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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. Damn it Amazon! Cancelled my order earlier, they got stock in at game.co.uk earlier too but by the time I got the stock alert they were sold out again.. Have ordered at Play.com. Fingers crossed.
  2. Grrrrrargh. My girlfriend was supposed to be coming down to see me on our day off today but supposedly lost her bank card. I wouldn't be so annoyed by this if it weren't for the fact that this isn't the first time she's cancelled on coming to see me and there were things she could have done to make it here. I'm just stuck with this horrible feeling that she wasn't too concerned that she couldn't make it down here and thus my mind spirals onwards from there. And as such my day off has become a waste of time and I'm just in a wound up, frustrated mood.
  3. Ooooh yeah I hate that. I imagine they have quite a lot of pressure put on them because it's flagship, but yeah.. no need to try too hard
  4. O RLY? How so? I've been in there - the game pod thing was broken and the poor staff were trying to fix it. Cool as it was I don't think I need brand new machines rebelling against me as well as ones from pre-EB merger
  5. Indeed, I'm using Savlon 2 or 3 times a day having washed it with soapy water but being careful to avoid shower gels and shampoo on the tattoo.. I think that's right Daft - Well, it was printed on white paper and I just sort of.. forgot to mention it, it seemed obvious in my head! But I'm not fussed - I like it as is I took another picture a few minutes ago with a better angle/camera/etc. The colour on the blush has already gone down quite a bit since that night. It looks a little bit bruised in that photo, but it doesn't feel painful. I'm expecting the itching to start in a few days
  6. It's on my chest, beneath my right shoulder
  7. It's done! I actually love it. It's not coloured as planned - I genuinely forgot to mention I wanted it coloured white, however, it looks a lot better than I thought it would so I might keep it this way. The blush is still quite a dark red in this picture (it was taken the same night, so.. yeah bleeding ) but it's already gone down quite a bit and is reaching the proper pinkish colour. As for the experience - you were spot on Daft. It was a huge buzz having it done and I'm already trying to work out what I want to get next and as for the pain.. it honestly did not hurt as much as I thought it would, at all. There was pain, sure, but it wasn't painful if that makes sense XD and afterwards it felt like I'd grazed my shoulder against a brick or something. Right now, I can't even feel it. What fun! Where abouts are you based? It took about an hour to get down there.
  8. Still working at GAME, but getting to the point where I'm ready to call it in. I want to move in with my girlfriend in London which is seeming more and more likely at the moment, but I need to find work up there first. Ideally I'd transfer but a full time Senior Sales contract is hard to come by sadly!
  9. Thanks y'all Have run out of thanks for the day! x
  10. Thanks for the responses guys, some great feedback. It's tomorrow now and I'm fairly excited - though still uber nervous..! @Rummy, still living 45 minutes out from London but my girlfriend lives in Shoreditch so I'm pretty much there 2 days out of 7 in any week!
  11. Thanks guys!
  12. Totally! Well actually, my girlfriend is sorta redrawing Boo for me so it won't be a pixel-perfect copy from the internet, which is nice. It'll still be personal. I wish I was more creative/able, I'd do it myself! Oh absolutely. An old colleague of mine had the lyrics "If these were mistakes then i would make them all again" on his forearm - which I think is an absolutely brilliant tattoo. It's very him, too. Another colleague of mine has a small infinity tattoo on her wrist, which her best friend also has on her wrist. And my girlfriend has 3 tattoo's - 2 band related and one dinosaur she drew herself. They all mean completely different things to different people, which makes them so special. Exactly the same for me! The idea has been very vivid and in my head since I came up with it. I love it. Since the blush is quite an important part, I've decided to go colour. It's only going to be pink and white (maybe blue for shading?) so I think the effect will remain over time. I also think a transparent Boo would look a little odd - not sure why, in my mind it doesn't quite look right. A place called Skinfinity in Woolwich. The two friends who have been there are coming along with me too so I won't be alone which is nice
  13. As long as I can take it without sorta snapping away I'm happy. I tend to be quite sensitive but am generally alright with injections and such, so.. yeah. Thanks Magnus! Nice of someone to notice
  14. I can do it! Somehow. I'm sure With a hat and everything!
  15. Hey again! I'm struggling to keep up with y'all here these days but I try and make the effort when I can. I hope you're all doing fine and dandy. So I'm fairly excited/nervous/apprehensive - I've booked in for my first tattoo this Saturday (wait, that's tomorrow..) at a tattoo parlour that two of my friends have been to, so I know this place does good work. I'm getting a hiding boo tattoo'd on the front of my shoulder/chest.. sorta below the collarbone if you will. The top right, unpixellated. Anyone interested in the reasons for me choosing this tattoo can read my blog entry on the subject here. Anyway, I'm not really sure what to expect. I've been told by several people it will hurt and several others it won't, so I don't know what the truth is and whether people are trying to scare me or stop me being so apprehensive I tend to have a low pain threshold compared to other people as it is, and allegedly the place I'm getting it done is quite painful as there is a lot of muscle under it (or there should be!) so.. yeah. Anyone with any previous experience lemme know what to expect! I'll be sure to post the result assuming all goes well over the weekend
  16. I've had a week off work, my first since October, therefore it's all been good. The best bit has been staying with my girlfriend for 5 days, that was just plain awesome. Not having to worry about leaving like I always do after one night was so relaxing. Don't make me go baaaack..
  17. My god this is seriously the only reason anyone needs to get a 3DS. @RedShell, please please please do a Kindergarten Cop letter if you find the time.
  18. I'd genuinely be up for running the live draw.
  19. I'm actually loving it mate! It's my first time playing the game at all and it's just so playable. Brilliant purchase.
  20. A crazy man traded his copy in at the GAME store I work in. He got £11 for it.. it sells for £24.99 preowned. Discount for the win. It's in perfect condition too! Same thing happened with TWEWY except that traded in and sold for much less obviously
  21. Yeah really - this is such an awesome application! Everyone in this thread needs to add me to their list if they haven't already. I've done so. I've had hundreds of letters of gold
  22. £18 £7
  23. Also added: @dr4hkon @notsotiny @Hero\-of\-Time @S\.C\.G
  24. I've just added everyone who tagged me in a post. Welcome to my list.
  25. Clearly my time with Xpert is coming to an end. The fact that I am in the relegation zone in the middle league shows how little I've been paying attention to my squad, every time I come back to try and revitalize my interest in it I forget about it for a week and come back to losses. I'll play out this season and see if I can get back in to it as I do love it (and have for almost 5 years!) but am struggling to have the same passion I did previously
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