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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. Document Stack and Palm-tree lamp please! (Pretty sure I would have made the document stack if I had it... so I suppose I don't. I'll send it back in the morning if I can't learn it!) PS The fossils have dried up. PPS What can I send you in return? If you ask for something I don't have or say you want nothing I will default to sending a Nook Miles Ticket.
  2. I'd been burying 99k (and harvesting the three money bags with little to no problems) until someone on here said about the 10k maximum so I dialled it back.
  3. Glad to hear you've opted for Earthbound, @WackerJr. I played through Golden Sun (1) twice and I thought it ended extremely abruptly. The first time through I was genuinely shocked to see the credits roll when they did!
  4. Just finished collecting all three of these. Thanks for the heads up or I would never have known!
  5. Just finished a session by checking the shop section of the Nook ATM to squander some of the fishing money I'd just made (C.J. was skulking round my island) and noticed there is a "seasonal" section. What seasonal items have I missed since launch!
  6. Perfect timing. @Aneres11 basketball's in the post! And thanks a lot for the blue bike!
  7. I have several balls but I can't promise any of them are of the basket variety. I will check what is lying around and let you know!
  8. Not sure but even if we are, I discovered that you have to have visited/ been visited by someone in the game before they appear on your postable list, so we will have to sort that out at least. I will check back later to see if you're available!
  9. Absolutely, no problem. I was just about to send it and Peaches isn't on my list of recipients so we will have to co-ordinate something. I have one sitting around, so I just went to order you one from the Nook ATM but they aren't orderable.
  10. Just in case it is any use for you or anyone else, the spare non-Bunny Day DIY recipes I currently have are: Bamboo-shoot Lamp x2 Pear Bed Iron Closet
  11. My predicted maximum for the rest of the week is still 144. Glad I got to sell yesterday at Happenstances!
  12. Just sent the yellow from Stevo @ New Gilead. @Ronnie Thanks so much for sending the snowy train set. Wasn't expecting to find that in my letter box! I didn't know it comes in seasonal variations. Looks like the one I had is spring... now I need the others!
  13. Just used the rescue app on the May Day island. Never expected that app to have a use! I hope they put out more little puzzles like that as it was a cool use of the Animal Crossing rulebook.
  14. Thanks a lot @Happenstance! I just popped over and sold a full inventory of turnips. Dropped you a bag of 99k. Enjoy! I also got reminded at the airport that I still have to use the May Day ticket. Must get on that soon!!
  15. I am going to try and get in on this before 12pm @Happenstance!
  16. I got 72 this PM with the possibility of it jumping back up into the 140s tomorrow afternoon.
  17. Just watched that English video, @Hero-of-Time, and I gotta say... that music, those scenes, the same English accents from the Wii original... what a trip down memory lane!
  18. Really now? I was looking through the current offers on Friday morning (got the Splatoon 2, Blasphemous and Blossom Tales demos-- maybe others too) and never noticed Ghostbusters. Either it was buried way down the list or the deal expired. It is a game I'd be curious to try out, especially for about a tenner I could download it and leave it til the Halloween season rolls around.
  19. Leading up to launch I had a cardboard Gamecube from NMS folded together and positioned in my bedroom where the GC would go beside the N64. I also had a DVD (maybe several??) the size of a GC disc with game footage, a VHS (I was going to be playing games like Galleon!!) and some grainy, low resolution 2 inch x 2 inch videos downloaded (yes, downloaded) from the Game website for Rogue Squadron, Luigi's Mansion and the like. The jump from N64 to GC seemed to be so big. It was exciting to be going from cartridges to those mini-DVDs because it meant the possibility of getting demo discs (!), it was immense to see more launch games than the N64 had, and it was weird to be anticipating a Luigi game and not a Mario game. I remember I almost completed Luigi's Mansion over the first weekend so I deleted my file and restarted to make it last longer. (Which is something I also did with GoldenEye on N64). I remember needing to find someone to borrow ISS 2 from asap. Around that time, I also remember trying to stay up late on Wednesday or Thursday nights to watch a games programme on Channel 5 to hopefully catch a glimpse of upcoming Gamecube games. Can't for the life of me remember the name of that programme! I think it was all CGI backdrops with no presenters onscreen. I remember barely being awake and seeing the Smash Bros. Melee opening FMV on this show around E3 time and having my mind blown. The way the Gamecube launch just predated the explosion of game info and footage online really made it something magical and mysterious.
  20. Well get you. The pressure on the forum to deliver a high turnip rate has never been higher!
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