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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. RM have been and gone, no Switch, not hugely surprised. Still expecting a courier at some point today.. but no tracking info had me a little squirmy...
  2. If we thought yesterday was tough... we clearly forgot about what launch day jitters were like!
  3. Also have no shipping details with my NUK order Shorty, though my order says Invalid Tracking Number. And judging by the Nintendo Life article yesterday, I wouldn't worry too much (though totally understand why you are, yesterday was a rollercoaster)! Until the Switch has arrived at my door I'm not gonna be able to relax, especially with absolutely no tracking as it stands...
  4. Aaaaand breathe again.. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2017/03/official_nintendo_uk_store_reassures_customers_on_day_one_switch_deliveries
  5. Me too!! Oh FUCK off. On one hand their email earlier reassures me, but then again, it also says 48 hours tracked on the email. I'm hoping beyond hope that this is a mistake.. but now have to spend the next day wondering "will it? Won't it?!"
  6. I'm also getting a bit concerned by the posts on GAF. My order says "Standard Delivery" so I'm not sure how they were able to guarantee me launch day delivery earlier this week..
  7. Anyone who expected the Switch to be Nintendo's online "coming of age" should have realised the fact they weren't talking about it meant they hadn't made much progress in that area. And now they want us to pay for it! On the Xbox One I get four free games a month (to keep), online multiplayer, simple friend adding systems, exclusive sales, voice/party chat - get this - on the console, free trial weekends and more.
  8. Whoa! That Guardian amiibo is huge. Surely it'll crush the Joycons? Haha
  9. Mine also says Awaiting Dispatch once I click in to the order details... Come on Nintendo! Edit: Just checked my bank (Halifax) and a Switch shaped hole is in my Pending Transactions dated 01/03/17 - all signs point to it being sorted soon..
  10. Just noticed my Nintendo Switch order with Nintendo says estimated dispatch 3/3.. anyone else have this? I should also say I was guaranteed launch day delivery when I checked on Live Chat, but that doesn't hold much weight with me.
  11. Hey dude! Possibly only the power adapter, assuming I haven't missed something and you're coming back to the UK. I've heard the Switch is region free so I'm assuming you'll be good to go - that said, will your eShop be locked to the US store even when you're back here? Not sure if that has been answered..
  12. Me and the missus have got Friday off and I have Monday off. We've agreed that she can have Zelda on Friday and Sunday and I can have it Saturday and Monday, so I reeeeally hope it arrives on time so as not to scupper our scheduling!
  13. I'm no longer much of a regular but boy howdy am I excited and right there with you guys! Ordered games from Amazon and Switch from Nintendo Store, nothing had dispatched yet.. gimme that shipping email Nintendo!
  14. Dyson

    Hey! It's that Guy!

  15. : peace: 10char for old times sake
  16. I've just read about MadDog and I'm gutted - what an awful thing to find out about someone you never met but interacted with so much. Rather than bump the obituary thread, I'll put it here - YNWA mate. If there's any way to help out I'd be more than welcome. I'll try and check back here but most of you have me on Facebook. I'll be donating too, but unfortunately it will be after payday. This whole event looks incredible guys - can't wait to check out the stream.
  17. Thinking of you and your family in this awful time. I believe we had a few exchanges in the past and he was a lovely guy. Rest in peace.
  18. Consider me in - just poke me at the time. And as for Mcoy.. I'll be sure to let him know too
  19. Oh, these were fun.. Might be interested in doing one of these again.. But have a feeling I'd start and very quickly lose interest
  20. This thread has brought back great memories for me, and reading through and seeing people decide to quit after years is something I went through years ago. N-E X11 back in its prime was fantastic, the banter and rivalries we had were like nothing else. I would definitely be up for a final encore season and cup with everyone starting from a clean slate. I reckon I could definitely get a certain Brian Mcoy involved, too.
  21. This thread makes me feel warm and fuzzy <3
  22. Anyone there tomorrow? Currently having a drink with @Dan Dare and @Shorty!
  23. Definitely interested to see how it compares to previous years at Earl's Court. As the capacity went up the queues were longer and the general experience was worsened - not horrendously, but in my mind I ended up being more like a Theme park than a games expo, where you could go on one or two big rides at the expense of huuuuge queue times (you know it's bad when Activision have brought in "4 hours queue from this point" signs in advance!) but quite often the best experience can be had by checking out the less crowded areas. In any case, I went to Gamescom in Cologne this year and nothing can possibly be as bad as that in terms of crowd control, holy shit..
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