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Everything posted by |Laguna|

  1. Annoyeddepressed (one word see ) I didn't work at all today, I just bummed around the house, and now it has dawned on me that I should really have been doing my Politics essays on elections so I face the prospect of nocturnal essay writing.
  2. A heads up to those who enjoy who Skins who don't know about "Unseen Skins". They basically deleted scenes from each of the episodes. The one for episode 6 is... random to say the least, not surprised it was cut.
  3. Nah, I'm pretty sure if I died while I was asleep I wouldn't wake up... in this world at least.
  4. I love my nice clean desktop. I can't stand unnecessary icons.
  5. But then you wouldn't wake up...
  6. I know, but I have my suspicions that those Write In sections are often fabricated. I mean some of things written sometimes are just too ludicrous to be true.
  7. That reminds me of a horrible story I read in the "Dear Deardire" of a Sun I found discared on the train. It was a young man of 17 who got home early, and heard his parents making love in their bedroom. So what did he do? He crept up to the door, rested his ear against it, and jacked off to the sounds of his Mum and Dad moaning. And he was writing in to see if what he did was normal.
  8. I'm sceptical that if it really was a huge announcement like Night being remade for the Wii would be given to someone like ONM. Not exactly the biggest player, why not something big like Nintendo Power, or maybe reveal it at a conference or specially held press event, as that would give it a whole load of attention as all the media will be focused on it. I still think that this will be officially announced before the magazine realease, like what happened with Battalin Wars Wii because Sega would obviosuly want a lot of people to know about this, and just telling British Nintendo mags isn't that good a way of going about it.
  9. Jezzz, everyone knows that the winning formula is you playing Rez + the Rez Trance Vibrator for the girl (in a certain place = the ultimate way to "get more chicks"
  10. Finding out that you have been the victim of a Cleveland Steamer must surely be the worst way to wake up right?
  11. Just watching it now with Stocka. It's the best video games show on the Internet I think. Anyone have any better suggestions? Oh and does anyone have the mp3 of the theme song for the show. I like it, and I want it.
  12. another unrelated story, which confirms it for me: The rumor comes from fellow reader Fei34 who claims that a fellow DigiPen employee told him that Sega Saturn games would indeed be making an appearance on the Wii. Although this could still be wells away from becoming true, the fact that DigiPen, a highly respected video-game school in Redmond Washington, has this sort of knowledge is pretty intriguing. Especially by the fact that both Nintendo of America’s offices and DigiPen’s campus actually interconnects by a simple hallway. Could Fei34’s DigiPen source have even closer access to NOA’s employees in which he/she may have gotten the information? The only thing that Fei34 left me was a confirmation that a “big game was coming.” Whether that’s a Sega Saturn game (like Panzer Dragoon Saga) or not, only time will tell. So don’t dismiss Nintendo’s systems on the Virtual Console as being cemented just yet. Just a simple port I think.
  13. Oh yeah, forget to mention that. Are there any witnesses here that have any other AC products who could testify to their reliability?
  14. I hope soon enough Foster replaces Robinson, I think he is only a year or two from being much better than Robinson, who is pretty average.
  15. Heh, I'm on a budget, so £150 (half the price of a Samsung equivalent) is fantastic for me , especially seeing as I have a 90 pound gift voucher for Argos. It's a 19" inch wide-screen which while small, isn't too bad as I will plop it in my bedroom, and use it also as a computer monitor.
  16. I'm gonna buy this on Wednesday. I'm Excited.
  17. Meh, I learn from the past, and I remember the last ONM which proclaimed they have a huge new exclusive announcement was Battalion Wars Wii, which was revealed like 2 weeks before the magazine came out. I trust that whatever game this is, will be leaked before the issue.
  18. pictures......... :heh: :heh:
  19. Hi This is directly linked to Wii's on monitors, but i didn't think my query was worth a new thread being made for. Anyway, I'm in the market for a new monitor, and I see that "the good ones" have DVI cables and inputs. Now, I presume DVI is some sort of new fangled cable right? But does it really make a big difference to the quality of the monitor image. That is what it does right? What I'm really asking is, is DVI a thing I should want to have on a new monitor. And why. Many Thanks
  20. That's good. Look at the bright side of things. At least he wasn't some dirty wrinkly pervy starchy old man ominously pretending to be a "king of fun".
  21. I'll gladly participate
  22. If the PSP redesign goes well then it may just tip me over the edge for buying one. The thought of portable Final Fantasy VII-IX excites me greatly.
  23. Maybe not now. But he was in his West Ham days.
  24. OMG! Check BBC News! Lampard has signed for Villa. He's even done promo shoots of him in their kit!
  25. I dunno, those ladies have a certain milfy feel to them. Giggity Giggity Giggity Giggity Goo
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