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Status Updates posted by darksnowman

  1. Make bubbles, not war!

  2. Our relationship is so one sided. :( How dare you have a life away from here!

  3. I was trying to resist until the first redesign takes place but now I could be swayed. Last month I took a look at my backlog and decided I should play what I have and ignore the 3DS as long as possible. :p I don't know if you noticed but I finished Epic Mickey and I think its a game you'd like, amigo. Sort of like Mario meets Monster Hunter as its a blend of platforming and questing!

  4. Happy birthday dude! : peace:


    Get any good games?

  5. ...see my previous post below. :wink:

  6. Lol Retro_Link doesn't even know where you live... :heh:


    Hope you're having and continue to have a great day me old Twilight Link!

  7. Hey man, thanks! :) I'll do my best... though having been at work all day its been a pretty normal day so far!

  8. ¡Buenos dias muchacho! Thanks for the birthday wishes. :hehe: I'm getting old... like you.

  9. I thought you were always on Goldeneye? Lies!

  10. Fused! I didn't know about the latest ZREO project so thanks for filling me in. Those previews sound really good, can't wait for the full thing to be done! :grin:

  11. KNEW Nadal was gonna get that. Atleast Federer made a game of it this year!

  12. Haha, you're right. Its Federer dressed as Marty Bison!


    I had GST on the weekend before last for a couple of games online. Theres still people on there to play against which is a pleasant surprise. :hehe:

  13. Hey, that sucks about your Wii. :( Hope the cleaning kit sorts it out.


    The Wii Music video/s is/are terrible. I may have sent you two. :heh: If so, one is a bit better than the other but I just threw em both together with no finesse involved... but it was still fun! I've yet to go through the BB drumming lessons and master that because the remote + nunchuk drumming is too basic.


    PS I've never played an Art Style game. Don't hate me.

  14. I think I've stepped into the twilight zone...!


    I've not played MH in a wee while now. Could do with getting back to it! Won't be able to play tonight or tomorrow but maybe some night this week if you're about...? I've been playing Pro Evo 2009 a bit recently. How random!

  15. Close but not what I was looking for.


    (Fifa 12.)

  16. That was some good unplanned MH today. :cool: We'll hopefully get a bit more done tomorrow. I'm up to HR 8 now and have the lvl 2 quests open so we can push on to bigger and more difficult things (unless we have the help of the veterans :laughing:).

  17. No probs - hopefully some other night when you are free! :heh:

  18. *isn't discouraged*


    Don't suppose you would be up for a quick hour on MH tomorrow evening, me old son?

  19. Hey, have you watched the series The Killing/ Forbrydelsen? I had it recommended to me and checked it out- seems pretty good.

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