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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Yeah, works with any iPOD with a dock adaptor, and even the ones that don't.
  2. Everyone should give Explosions In The Sky a listen, awesome stuff.
  3. Yeah it comes with a remote, how do you mean with video? One of the pluses for me is the auxilarly S/pdif input, allows me to hook up my DVD player as well. As for new purchases. Flogged the Nano.
  4. I care little for sub genres of dance, it's all shit to me. Whether it's faster or slower.
  5. I'll give anything a listen apart from any type of dance music.
  6. Great, shame your stuck on the worse network known to man, with the shittiest customer service throughout the glalxy.
  7. Tunez + Louder Volume = Winz0r.
  8. Waking up next a female friend after a merry night, wondering what went down. Not really being woken up but meh.
  9. Have a good one bro.
  10. Bearing in mind also, you'll never hit top speed, just wont happen.
  11. Hit the nail on the head, Blu Ray is seeing a regular release schedule of decent films, where as they're barely anything on the HD-DVD schedule, let alone anything good.
  12. It's sounds like you might be only G speeds, try changing it.
  13. You are, in more than one way. Ho Hum.
  14. No, he's not - Locky is a She.
  15. Can't be bothered to see if it's been mentioned, Aries.
  16. The main advantage of DVI is that it's digital, so it can carry HD signals as well as hdcp. As for the Wii query, Any decent card with s-video input should do the trick.
  17. I was already for the greeness till I saw that word commitment, get's me every time
  18. Mine aren't too bad, had some sort of liver infection which seems to have passed now, but i'm stuck with a sodding ear infection now.
  19. I'm fed up of wondering whether certains shows I like are going to be renewed. I'm also sick of my ongoing health problems.
  20. Got my email from Amazon yesterday guaranteeing me a console for launch, gonna get resistance, NBA 2k7 and F1 as well.
  21. I was gonna say the same, the wattage is fine enough but it is an antec, and £40 is pretty cheap for a 500 watt'er.
  22. Sick For two bloody days.
  23. Get one of these bad boys
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