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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. Great choice. I just reread through some of our escapades in the Final Fantasy thread - you covered FF I on pages 23 & 24. Hope you're going to blog in detail about your progress again. So, what jobs did you pick? By the way, did you ever get round to playing FF II? I played a little bit of FF I last month as it was free to get on Android. I didn't even play long enough to see the opening credits because no matter what people say, touch screen controls just don't feel right. I'm holding off on starting a new Dawn of Souls file in the hopes that we will get the 3D version early next year to coincide with FF Explorers.
  2. O RLY! I sold him that Super Metroid cart for £2 and went straight away and bought a 5-Alive, bar of Boost and a packet of crisps. I got so much more enjoyment from that snackage than I did in all my years with Super Metroid. A Link to the Past is a far superior game. :awesome:
  3. Tetris? (Yes, this is a serious suggestion. :p) What about DKC co-op? (No, really!)
  4. That's the name of the usual goofy GameXplain voice? Going by the Youtube comments, the EMD review was this particular voiceover guys first video - hope they kept him around. Corrected your numerous typos, Lord Ike. :wink:
  5. Pretty good review there. The guy seems to know what he's talking about, rather than being a newbie to the Mystery Dungeon concept.
  6. Great informative opening to the thread, Pete. This is really cool. Kudos to the other indies for chipping in!
  7. I (finally) got SMT IV during a sale in August so I've been playing it. Very good game if you're into RPGs. Similar to you and Runbow, I want to post about it more but the thread is dead as a doorknob. Wouldn't mind trying out Fantasy Life online but one look at the thread and... Just don't have the audience on here! Runbow has been getting a mention so I wouldn't mind being educated on it... unless you expect me to go use my own initiative and Google it?

  8. 9/9/9/9 (36/40) from the Weekly Famitsu. Could actually be a good game!
  9. It can all be traced back to that moment when Nintendo went behind Sony's back and teamed up with Philips... Its been this way since time out of mind. Whats gradually changed is the "us" people playing on Nintendo systems on this website have dwindled and dwindled. (The active discussions about games are...? Is anyone apart from @Glen\-i playing any games?) Then as has been the norm forever, the "them" jump in when a "tasty" thread crops up and the age old battle is relived, ad infinitum. I think if our members were going to get over it, it would have happened by now. ...now, my 3DS should have charged a bit...
  10. Nice - those are two very good looking games. What about on the 3DS front?

  11. Will there be a demo, does anyone know? I'm a fan of roguelikes but this game has always looked meh to me.
  12. Do you mean more titles for this compilation, or more in general? If the latter, GoNintendo posted the following: This needs to be true. If @Grazza sees there's a possibility of Landstalker and it doesn't happen... he might never recover.
  13. Yeah, I know. Modern times and all that. Shame to see it invading our RPGs, isn't it? Here's some info about what each of the DLC are: http://www.atlus.com/etrianmd/dlc.html
  14. I'm sure I read comments and opinions from plenty of gamers and critics alike, who after coming through generation after generation of standard button pressy gameplay, had the foresight to realise that after the DC/GC/PS2/Xbox generation (which basically just perfected what started with the 32 and 64 bit machines) if all gaming was going to continue to be was an arms race for power, it was going to become very stagnant indeed. Then enter the DS and we are tapping, drawing, etc, followed by the Wii and we are moving and pointing at the TV... and a lot of gamers found it refreshing. I'm *pretty* sure it wasn't just mums and tots that lapped up the DS and Wii. :p Skylanders has a lot to answer for. Nintendo jumping on that bandwagon is such a blatant "it prints money" exploitation. Seeing as they like to portray themselves as fighting the good fight for gamers, its annoying to see them go down this road. Keep it classy, man. You have that P4 sig to live up to.
  15. For some reason, your post has reminded me of the F-Zero X track editor for the 64DD. *reminisces about the missed opportunities*
  16. Dude. I know this is a thread about honesty but please, a little respect, eh? Yes, I know, great games on each console (Skies of Arcadia on BOTH!) but ya know what I was getting at.
  17. Yeah this has got me thinking too. I honestly thought Nintendo lead the way somewhat with getting the camera to work in 3D spaces. Lakitu always gave you a fine view of what you needed to see in Mario 64, but if you weren't happy you could still manually tweak his positioning with the C-buttons. In fact, when I was learning how to play Mario 64, I preferred the up close and personal Mario cam to begin with. I could barely get Mario to run in a straight line otherwise. Mario Sunshine had an absolutely fine camera too - you could rotate and zoom to your hearts content - same as in Wind Waker. Until there's a sequel to Pokémon Snap we aren't going to have any conclusive evidence of how people's proficiency with 3D camera work has come along. :wink:
  18. Not to forget other deals like getting Monster Hunter and bringing Final Fantasy and Square back (in any capacity!) after the N64 days.
  19. Eurogamer The Mario Galaxy games are a joy to play so a potential third...?
  20. Yeah, Pikmin 2 for me. Superb game but that open endedness got me at one point or another.
  21. He was just a guy who worked his butt off as a programmer and then as the big boss. He genuinely wanted everyone to enjoy games. This is a problem? So many people said they were getting fed up and bored of games before the DS and then the Wii came along and breathed new life into our hobby. Jumping onboard a blue ocean just conjures all kinds of strangeness in my head.
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