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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Jon


    Aberdeen owns Edinburgh any day.
  2. I believe so, When I asked a couple years back, they asked whether I was 18.
  3. Burnout isn't a patch on PGR 3 offline, but PGR 3 is ruined by Ferrari wielding noobs online, so Burnout is slightly ahead there.
  4. I forgot to mention y love for Yamcha and Guy.
  5. The proocessor is fine for games, but as Jordan said, the gpu is balls.
  6. Thanks for the mention. Twozzok Roadie Raining Again Ashley + Platty cubechris Stranger [James] Blackfox Soag Others like Retro, Bogbas etc seem nice enough.
  7. Jon


    I have no time for a girlfirend right now, wouldn't mind some casual sex though
  8. Fucking right, cant believe they killed Trip.
  9. Probably Footie Manager. Looking forward to 07's release, universal binay at last.
  10. I use to be up till about 4am every night, since i work no, starting at 6am, thats no longer an option.
  11. Try John Lewis, The benefits on offer is staggering, I'll be getting a 15% bonus in november. The hours are great, pay is awesome, great job prospects.
  12. We observed the 2 minute silence at work.
  13. The best Football game is clearly sensible soccer on the Amiga.
  14. If you need a leek more often and are feeling more rat-arsed than usual, it would be a good bet.
  15. Yes, out of the window at Wimbledon really, being that Nadal is a demon on clay, but has a lot to learn on grass.
  16. lol u should change ure name 2 Nick!11!
  17. In my opinion, its not the milking of FF7 that pisses me off, its the way they are doing it, who really wants a mobile game and an action rpg with wincent as the lead. Just give the fans what they want, an updated FF7.
  18. ER, Payday, Due South, Family + Friends.
  19. 67c is a bit high, but it isn't near the thermal cut off point that intel and amd cpu's have.
  20. Just fecking lazyness :p
  21. Jon


    I'll say 1/100 that he will be back before next Saturday :p
  22. You wont be able to run Oblivion at full settings with that gpu, but its still a decent one, very good bang for the buck.
  23. The router I have has a simple check box for whether wireless is on or off.
  24. Jon


    See you next week then.
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