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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. I'm totally in love.
  2. The Middle League looks like a total snorefest - check out all those drawn games!
  3. I've not posted since before this came out and I was awaiting delivery for the collectors edition, so I have a lot to catch up on. Sadly I'm on a phone so typing, spelling and grammer may be off somewhat! First of all - the collectors edition is fucking incredible. This may well be the perfect collectors edition for a fan like me and I'm so glad I've got one. The statue is awesome and I'm surprised at just how heavy that ring is! Incredible box, not had a chance to check out the DVD since I've been busy but plan on checking it out soon. Those of you on my friends list will have noticed me rocking out in my Super Sonic avatar costume :P Second of all, the game is absolutely incredible. I just want to play it all the time and never stop. If they release any DLC for this I'll be all over it. I'm so in to the game that I'm even playing a preowned copy on my lunch breaks at work just to get my fix :P It's such a nostalgia rush unlocking all the music - hearing the special stage music from Sonic 2 and the Toxic Caves from Spinball brought it all back. What a delight. And the new versions of the old tracks are sublime - City Escape Act 1 music always puts a weird smile on ny face :P I'm on a train to Lobdon right now to see my girlfriend who also owns the game. I have no doubt we'll be playing this tonight! Other than Sonic Adventure 2 Battle this is without a doubt the greatest Sonic game since the mega drive. Welcome back to my heart, Sonic.
  4. I don't get it.
  5. I got my dispatch email at 1am, it'll be sent through Yodel (who after a bit of digging, are a company owned by HDNL) so it'll most likely turn up in pieces.
  6. I'm up for this once I get a bit of time!! My username is Dysonism
  7. Me, doing a ReZ on my Amsterdam trip. I feel dirty
  8. Gizmo, that sucks. I'm always here for you. Physically.
  9. Pretty much! It's coming out this week eh? Fucking bonza. I'd forgotton it was November.
  10. hi----------------------

  11. I know the carpark you mean Flink! I went to Uni in Bournemouth and my halls building (Cranbourne House) is less than a 5 minute walk from ASDA, so I was there a couple of times a week. I never had the misfortune of driving in it but I frequently saw traffic held up on the way in and out. Getting out on to the main road looked like a pain in the arse too.
  12. As I said on Facebook; NICE ONE BRUVVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (Genuine picture lulz btw)
  13. Bulletstorm is ace - enjoy!
  14. Man, I had no idea I'd be sitting on a Collector's Edition worth 3 times the amount I paid for it when I pre-ordered mine from Amazon. But I won't be selling it - Sonic is essentially what got me in to gaming, this game seems to be ne of the best Sonic games since the Dreamcast, and I'm more than happy to pay £75 for what looks like one of the best CE's I've seen in a long time.
  15. I've actually been on the other side of this at work lately and have been doing all the interviews and hiring processes for Xmas temps - it's been a ball. Manager doesn't like it which is why he's handed it to me and I'm embracing it. It's really interesting being on the other side of the table and good experience to take forwards. Also congrats
  16. Upgraded from a 32GB to a 64GB, now in white, with a glorious retina display and cameras and all sorts. Oooooh. £110 with 2 years cover as well - bargain.
  17. I'm a bit unsure about offside. I thought there had to be air between the two players for it to be given offside, and it gets a bit funny when it's just a limb. Not just from my point of view but from ref's as I've seen it given both ways. I think that one (or all) of the following need to happen: 1. I need to be educated on the offside rule a bit 2. The refs need to be educated on the offside rule a bit 3. The offside rule needs to be more clear cut
  18. It definitely would, I assure you. From experience!
  19. I wonder why? The game, whilst very fun to watch and thrilling throughout, was nothing like Premier League standards. Both teams seemed to make awful decisions in defense, with silly mistakes allowing goals to come from places they shouldn't. Trust Terry to slip up against Arsenal, eh? Brings back harrowing nightmares. *shudder* You could argue that the Arse keeper should've been sent off, or that our disallowed goal wasn't offside (seen it given more often than not) but at the end of the day the performance wasn't up to scratch from Chelsea and Arsenal made the most of it in the second half. Was strange seeing Sturridge not put in a blazing performance for once, but Mata, again, looked on form. Arsenal fans must be banging their heads against the wall in frustration over that signing.
  21. Can't say I did, guy. I'm not sure me and Diageo are ready for that sort of commitment Went with three best buds; we've been meaning to do it for years so to finally get out there and do it, and having not being out the country for 7 years was a great moment in itself.
  22. FML. It's been a season of neglect for me as the results well show. I was in Amsterdam for a long weekend and have just generally lost interest in X11 this season but I make no plans of quitting just yet. Shall stick it out for a while and try and salvage my spot in the top flight. I'm a two-time champion ferchrissake!
  23. Got back from Amsterdam yesterday and had an incredible time. And really that's it! More to come in future perhaps. When I can feel like writing a bit more
  24. Stunning display from Chelsea tonight, especially the first half. Sure the opposition wasn't much to speak of but regardless we played the ball with some real skill and well-thought passes. A joy to watch.
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