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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Not exactly, since the company that own the name dont own the code, so essence they dont actually own the game, just the name.
  2. Jon


    I eat my egg last week...
  3. Hugo Weaving is awesome as V
  4. LIES That film is fucking awesome.
  5. My mum seems to think i have problems with my nerves as im always doing somthing with my hands. Also, when im shaving i tend to forget about cleaning the sink afterwards and it rather upsets my mother.
  6. I wasnt confusing it jackass, i was explaining the audio cables to him.
  7. Is it a DVI connection you have? those two coloured plugs are audio, normally on an av cable there are those two plus a yellow one, the yellow one provides video and the other right and left audio. The two cables on the vga cable are right and left audio, since vga doesnt carry audio. There is also an optical out on the cable if you have a surround system set up.
  8. Got to get this game, i reckon expert will be easy
  9. If you have AOL, you better check their sites as only some routers work with them. They have a page that lists them and has set up guides for.
  10. Fifa Street 2
  11. Sack that. avast
  12. Thats not exactly accurate anymore since Mac's no run on x86 hardware there are obviously some differences but its a lot closer to windows hardware than it used to be.
  13. V for Vendetta - 9/10 Great story about a 'nazi' UK. Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving are bother awesome in it.
  14. Did you download the right version I.E the intel or ppc one
  15. I can confirm this is true, got an email about it yesterday from Eidos.
  16. How dare you bash wikipedia, the single greatest site on the internet. The reason they have to be strict is because there are a lot of people who act like jackasses.
  17. I can read sheet music, i know scales and plenty of theory which I learned off my own back. Its a matter of plugging away until you get it, learning the guitar is a pain in the arse, but its awesome to play basically anything you want once you have got it.
  18. what Dieter said, you have neither an agp or pci-e slot, the only thing you could get would be a pci based one, but frankly they are wank.
  19. How are we going to know if you tell us nothing about your actual PC?
  20. True, luckilly most drives already come like that such as Seagate.
  21. As what has already been said about IDE and Sata etc, any drive from any company would work. I however would avoid anything from maxtor and go for seagate or western digital, a lot of people complain about drive failures with maxtor.
  22. Hit me on MSN James if you need help I would like to think im pretty good on guitar and I would always recommend people to learn themselves, that way they can devleop their on style instead of copying some else. I learned on acoustic with 56 gauge strings, it hurt like fuck to begin with but after a while i got used to it, it made playing the electric guitar very easy. Start of learning the basic chords, A, Am, C, D, Dm, E, Em, G Once you can fret them properly work on changing chords, this will take you weeks of practice mind, but its very worth it. If you want to become good i'd recommend practising at least 2 hours a day, especially as you start. A good idea to develop calluses on your fingers is to use alcohol, it helps strengthen them and avoid doing the washing up as it will destroy them. Just get i touch if you need any heklp.
  23. Booker, your 06 score is pretty sweet but your 05 is nothing special.
  24. Get a new sig already Ash
  25. No one is arguing about the fun aspect, even if it is as good as sex, it doesn't change it's image.
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