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Status Updates posted by darksnowman

  1. Hmm, Tuesday night maybe? You be online and up for it some time after 8pm?

  2. I was meaning to ask you for some on Tuesday... and then over the weekend... we'll get some more alright. I haven't played EoT since we last co-opped so it won't go overlooked forever! :heh:

  3. Now here's a man who knows how to put a car through its paces. :hehe:

  4. 2nd or 3rd favourite?


    Make up yo mind. :heh:

  5. Sbears, nice purchase!


    You might have breezed through those opening levels but trust me, the difficulty soon ramps up. :o Its a mental game... and Henry is no pedo or perv. :heh:

  6. Lol, no worries. I was only joking about renaming the BlastWorks thread... :indeed:


    So you are finding Order Up! to be solid enough? I bought it for £10-15 in a spending spree just before Christmas, but like I said in the thread, Wii memory was really limited for me- I'd been deleting VC/ Wiiware to make room for game saves, never mind for downloading new games, lol. I do enjoy a quirky game so thats why I grabbed Order Up! on the cheap, especially after H-o-T's positive impressions. :hehe:


    If you find you might be looking for another crazy game at the mo then I can't recommend Henry Hatsworth on DS enough. You can even download the soundtrack as easily as with Big Bang Mini. :heh:

  7. And a cartridge in a TV.


    Bad Influence 4ever.

  8. Six, you tart!

  9. See you...! You should buy his game and see for yourself. :grin:

  10. Henry Hatsworth is no perv. Take that back! :o

  11. Dazzy if you have time to read this it means you have time to set up the 09 MK Wiikly season!

  12. Lol, just got the email saying you were true to your word. Yeah I only really got into it cos I was bored one day and got an app for it onto my phone... seems quite addictive. You should give it ago- your ramblings couldn't be that bad.


    Twitter mafia??

  13. Nosey neighbour! I know you don't use Twitter much (or any more by the looks of it) but I've hunted you down and I'm following you all the same.

  14. I've only one thing to say to you...



  15. Nope... Hi I'm Daisy!

  16. Dizzy rascal!

  17. Moley moley moley.

  18. Duuuubakuuu!





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