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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. Never played any of the Battle Network games because the GBA had more than its fair share of RPG's (still need to get back to Golden Sun 2...!) and because reviews at the time made Battle Network sound decidedly mediocre. Having said that, nowadays when people talk about BN in retrospect, they look back on it fondly so maybe it was decent enough. Or... rose tinted glasses...
  2. Report in, guys! How's your attempt at becoming a Trading Card Master started out? Any club badges earned? @Glen\-i @S\.C\.G @V\. Amoleo @Gizmo @Debug Mode
  3. I weeded out the Rattatas and Ratticates as I got a few boosters, the Machop and its evolution too. There's still a Diglett and Dugtrio and some fighting cards but they are just fodder if they come up during a duel, tbh. Electric is my other main element so far. Which I actually feel could be fun after duelling that NPC who has all the varieties of Pikachu. I want. I have a couple of Pika's and Raichu as well as Magnemite, Magneton and Zapdos. Starting to do ok in the game would you believe. The Diglett/trio will be getting the chop to make room for other more fitting cards. I think fire and electric could be a good enough combo. I have Omanyte and Omaster which I LOVED in Pokémon Red so would like to work it in sometime - probably to a new deck. I gave an NPC a Rapidash card and they gave me nothing in return. What gives? I have two Magmars in my deck now and they are pretty great. If I can get the poison move working, it usually means I've a good shot at making a decent duel out of things. Well done! The cards must have fell really luckily for you today. :wink: Our next play through? Well, um, we'll decide on that when we get through this current play through. You may go work on your gamerscore for a week or two.
  4. No rush but yes text speed is up to max. Luck seems to play a huge part. I was in a duel there and was able to time my coin tosses well for a few turns, while the cpu messed their own up with a Geodude, meaning they inflicted zero damage on me. Then their luck was in and they got heads heads heads heads... and inflicted something like 70 damage on me, which was ample to finish the duel. Yes, do. I don't want to read about how easy this game is as I toil away.
  5. Say it ain't so! Oh man, its that guy again that had us drooling at the prospect of so many rumours since gaming began. Oh how we've missed him. Some guy told me Sadness Amiibo's are on their way and that's why the game has been delayed for a generation.
  6. Yeah, I got the GBA wireless adaptor with Pokémon Leaf Green when I bought it along with a NES SP. :awesome: Aside from Leaf Green, I'm not sure what other games it's compatible with. Think I used it once, twice at a push. Anyway, out with the old... And in with the new old eShop version. I started my new file and to cut a long story short, this game is every bit as slow and unforgiving as I remembered. How H-o-T or anyone could power through it I don't know. Firstly as I said above, the opening tutorial duel (that the game talks you through, step by step. Yep that one), I found it quite a bit to take in. So of course after that I went round and 'checked' everything and spoke to everyone. A guy in the room next door, Aaron, said we could duel and he would give me energy cards for winning. He'd even let me pick what type of deck he used. Sweet deal I thought. I selected grass for him and we duelled. He beat me in two turns. I went against him again. This time he beat me in 25 odd turns. I only made two or three attacks during the course of all those turns cos he had me either paralysed or confused! Urgh. I had to beat this chump so third time I picked fire for him and finally got a win under my belt after another lengthy duel. This game. I hightailed it over to the Grass Club and took on the first person that offered a duel. I won this one first time (!) but it didn't look good at all and nor was it swift. It wasn't until I FINALLY got a Charmeleon on the go that I was able to turn a losing situation into a win. You boys make it sound like you just kick back and press b to win and the game will be over in no time.
  7. So the text on the Wii U edition of Tri was difficult to read too? I thought this was only a problem I was facing when playing the original Wii version on an old SD TV. Hoped HD would sharpen it up and make it legible...! I had the same problem with Xenoblade which is partly why I gave up playing it. Working out item descriptions was guesswork.
  8. Chrom makes me think Chom makes me think Cupil.
  9. I know its mega popular but I'm not a fan of Giantbomb's 'in your face' way of doing things. Has Dan Ryckert been there long enough to have been on a Bombcast yet? You gotta let me know how he fits in.
  10. We wish you well, Looey. Fangs for the memories!
  11. High time Pop n' Twinbee was rediscovered.
  12. And H-o-T predictably flies out of the blocks. This guy is a sprinter, not a marathon man, folks. I've done the opening tutorial battle and to be brutally (and embarrassingly) honest, I thought it was pretty complicated! You can do quite a bit in a single turn in the TCG, eh. I've gone with the fire deck cos if in doubt, I always tried to burn my way through the normal Pokémon games. I'm gonna aim to be finishing this in two weekends time. If its as short as you all say, that should be pretty achievable! So if @Jonnas could be on call for the next fortnight that would be great. I'll get a Serebii.net tab open as well for when the going gets too complicated for me. They just washed the colour out then. Political correctness gone mad.
  13. Hilarious turn of events. Was this not a Wii U game primarily and other consoles after? Complete u-turn. Geddit? Looks like the Wii U will need GT64 on its VC if there's to be any realistic racing done. Righto, anyhoo, is that the time? I was never interested in Project Cars so I'm gonna exit stage left before @darkjak gets in here to tell us about Gran Turismo killers, polygon counts and all that.
  14. Glad @Dcubed got in and posted his doubts to take the flack first cos when I skimmed this thread early this morning, I pretty much thought it sounded like too many convenient coincidences/ grasping at straws. Fun to think of all that stuff going on behind the scenes, all unbeknownst to us, but it really does read like someone trying to stir the rumour mill. Now, if Nintendo were going to revive a DKR for us I'd really love it to be Donkey Kong Racing, which got canned when Rare were sold off. Still wish Nintendo had kept Rare and their old staff. I still have screenshots of this printed out on an A4 page. One of the greatest games that never got made.
  15. Scoundrel! Oh ok. Honestly, its been so long since I played it I can't remember the exact structure. Just the battle theme and losing a lot is all I mind. If its so short I don't mind us cranking up the pace. What if we aim to complete it in two weeks? (Insert Total Recall gif here.) Traitor! Real gamers comfortable with Nintendo's package don't feel the need to compensate. Seriously though, now we have something on 3DS to mess about with, you can postpone your other endeavours. After Pokémon Art Academy you must still be in pocket monster mode. A DAY! Taking things to the complete opposite extreme there aren't ya? The game can't be that short/ quick? I'm feeling more and more embarrassed that I wasn't able to complete it back on GBC. Oh and what about @Ganepark32, have you checked this thread since you posted? Fancy playing along and finally beating it too?
  16. Good man! You're joking me! I would have sponsored a few gifts to our fellow Pokécard Trainer champs in the making otherwise. Amigo, what? So there's only a gaming drought when it suits you eh? Prints money but doesn't accept it. Weird.
  17. Its only a ten hour game and we are gonna try and spread that out so sure you could fit in. Yep, just wondering what a feasible goal would be. Not sure about card/deck restrictions seeing as there's one or two of us haven't finished the game before. You psycho. *huffs* Ok, good. I really couldn't remember what's between clubs (not gyms then) so if its nothing, that works well. : peace: I want you to download Pokémon TCG this weekend and join in a little play of it with your fellow forumites. To chat about the game, enjoy its quirks and tactics and spread good will to one and all. Just like during N64 week. Gizmo! Good man! Good stuff, that's good timing indeed. Now if Jonnas could give it the once over before we all dash off and start giving you our clicks.
  18. Was it a global update? If so, could be performance improvements for streaming DQ X.
  19. One of the greatest. You start wondering if you can really be bothered playing the same stuff all over again with better graphics and they pull out the MEGATON of motion controls, which, coupled with old skool play styles and classics via the VC... amazing blend. Plus Hanabi Festival games to allow us the legal opportunity to finally own games never released in our region. They had enough faith in motion controls that they ditched the idea of pursuing more power under the hood. (Or they are just cheapos!) Timely thread cos if anyone needs their memories jogged, our main men over at Gameinformer recently posted up their Top 25 Wii Games.
  20. Any wonder you can't play Nintendo games online if you haven't got a 3DS!
  21. YES! Unless there can be links to said drama. I feel like I'm missing out by only seeing the part of this clash thats played out in this thread.
  22. One thing at a time. OutRun 3D for us is the priority right now.
  23. Yes indeedy. What you think @EEVILMURRAY? Got £4.50 to spare to show us how your card expertise translates to the video game? Come on man. You love Pokémon! :awesome: Exactly! Welcome aboard. Excuses excuses. For the sake of a ~£5, deputy dog will survive. Well yes, you could... BUT will we be playing Yu-Gi-Oh along with you, listening to your travails, offering tips, keeping your morale up? No because we will be playing Pokémon TCG. Its a no-brainer, man! We'll do Yu-Gi-Oh when it comes out on the VC. I read up on the GBA game (Nightmare Troubadour was it?) ALOT but never took the plunge and bought it. Deal? You're the Cranky Kong of Pokémon TCG. You're needed. Any ideas how we could structure a group play? Would it be feasible to say, aim for a gym a week or is that too much/ too little? SCG! You'll be playing this so will be able to post along too. Speaking of download codes, whats the chances of an N-E contest to give a code (or multiple?!) away? It would either get some front page readers in, or help the brothers out above who have cash flow problems. @Blade and @Fierce_LiNk your input please. : peace:
  24. So, would some of us be up for playing TCG in tandem, to a loose schedule? That way we can be sure to be at roughly the same place (we could segment the game by gyms?) so as to be able to help each other out with tactics, etc. And blogging our trading card journey together would fun and warm and cosy. Please weigh in with your thoughts Hero-of-Time @Glen\-i @EEVILMURRAY @Jonnas @Aneres11 @King_V @Dcubed @f00had @Ike @ReZourceman @somme
  25. That's all there is to it? I'm not even going to tell you my long winded approach to it.
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