're looking at it black and white, i'd agree. If you look at it in the context of how both teams played during those respective seasons, i'd be staggered if anyone chose Chelsea. The fact that there was a managerial change during that season would surely back that up. You somehow managed to win the Champions League but the rest of that season was rather poor.
  16. Machine cardio like treadmills are far inferior to the outdoors. You need a 1% incline on a treadmill to stimulate running outdoors for example. Though it depends on what sport you're doing, I wouldn't necessarily say too many sports are better than using a stationary bike. All depends on how hard you're working though.
  17. No one said they had to play attacking open football but a team with as much talent as Chelsea shouldn't be parking the bus in every game. They also got more breaks during that run than I've ever seen. Put it this way, it's the only time i've heard people talk about a team winning the Champions League that didn't deserve too.
  18. I forgot to include domestically in that statement. Chelsea did win the Champions League but its foolish to try and compare that team to the invincibles. You can't take what Chelsea achieved away from them but it's fairly consensus view that Chelsea were pretty lucky. I've never seen a team play so badly yet still scramble through each round. A bit like our cup win against Utd on pens, completely outplayed but we still managed to sneak it. You just managed to repeat this round after round
  19. We have players who aren't performing anywhere near the full ability. A couple years back, Vermaelen was one of the best CB's in Europe but he looks completety list now. Ramsey's never been the same since he Shawcrossed and it's a similar story with Sagna, can no longer beat a man, always has to turn back. Wenger's philospy was aways bound to have some lows. When you spend anywhere near the funds of the Manchester sides or Chelsea, it's hard to argue that you should be matching them but on the other hand when you've had seasons better than all of them have ever accomplished, it's hard to settle for scrapping for the runner up places. It's all the more annoying when you know there's plenty of money to spend and it's never getting used. On the bright side, we're having our worst season in a long time but we'll still finish above Gareth Bale.
  20. They won't be selling anyone, they're all under contract for a long time and frankly bar one or two who would want to buy any of them on recent performances.
  21. Arsenal have obviously giving up playing football for lent.
  22. I drink a lot of Tea daily and it whilst I can't be sure it boosts your metabolism, it does a lot of things that aren't widely known. It's also very filling and very healthy. I use OM protein. I use the 100% gold standard after workouts and Casein before bed. Whilst it can be hard to pinpoint the effects it had, for me it helps a lot with recovery. Definitely feel my muscles rebound quicker after a long run or workout if I take some OM.
  23. I predict a high scoring game. Hopefully Wilshere and Cazorla can control the midfield and Theo can time a run or two. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD THE DEFENCE REMEMBERS HOW TO DEFEND.
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