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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. Don't mention it and thanks for the prezzies on the beach! Not necessary!
  2. @Shorty No worries, thanks for the threads, seriously! Will post you an apple!
  3. Good job I just refreshed, then. It's the New G. How come no one else asked, noob?
  4. You can come sell a few if you want to minimise your risks, it's no bother!
  5. I have ten cherries so I am good, thanks @Ronnie. It is no probs to come back. In fact I think @Katie is doing that too but how would you know with the ingame communication! Bring back WiiSpeak I say!
  6. It is fairly quiet but consistent, @Sheikah. Whatever suits you!
  7. I've seen it once or twice this evening. Here comes trouble now.
  8. @Goron_3 and @Vileplume2000 go right ahead. There is only Bowiiee tearing the place up at the mo so there is plenty of space.
  9. I was hoping you would see the underway DK painting but you bolted before I could track you down and check ingame! Yeah I have been reset to the airport on other islands but I thought it was because the people got disconnected. I guess exiting through the minus button does that... and it means I have been consistently doing the same to people when I visit. LOL. @Hero of Time The bells are of course appreciated, my island is very much a work in progress so the cash will go towards a new bridge or slope!
  10. Can't believe @nekunando had the cheek to teleport us back to the airport like that!
  11. Plenty of people are on my Switch from doing a 3DS import but if not let me know throughout the evening! For example, @Lazyboy you don't need to add me, just accept my request that I sent the other night and don't be so... lazy. @Ronnie I don't mind accommodating you. I just said 4:30 start to try to give the biggest window possible. It won't be my turn every week so it isn't a problem to stay in this evening to let you all through! I am going to open up now. Shop is north east from the airport. There is a bridge behind the museum that will take you straight to it. There are recipes and fossils at the airport that are fair game, but if you go on the beach to the right I just ask that you leave that stuff alone for now until I sort through it, thanks! Would like but not mandatory: - One cherry. - A bag of seeds that is not red-mum, red-windflower, white-tulip, white-windflower, yellow-mum or yellow-tulip.
  12. It happened-- I have 481 and I think I might just cash in so I can bow out of the market for the rest of the week. I love it but it is a total relief to get sorted, especially in the first couple of days. If anyone else wants to sell up for 481, I can gladly open my gates like pretty much any time from 4:30pm onwards, just let me know what suits and we can work something out! : peace: @Aneres11 It looks like you might get up to 550 between tomorrow PM and Friday if you want to hold out for that...
  13. When I opened the game it showed me the credits so I suppose that's me done... Well I checked turnips anyway and they are at 165. Tracking for 200-650 this afternoon.
  14. This thread, Sméagol's average level power week. Other thread, complex levels. Noted. Still, it looks like there's been a downturn in submissions this time round. Doesn't hurt to be flexible now and again.
  15. Ever consider allowing more time than just a week from prompt-reveal to level-posting deadline?
  16. No worries. If you change your mind and want one of the items I listed for decorative purposes until it's cherry blossom season again (just 50 short weeks), let me know!
  17. Thanks for taking the time to post a vid. Nothing from today's stock list takes my fancy but maybe another time! I got fishing tourney duplicates, I got Easter recipe duplicates, I even still got a couple of eggs lying around under a tree that disappointingly didn't vanish overnight when the whole Easter fest ended. But you wanna know what I don't got? I don't got a complete set of cherry blossom recipes and *checks game just in case* I definitely don't got a single solitary duplicate from that series. What I can do is offer my crafting services if you got the petals and would like any of the following: Cherry-blossom branches Outdoor picnic set Blossom-viewing lantern Cherry-blossom clock Cherry-blossom flooring Cherry-blossom umbrella Cherry-blossom pochette
  18. I haven't devised a list of things I want/ need--just taking it as it comes with clothes and furniture as they pop up. If you don't mind, can I just have a quick peek in your shop(s) to see what you have in stock today? Drop me a Dodo code and I'll pop over.
  19. I have pears (native) and can hook you up with some peaches that I raided from @Sméagol's island! Let me know if that works for you, or if you want to hold out and collect all remaining fruit from someone in one fell swoop that's cool. I was so taken aback by the geography of @Sheikah's island earlier that I just dashed in and out and forgot to check around for a cherry tree.
  20. Sure thing. You just need to put your Sunday buying price, followed by daily AM and PM selling rates into the calculator on www.ac-turnip.com and it shows you a nice graph of the upcoming predicted trend for your island. Mine so far: https://ac-turnip.com/#110,96,135 Anyone got the code for this island? ... But prices don't surge that high, do they?
  21. I haven't catalogued what fossils I have and what I need so don't worry about it, I am in no rush to finish the museum. I could use a cherry if you have any going? Hit me up with the Delta Oscar Delta Oscar code and I'll swing over! Can I stop two mins to check your shop contents before you boot me? EDIT: Just dug up a duplicate Sabretooth Tail which doesn't appear to be on your sheet. Let me know and it's yours if you need it.
  22. 96 in the AM rising to 135 in the PM. Apparently I have a possible 600+ tomorrow. If it happens you will be the first to know!
  23. What is the deadline for playing, posting a review and voting? Are we still waiting for an entry from @Lazyboy?
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