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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. No sooner have I typed this than...
  2. Don't see you refuting it.
  3. In the chapters he featured in, once I saw he's a powerhouse I kept him in and around the group in case cover or rescue was needed. On a few occasions, he OHKO'd enemies who thought they'd chance their arm against him. Used him on one or two end-of-chapter bosses to ensure a safe exit instead of rolling the dice with anyone weaker. The Marcus + Hector combo reminds me of tag-teaming PoR with Ike and Titania. The guy Oswin is pretty handy when he's close enough to do anything, too. Okay, I'll sub in Canas for a few chapters. Giving Raven a run out too but need to be mindful to not let it detract from funnelling some exp Eliwood's way. I've enjoyed incinerating enemies with Erk but I just don't like the kid. Never liked or trusted Soren either. Something about these Fire Emblem mages doesn't jive with me. I've traded up to the horseback troubadour girl as healer now. I'd like a badass pegasus knight because flimsy Florina's a waste of a spot. And if I'm to have a thief, I want that redhead spy Leila to join our ranks. Yeah, that's my understanding of supports. I'm not feeling disadvantaged without them but I'd like to get the ball rolling with them since I know they're a part of what makes Fire Emblem unique. Good to know—glad I aborted on those arena attempts. Here's how I'm leaning: Preferred: Hector (lord) Lyn (lord) Eliwood (lord) Oswin (knight) Rebecca (archer) Lowen (cavalier) Priscilla (troubadour) Raven (mercenary) Marcus (paladin) Kent (cavalier) To try: Canas (shaman) Question marks over Florina (pegasus knight), Lucius (monk) Useful but lost their place: Dorcas (fighter), Bartre (fighter), Will (archer) Don't like his stance: Guy (myrmidon) Don't like: Serra (cleric), Sain (tool), Erk (mage), Matthew (thief) Let me assemble a squad of battle-hardened 20+ year-olds.
  4. Looks like Argos price-matched Curry's, then. And you fell for it. I did say this is a game you can cruise through on autopilot! I skipped the sequels because, between the likes of Krusty's Fun House and Lemmings, I felt I was covered. And it bugged me they appeared to be phoning it in with the minis rather than going for more of a direct DK94 follow-up. There was and is room for both. Nice NSO icons at least.
  5. The old five-finger discount.
  6. Oh yeah, I made sure to give it a listen. I was just joshing that it merits a mention on the main site here as much as Zelda.
  7. Actually thought you got d/c or called away. The Mario Kart giveth and the Mario Kart taketh away (from some more than others).
  8. Hail mary and dancer and donner and blitz em. Hut hut hut! Sources said there was a Chargin' Chucks Gridiron game to be shown at the Superbowl last weekend but it didn't materialise because... yeah, sources... Xtreme G was all right! Tided things over until F-Zero. It's a pity the series ended because like you say, despite the similarities, it was still different to F-Zero and Wipeout.
  9. Chapter-wise, I'm into the mid-teens now in Fire Emblem and starting to get into it. There was the odd turn in previous chapters where I got let off the hook with enemies whiffing/ my characters evading, but in a recent skirmish against pirates, my luck ran dry. Must've restarted it six times before I got through the first two turns with no casualties. And I play cautiously as it is. I've reached the point now where I'm leaving out characters I wouldn't mind using such are the character options that have become available. Like, I've dropped Marcus for the time being because he's a monster so he'll get trotted out again when the game catches up to his level. It's a nice dilemma because in the early going there were characters I couldn't wait to drop because: Especially medieval battles. Hoping for better mages because the boy Erk seems like a twerp even if he's been able to hold his own so far. The light mage hasn't won me over either and I'm not sure about the flux dealer that's just joined. I checked out an arena which might be a first for me in Fire Emblem. Had to bail with Lowen and Lyn (who are normally beasts for me) as they got rough opponents and I didn't want to find out if arena death is permadeath as I was all but ready to finish the map by that point. Hector got a lower-level mage and a win. Nice. Looked like I could have healed up and went again but it's pricey enough so I moved on. Got some stat-up items I'm not sure who to use them on yet and it looks like it won't be long before Lyn makes it up to lvl 20 for promotion. Can't wait. Eliwood needs some nurturing. Wondering if Merlinus will expand to become a shop between chapters because that was handy in Path of Radiance iirc. Had one support conversation between Eliwood and Hector but nothing else yet. Wouldn't mind more but maybe I'm not positioning the troops correctly. I thought the old hag that's travelling with us said she could give info on supports but maybe I misread that because I can't see it in the menu.
  10. Basically a year sooner than I would have expected. Do you remember if the others were simultaneous US and EU releases? Since I know I want this, you've made me realise:
  11. Thanks for the heads up. Hefty download, this one. Had to go through and find some previous game trials to archive and the odd demo, such as Pikmin 4 that I haven't got around to trying. At around an hour, the time to download will trounce the time I spend on a couple of FC24 exhibition matches.
  12. I've come to the conclusion Waluigi Pinball is in the same category as Baby Park. PS @lostmario at least I wait until after three GPs before rage quitting.
  13. No mention of the Splatoon concert though? I've never heard of that God of Light game you posted—nice find. It looks pretty nice.
  14. Aside from having seen a YouTube ad for Sea of Thieves (or it could have been any of those seafaring games tbh), I won't pretend to know anything about this quartet. I hope they're good and get good conversions. I wish them well like Minecraft, Ori, Cuphead and whatever else is already here. As a potential customer, it'd be nice if they go easy on my pocket rather than try to go for Nintendo's pricing. Have to get a gamerscore in my sig... until they decide testing the waters with these did not deliver the expected success and that's it. Megaton! Spoken like someone who's been playing a lot of N64 recently.
  15. Imo, should have said we don't comment on rumours and positioned themselves above it all from the getgo and let the insatiable rumourmill eat itself alive. Then again, the only thing worse than people talking about you is people not talking about you. T'Internet'd still be raging if Xbox put on an E3-style presser to announce they're shutting up shop with immediate effect so there's no winning in this business. Well, that's been Palworld and this Xbox debacle. The Nintendo Direct "insiders" gonna ramp it up for the second half of Feb or can we look forward to something new next week?
  16. Valentine not letting him away. I'm in so I'm in.
  17. Nicely done. Wasn't sure if that had been personalised or not—been a while since I clapped eyes on most of these games.
  18. Even by N64 mags standards, 50% seems harsh for Bomberman. I remember finding it to be reasonably solid with some jaunty tunes? Admittedly, it was a borrow so if I'd shelled out my own savings for it I might have been of a different opinion. Or if it had come later into the N64s span. I may well have played Mace but those games have all blended together for me. You could mix and match the screenshots and names of those fighting games and I wouldn't know any better. Did you give your car a paint job in Top Gear? For some reason that editor drew my attention.
  19. Only thing we learn from this is even during Carnival they have to keep the rumour mill spinning. On Pancake Tuesday: Switch successor made from components Nintendo wanted cleared out of their cupboards. Re: backward compatibility, hope for a Super Gameboy/ GBA Player type add-on and the option to pay a "minimal fee" to bring your digital games forward, like the Wii VC to Wii U. Anything more seamless (like a days-long system transfer) will be a bonus. Let's just await official confirmation on anything else.
  20. Got one. If it means anything, it happened at the moment the schedule moved from one event to the next and I noticed F-Zero 99 mode flicker/glitch once. Would've been gutted if they voted for the other track! The track looked like Firefield, but it was mashed with Mute City and had extra hazards. Got a "???" badge for it. Scary to be on an all-new track that was taking no prisoners. The music was a cool mashup too. Would be nice if these tracks drop into the normal rotation and become available in practise mode because I don't see any way of getting a good run around them all otherwise.
  21. Got my first *9 characters in this. Onion Knight, Zack, Snow and Cloud of Darkness. I'll let another group grow now and maybe tackle some of the remaining quests. Such a hard to game to come off once I fire it up.
  22. Still no sign of them. Secret to everyone. Maybe you have to be on in the wee small hours or something.
  23. @Ashley did you sample any Pokémon starters in Japan? As for starter Pokémon (Kanto - Gen 1) which the discussion in this hastily cobbled-together thread seems to attempt to pertain to, I went: Pokémon Red (US import): Charmander Pokémon LeafGreen: Bulbasaur Pokémon Yellow (3DS VC): Pikachu Charmander was nicknamed Cinder after the flamey fighter in Killer Instinct. You always remember your first. He ended up with four questionable moves: Fire Spin, Seismic Toss, Fissure and the cut HM. There was no UK magazine coverage yet so I didn't know the best way to go about designating stuff—I wasn't fully aware of the implications of teaching him cut, and Fire Spin was an underwhelming final fire move, imo. Roided him up on carbs and whatever with no knowledge of what to prioritise. Got him and a bunch of other Pokémon to lvl 100 which I haven't done in any other Pokémon. I went on to complete the Pokédex by trading for the other starters, Articuno since I killed it in mine and the rest + a Mew one friend was able to get via Gameshark. Mew aside, the rest were legit. I seem to recall Vaporeon was the last one I got. It was a trade and trade back arrangement like most, just to fill the dex. Bulbasaur I had in LeafGreen: no specific memories to recount. Tbh, I remember nothing of this game except the "previously on Pokémon LeafGreen" you'd get when you went back to it and the islands they added. Pikachu in Yellow: it was cool to have a party of Pikachu + the three other starters. Not to derail from your Lucario chat, but since I have nothing to expand on about any of these so you may as well find out now. I know the game names better: Gold: Fire Ruby: Fire Emerald: Water for a change Diamond: Fire (DNF and finished with the series) Crystal on 3DS VC: Can't remember and don't care to check Shield: Fire (should have stayed finished with the series) I'm having trouble even remembering what those starters were because when I visualise the covers they are legendaries, but I know they made for good party leaders in Gold and Ruby. I burned my way through everything. Weaknesses be damned.
  24. Saw it when it came back in 3D. Don't think I'll put myself through it again—even for the Ballymena Jedi.
  25. Quiet game for Darwin yields a well-taken goal.
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