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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. Europe too. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2022-02-16-3ds-and-wii-u-eshop-purchases-end-in-march-2023
  2. NSO members get all the best stuff.
  3. Nice going there with Theatrhythm FF Curtain Call. My fourth most played is Streetpass Mii Plaza then coming in at five is the first Theatrhythm. It was great fun!
  4. For anyone like @V. Amoleo and @Julius who is planning to scoop up some eShop games in the next year, don't overlook Nintendo Pocket Football Club and Pocket Card Jockey. I was just thinking last night that I should stump up for some VC games on 3DS to save me from the whims of my NSO sub so the timing is eerie. Fingers crossed for a massive closing down sale! Is it compatible with Yellow and Crystal? I probs won't ever want to transfer anything out of those games... but... you just never know.
  5. It's not what it looks like!! I started with an ice white 3DS and Mario 3D Land followed by Pullblox and I've played a decent bit of MK7 and plenty of five min bursts on 3D OutRun. Not RPGs! But man, I had such a great time with Tomodachi Life and Fantasy Life. Not sure what an EO demo is doing there since I played the full games too. I demand a recount!
  6. Thought Tendo sounded the less ridiculous of the two so put it first.
  7. Yeah, I play by checking the oppositions attack range and positioning my troops just outside that, let them come closer on the next turn, then engage with them on my terms on the next. Always figured that would be the pattern of play for everyone. Playing start to finish with no saves would be mental. But if they could pull off what you're getting at, pretty much everyone would game over due to running out of troops at some point. No matter how careful you are, you can always whiff an attack or be taken out by a crit. Maybe it could be an unlockable difficulty for maniacs like @Jonnas if it isn't a self-imposed thing people in the FE circles do already! The option to go back a turn or however it works in Valentia seems like a decent compromise as it saves people who want to keep their characters alive from having to repeat full maps. Would've said trial and error but puzzley makes it sound much more intellectual.
  8. Wiped out again to a fish. Thought I was safe enough making it to land but got one-shotted anyway. Upgraded a few bits of gear, swung by the Gem guy (wasn't active yet), and headed back up to Tephra Cave where, upon returning to where I died before, found a few chests on the ground. Score! See, I went down swinging! This time I took out all the creatures in the vicinity just to prove to myself that I could before moving outside and onto chapters 2 and 3. Chapters, eh? I'm gonna have to look into missables (and see if I've missed anything notable already). Well, the strike happened and the battles I engaged with were slow going affairs due to the need to land a break attack and sit and hope Reyn would follow up with a topple. Getting an affinity attack off helped speed things up which was good. Then Dunban came in with the Monado and was like: So, we've been called to action now and it's time to put Colony 9 to our backs and head out into the world. Except there's more !s on the map so I'll hang about and see to those, shall I? And the gem machine's up and running so might as well see what I can get out of it when I'm here. Listening to Shulk and Reyn on that is like the Chuckle brothers. To me, to you, to me, to you!
  9. Hopefully you will be able to get into it this time around. I'm sure it's a massive change going from Pokémon and Fire Emblem to Earthbound Beginnings! Wouldn't mind trying it some time myself so I'll be reading your experience with interest. You weren't a massive fan of Earthbound, were you? What's his name in this? Tendo or Ninten, isn't it?
  10. I think Shovel Knight is pretty difficult.
  11. Of course, I know everyone here is well clued up on this stuff. (Too late for @BowserBasher and @Ashley to nonchalantly flop onto the bandwagon with @Sméagol now!) All I know is it's a beloved SNES RPG that didn't make it out of Japan. Like I said, I just remembered Live A Live being pined for when the GBA and DS hit their form as 16-bit RPG machines and then it's been radio silence since. I, at least, don't remember noticing people crying out for it to be brought over in a Wii Hanabi Festival or anything like that. Then last week when I was perusing some Direct comments sections on the wider reaches of the Internet it was as if everyone and their dog were lifelong diehard fans with encyclopedic knowledge of it. In a bowl with milk. They are good at any time of the day.
  12. I gave the demo a whirl a while back and liked that it seemed pretty well guided. I prefer to be told where to go next and to be allowed to deviate on the way there rather than be dumped into something that has next to no structure. I've had it in my hands a few times when I've seen it on sale but am yet to take it to the tills. But this is pretty discouraging to hear.
  13. Amazing, eh? How would you say it measures up against Shovel Knight, for example?
  14. Searching didn't turn up a thread for it but I remember this one turning a few heads when it was revealed: Cyber Shadow is 30% off @ £12.59 until 28/02/2022
  15. Beasted it! So for all the unwavering support we've given, when can we expect our tailored training plans to arrive in our inboxes? Hmm, yeah I'm not so sure about that...
  16. Wiped out twice in short order. Once when filling out the map and generally noseying around the Colony 9 shores, I tried to leg it past some higher-level wildlife (these aren't monsters, are they??) to nab the nearby pickups only for them to engage with, and one-shot me. Oops. Then up in the Tephra Cave, I got taken out in close quarters by a group that I probably should have fled from when I saw how many of them had joined the fray. Think it's time to visit some NPCs to get some completed quests checked off and spend some dough on upgrades and talk to the materia man. Should maybe look at putting some points into a few artes too. Easy does it but I wanna be let loose on the Gaur Plains already.
  17. I don't know about the Xenoblade storyline (all being well I will by the time this comes round), but that trailer is something else. Imagine what they could squeeze out of the Switch if Monolith Soft and Shin'en Multimedia were to team up and pool their optimisation expertise.
  18. Hmm, doesn't it affect your approach at all? Like, are you more gung-ho about proceedings if you know they'll be back again for the next mission?
  19. With it being called Switch Sports, I feel slight vindication that I always go to say Switch Fit and have to immediately correct myself. If only! Switch Music would sell absolute gangbusters. Incorporate the ring and leg strap and away we go.
  20. TRACK BACK BOB!! TRACK BACK!!! CPU scores another tap in. bob rage quits. Again. I welcome them calling upon anything from the King, Kaptain or Baron's storied past but I draw the line at the Mobile Island Fortress or anything from DK 64. No need.
  21. I reckon they shoved MK8D on Switch early doors for no other reason than to bolster the launch window line-up and they've been just as taken aback as everyone else that the thing won't stop printing money. I've no doubt the Direct reveal for MK9 has been ready for broadcast for some time now and they've pushed it back and pushed it back until finally opting to do this DLC. Actually, I think the DLC makes so much sense I'm kind of surprised to see it happening! The gradual release is no bad thing (imo) as it'll give people time to enjoy and master the new tracks (not everyone will have played the mobile game) and it gives Nintendo something to fill the vacant Smash Bros. new character slot in upcoming Directs. It'd be great if they expand it further with new characters and vehicle parts. I'm just looking forward to getting back on MK8D to see if I can finish unlocking the parts in it already but if there ends up being more, all the better! Although perhaps they want to hold something back for MK9, unless like someone else (@drahkon?) said, they're gonna turn that 8 on its side and make this into MK Infinite.
  22. Also hoping it comes to the N64 NSO service but I didn't realise there might be any rights issues to untangle. BAR is a fun game with a really satisfying sense of discovery when you find a shortcut/ new route through a stage.
  23. The first thing that came to mind was hydrangea but your non-existent hat getting moves off is a good one too.
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