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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. I have a feeling if you're only there for that long that wont even be enough time to queue for the Rift..! Your best bet is, honestly, to go to the indie area, or the leftfield collection if it is there and find a tiny game that uses the Rift. There will be a small huddle of people wanting to give it a go rather than a 3 hour queue and you'll get to try a different experience to most, too. In fact, I went to EGX Rezzed earlier this year and played an Oculus Rift game that was like Wipeout and F-Zero had a virtual reality baby and it was incredible. Queued for a total of 20 minutes!
  2. I didn't write in the thread but I wanted to learn to drive this year as well - living in London has just given me absolutely no reason to do so. So as far as I'm concerned it can wait!
  3. See you there chums! Feel free to message me for my phone number - going with a bunch of people on the Saturday and the Sunday (early access both days) but I'd love to break off and see you lot for a bit.
  4. I think Costa did the right thing and did no wrong, I think Petr Cech should have been sent off for playing in the wrong colour shirt, I think Mourinho is quite possibly God, I think Chelsea will win the quadruple this season and next, I think Wenger is a specialist in failure and I think Ramar will not be missing me being active in the footy threads one bit.
  5. I've just put in an order for a Majoras Mask 3DSXL with Nintendo as it is cheaper than Amazon, and plan on sending the Nintendo one back to Amazon when it arrives. Does the one from Nintendo come in retail packaging like the Amazon one?
  6. Where's you get it from Shorty? Looking for a case myself!
  7. I've just ordered a console from Nintendo as it is cheaper and comes with more stuff. To anyone that's received theirs, does it come in the same box as the Amazon one? As I plan on sending Nintendo's one to Amazon for the refund as mine has arrived already :p Edit: MM 3DSXL that is Does Nintendo's come in retail packaging and the skullkid seperate basically?
  8. That's great - I'm #1 and my girlfriend will probably eventually become #5 in a few months
  9. Satisfying after City grabbed the last minute equaliser the other day. Maintain dat lead.
  10. Likewise - just happy not to be involved in the scrap for the remaining places!
  11. Come on Amazon! Dispatch the bloody thing! Knowing my luck it'll either get cancelled or arrive at the weekend when I'm at work..
  12. Shit.. I think I might have missed this. Rematch?
  13. Come on, Amazon. Don't let me down. I just have this horrible feeling they're going to cancel my order.. luckily I do have it ordered with Nintendo but not until the delayed stock comes in. I suppose I could wait another month and a half...
  14. Sorry for your loss.
  15. I didn't used to mind that much when I worked there either, it was more the difference Ive noticed since getting this job. I used to do a couple of things, initially I was on the LDS team booking appointments for new businesses to meet with Barclays Business managers and open a bank account, I then went on to be a project coordinator and lead tester for Barclays Connector, which I'm hoping you've at least heard of! What's your role?
  16. I've been out of work for a month and a half and was getting pretty demoralised with job hunting, but I just started my new job today with London Ambulance Service as a Vehicle Resource Co-ordinator, a department I never thought about existing until I got the job, and I'm really enjoying the vibe from the place so far. It means working 12 hour day, night, weekend and bank holiday shifts and unsociable days again which I had hoped I'd put behind me but I'm willing to overlook that for the pay and the 'rewarding' factor. There's this little guilty joy I get from telling people where I work now, whereas when I told them it was Barclays it was either met with indifference or slight venom
  17. I don't think I've ever been in this thread as the only Anime I've watched before has been Evangelion, but my housemate just got me in to Kill la Kill and it is so ridiculous and over the top and I'm reeeeeally enjoying it. I'm on episode 8 right now and just want to keep trucking through, but am moving house this weekend and will be without internet for a week and a half so at least I have something to do in that time!
  18. Hi Rokhed. Edit: Okay wow that takes me back. Honestly most of the people on here now are probably post-Rokhed era so probably not :P
  19. I don't suppose anyone has a spare code that isn't Animal Crossing or Fire Emblem at all? I might have some spare old ones around I could give away! Only one game away from my freebie Edit: Sorry guys, I mean Animal Crossing or Donkey Kong!!
  20. Not a chance.
  21. You made a mistake on the first post. I think you'll find that the Dysonian Wanderers won the cup. Both times. That is all. *adjusts tie and leaves*
  22. I work with the LDS team, there are about 12 of us. Familiar with ClearlyBusiness?
  23. I somehow got a job working for Barclays setting up meetings for business owners with a Business Manager in an ultra cool office with a small team where we have shit loads of freedom and the environment and atmosphere is amazing. Had my first day today and I didn't want to leave! AND THERE IS A KETTLE AND COFFEE Also after a year I actually train to become one of these Business Managers so I actually have some direction about me for the first time since.. well ever, really! Since college. Career plan go!
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