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Everything posted by |Laguna|

  1. Wow, what you're doing is freakin' incredible, you got "da mad skillz". But seriously, kudos to you.
  2. Moria gets my vote, simply because Gladiators is such a classic show. Rhino was definetly the coolest gladiator
  3. Yay, completed final fantasy 1 today on the GBA. In fairness, it's a pretty crap game. Barely a storyline in it, and it was mainly dungeon trudge, random battles, buy new equipment for the whole 25 plus hours of gameplay. Also, it was very easy, never had to do a levelling up spree and I beat the final boss on second attempt. I hope Final Fantasy 2 is better. Is it?
  4. To be honest, I'm pretty scared of the GCSE results day. I know they mean next to nothing in "the real world" they are still looked at on university applications, although only the top universites consider them seriously and use them as a first filter of all applications, something like you need 3+ A* . Anywho, thats not whats got me worried. It's the fact thhat i need the point equivalent of 9 B's to get back into my Sixth Form, and that's a point total i will either just miss out or just surpass. I just don't know what i would do. My parents would be really dissapointed, I would have to leave everyone i know behind, I'd have to go to a school that is literally miles away from where I live, plus, I foolishy didnt even apply for a place at that school because I couldnt think of leaving my current school. It's only at night when the thought of rejection from my school comes into my mind which recently has hindered my chances of getting to sleep easily. I know people say "it's no good worring about it now, it's not in your hands etc", but I cant help fret and worry about what I would do if I failed to get in... Worse is that this is going to dampen the holiday that I am going on prior to results day. I get back from holiday the morning of the results day and I am scared of what lies in store for me that day.
  5. God, I hate Sol Campbell. What an arrogant dickhead. Look at what he's been saying: “I was out for two months. I was strong, I was professional, so when the time came I was ready and I pulled out a top drawer display in the Champions League semi-final. That showed me the talent was still there. It’s the old saying: ‘Form comes and goes but talent is there forever’. That’s exactly what I felt that night-Sol Campbell is unbelievable, second to none!” Proffesional? Walking out at half time in the middle of a game and dissapearing to Belgium for 2 weeks without telling anyone. You call that proffesional? In reality, his only concern was being good for the World Cup, not for the Arsenal me thinks. And Talent? He's a fat sack a sh*t. He's as slow as a turtle with broken legs. In reality, we would have played Senderos if he'd been available. Can't wait for him to join some crap English club like Portsmouth so we can absolutely muller them next season.
  6. Ah yes it is. It was so secret I forget about it myself. Good eyes Harribo: peace: I will change it accordingly.
  7. Man, the pitch looks so nice and lush. Hope it is as well maintained as the Highbury turf was. But with our great grounds-keepers it should never get into the gash condition that Chelsea's got into last season. :P
  8. Ashley for liking Veronica Mars, occasionaly posting about it and formerly having that cool sig of it. As a consequence I made the effort to see the pilot of it last night and I really really like it. Top quality, with very likable characters plus good, as well as attractive actors. By that I just mean Veronic Mars, not like the Dad or something :P Can't wait to see the second episode. So thanks
  9. Wow, that picture is awesome Ramar. Just set it as my background. Looks damn cool. Can you post some more? Now all I need to do is apply for a Red Membership so I can get myself some tickets for next season so I can see this magnificent stadium.
  10. "Arsène Wenger has stated he has effectively ruled out anymore transfers for the summer, unless an exceptional player is available at an exceptional price." However, that said, with Senderos out for three months we are looking rather light-weight at the back, seeing as Sol left as well (and good riddance). Davis though for 10m+ is ridiculous, Wenger has basically ruled him out as he said "Davies I like, but (the asking price of £10 million) is too high.". Also, he has said, concerning Juve players "It is very unlikely we will make a move for the players because the wages are too high for us." Which means no Thuram. So who will we buy! If anyone. Or will rely on ole Hoytey (as I think Djourou is also out) and Kolo at the back for the start of this season.
  11. Better back up then Cygan though eh
  12. Indeed, I also have found myself watching it less and less recently. Seems not much seems to be happening really, and when it does I found it a bit irratating. Not sure why as I used to find amusing are the things I find irratating. Like Nikki, I used to think she was damn funny but she turned into a person I would wish would shut up. ^That said, she was much better than Suzie or Imogen as they just do nothing at all.
  13. I find this actually quite amusing, reading the lad who posted how people bully him because he doesn't watch Big Brother. I myself have experienced the other side of the coin. I know and have talked to quite a few people who place a social stigmatism on the people who do watch it, often mocking them and calling them retards for choosing to talk about the show and such, saying it is purely for morons with no lifes etc etc. I myself have experienced such irratating taunts a couple of times at school talking about it with my friends and I hate it, being mocked for your opinion and what you enjoy. The same thing, on a much much larger scale happens with musical tastes. Many people mock me when I say I like J-Pop, which many of you may think is unjust mocking material but then think, if I had said that I absolutely love Girl's Aloud then I bet my bottom dollar that I would've been ridiculed for my taste in music, instead of people just accepting it. I mean, an example of this type of behavior being the way a person, I think it was Fields, posted in the j-pop thread "Nah, J-pop is shit.". Instead of accepting a persons musical tastes, a condemnation of them is the easier, chosen option. People just need to accept others tastes, such as liking Love Island or Big Brother, without ridiculing them for it. That just breeds contempt, and somebody once said, "contempt breeds more contempt". It really is the other coin of this elitest coin in which the self proclaimed intellectual folks collate and arrongantly laugh and sneer at those who are stupid and such. I think this is what breeds these feelings of animosity in that one extremist group mocks another, so they feel insecure and vulnerable so they respond by doing the same thing, getting into a group and mocking the other group back. There is an example of this type of behavior above: "It annoys me, that people who are intelligent get mocked. People calling them "swots" and the like." The attack "We'll see who's laughing when they're all working in chip shops and supermarkets because they didn't want to be one." The counterattack. What needs to happen is that, I apoligise if I sound like a "poof" or something here, but people just need to try to understand each other, instead of taking the easy option and just attacking them back. But, meh, to conclude on the BB point, it is not true that only teh idiots of the country watch it. Many people do as it is genuinely amusing television. A example is that my Pa watches it and he's like a doctory professor of Maths.
  14. I want to get a job pretty sharpish but at the moment I'm doing a work experience course with a uni's computer support. It is such a dull job. This whole week I have been transferring monitor and harddrive boxes from a van to a lift, then from the lift to a room, then unpacking the box and finally connecting the lot of it. 6 hours for each of the past four days. Bluddy monotonous work. Makes me more determind that my carear job HAS to be one I at least a thin sliver of enojyment and satisfaction out of.
  15. Man, what a spam thread this has turned into. There really is no need for these types of goofy hello there threads. If these types of threads were necessary then the Welcome board from C-E would still exist. You'll get noticed if you make a good intelligent post. Posting here is just pointless as it's just everyone saying the same generic hello, or trying to insert some generic lame joke. Oh, by the way. Howdy, welcome to the forum. Try to avoid the text speak. And, "HAIL SATAN!" :yawn:
  16. Sorry to resurect this thread but I didn't realise he'd gone till I read the compliments board and someone said he was missing him. And to those who said he'd be back after 1 or 2 weeks as he isn't. Anywho, you'll will be sorely missed here. You were a great friendly mod, not elitest or anything like that. Your probably the person solely responsible for the boom in RPGs due to you're offical RPG game threads which I think you for as it was the catalyst which lead to me buying Tales, BK, and SoL, which I now all love. See you around Stocka (or thinking back to the C-E days, Hyrule) on MSN or something hopefully. Still gots to talk about Shenmue, new season etc
  17. I think it's cool in a way as it emphasises the limitedness of the thing. Imagine if you got the final console with 99999 on it or you got the first one with 0001 printed! Although that said, most people are going to end up with random numbers like 76489 : / Any news on a price point? Will this be sold as a standalone or will it be with FF3?
  18. I think I am addicted to PES. I'm always getting the urge to play it. I then uninstall, thinking I won't waste my life with it, trying to get South Korea to win the World Cup and all the other rubbish teams. But then a mere two hours later I find mysef am downloading it again, feeling the urge to get my fix of PES. I am too weak. This cycle has happend like three times now
  19. Man oh man. I can't believe nobody has wanted this little beast. (I'm talking about the watch by the way, BERNARD'S FREAKIN WATCH. I don't want the young lad. I don't want to trap him in my closet and make him perform acts of disgusting sexual nature or anything like that.) It's almost a given that at some point throughout any week of my life that the magical topic of what you'd do if you had Bernard's Watch comes up. THINK ABOUT IT! -Shops would be free to take things from. -In an exam you could stop time and go look at a person's answer or other parts of the person -You could be watching the England team take penalites in the stadium, stop time, rush down and change the trajectory or get a hammer and smash Ricardo's legs, rush back to your seat, start time and celebrate. -You could could kick meanies in the goolies without them knowing it was you! -You could stop time and change a bloke's clothes so he'd be wearing a pink nightie or something. -You could take as long as you like getting to work/school. -If you got bored in a lesson you could stop time, go relax, come back all refreshed and begin learning again. -You could infiltrate any establishment. The possibilites are endless! There should be a "What would you do if you had Bernard's watch" thread.
  20. From a translation, this was gained: "You use WFC to write letters in the game to your friend. Your friend can then reply your letter. It seems that this will trigger some sort of special events within the game. "
  21. Yay. Just purchased Shenmue II. Twenty nine pounds, a price I am fairly satisfied with as it is like new, perfect condition. Little tip for anyone buying Shenmue on eBay as well as searching for as well as Shenmue 2, search for "Shenmue II", as less people are likely to look for this as the majority of people just type "shenmue 2". That's what happend on mine which I think meant a lesser amount of people were aware of the auction.
  22. Hah, true, I did considered that but then I dismissed it as in reality, moaning is essential to our society, although this moaning is sometimes put under the guise of constructive criticism. If nobody ever moaned then nothing would ever change would it? If nobody moaned about having smoking ads on the TV then they have never got banned and thus more people would probably have started smoking, meaning mass death. See? Moaning can save peoples lifes. If the Suffragettes hadn't moaned about how they didn't have equality then nothing would ever have been done and women to this day would have no rights, still being allowed to be beaten by their husbands (this was in fact legal, but only if the woman was beaten with something less thick than a finger's width), still not being able to vote, still being subjected to mass sexism, and still be discriminated against. The same could be applied to racial equality. Do you now see the power of the moan? If people are unhappy at something they moan, they complian and sometimes as a direct consequence a change is made for the better. Moaning is an intergral part of out society. The majority of converstaions contain a moan in some form, for example "Grrrr why has Twilight Princess been delayed AGAIN" "Tch, it's soooo annoying, that referee was rubbish" "What the hell is Tony Blair doing with these new reforms" "Gah, the weather is sooo rubbish" "God damn, this bacon is burnt" etc etc.
  23. Me thinks we should do it via genre, so it's open to everyone for is a fan of different genres. This way it can help people who say are fans of RPGs and not FPSs. So you could do essentials genre wise as that way you get different games, not just endless Metroid Primes. Anywho just my thoughts, take it or leave it. RPG Tales Of Symphonia Action Resident Evil 4 Beat Em Up Soul Calibur 2
  24. Doesn't Shenmue: The Movie come free with it that shows all the cutscenes from the original Shenmue?
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