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Status Updates posted by darksnowman

  1. Haha, yeah! I got the newsletter from Nintendo about that as well. :hehe: Pity there's no sign of a huskey being available but I might have to check those pups out anyway! Ooh, and isn't there Autumn furniture to collect...?

  2. Just when I'd caught you up a bit, you go ahead and get older too. :blank:


    Have a great one, kiddo!

  3. Hey, picked up Rhapsody DS in Game last Thursday night for £15. Played the prologue section yesterday and it was incredibly easy with baddies doing 0 damage to me. :wtf: On the upside it seems like the sort of "lite" RPG that will do me nicely after recently closing out DQ V and Chrono Trigger DS over the past couple of weeks!

  4. Oh yeah, now thats subtle. :indeed:


    I think the Flipnote thread should be ok- the only place I can think it might need moving would be the online section but we shall see. :smile:

  5. It'll happen, just you wait. :heh:

  6. Watched two more of House so thats four down of the newest series. Good stuff so far though I'm paranoid after you said you think it goes into a bit of a lull. :heh: His dad died and Wilson is back.


    Mario Kart is on Wednesday, not Thursday, so you may just enjoy the footy!

  7. Haha don't resort to that! Support Verdasco, he needs it! Murray is lucky to have got through this far- Tipsarevic would have beat him if he hadn't been injured. With Nadal out that opens up Murrays half of the draw. :(

  8. ROBIN SODERLING!!! :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

  9. 24 finale tonight!


    Check out this Wiiware game. Do it for Juuuma.

  10. Joe, Mario Kart? :heh:

  11. You've been quiet since Nadal lost to Federer en la Caja Magica on Sunday there. :heh:

  12. Dude, Mario Kart Wii... get it sorted! :heh:

  13. Hey. Thanks for the link to that video. :hehe:


    Tell me this, was there an English version of that done at Twycross? I always thought there was and that I'd seen it back at the time... but everything in that video you linked to was very familiar... and soo so cheesy. "Whoa dude its like the same graphics that were in Jurassic Park and the Mask!"




    Knowing that Snowbarrel Blast has 12 layers of snow falling is a piece of info I'll be using in future though. :heh:

  14. Freaking Dubaku was in the Wolverine film! :grin:



  15. Aye I didn't bother watching the final but read Nadal won it. He keeps grinding them out doesn't he... about time an injury came his way! When asked about what he thought of Murray potentially becoming number three, Federer said there isn't that much difference between being third and fourth. :laughing:

  16. You sold AC?


    I don't know if I can forgive you. :(

  17. Haha, let the smack talk begin! You'll be lucky to ever beat me!


    Federer lost to Djokovic today in the Rome semi's. :(

  18. Yeah? I've read up on it since they announced it for the DS (hey, you know I find it hard to resist an RPG) and even though p/reviews weren't brimming with positivity, I thought it still sounded "different." Not worth it then? Maybe I'll wait til it drops further in price- the way these sales are at the minute it won't be long til it costs a fiver somewhere!


    PS you need to post to my profile or I might never notice your replies. School boy error. :heh:

  19. Got Soul Bubbles in the post today. :hehe:

  20. If you want any Bank Holiday weekend co-op you know where I am...!

  21. I really appreciated the animation, style and Frenchness of Les Triplettes, don't get me wrong. :hehe: It will need watching again some night!


    OSS 117 is really good- its like a French spoof of Bond. Find it and practise your French. :heh:

  22. Hey, I watched Les Triplettes de Belleville last night. It was supremely bizarre- I didn't know there was no dialogue in it! It was still really good... the dogs dreams were pretty funny!


    You watch a lot of French DVDs? Have you seen OSS 117?

  23. Loving your lastfm tracks right now- a nice selection of Muse!

  24. That font you are using in your av/ sig makes your name look like Coolness Beans. :heh:

  25. Haha, thanks for that. :hehe:


    I bought WarioWare: Smooth Moves yesterday would you believe. :heh:

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