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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I'm pretty sure that improves a dissertation meeting.
  2. Meh, that's only a problem if you play with dicks - most people, myself included, largely only stack with people they know. Edit: VOIP usage is also quite rare when you're playing with random people, although it does happen (and in general, though there is an in-game VOIP feature, VOIP without an external program like Skype is uncommon). It seems to be a bit more popular on the US servers though.
  3. I would indeed be up for partying up with people here and helping teach them how to play. The in-game tutorial isn't that great, but is worth going through as it shows you some of the very basics, and then in addition to that it helps to have a look at some guides on the internet like this famous one (the same as the one Matt linked to earlier on in the thread). It can seem a bit intimidating how much there is to learn, but those should give you enough basics to start having a go at real games, especially if you try and learn about the hero you want to play beforehand, and look up some potential builds etc.
  4. I don't know about anyone else, but I love Norwich. I'm even moving there in September!
  5. It would seem so... thanks!

  6. I love 2048, my high score is 33216.
  7. Sunday it is then! Don't believe Magnus' lies.
  8. Erm, Sunday night's okay for me, but Friday and Saturday aren't - pretty much any weeknight should be good though. And yes, headsets are best by far! Maybe we can even reignite O_W's addiction.
  9. This is pretty late, but sure. More N-E people need to play Dota!
  10. Thus far, I have had only one mini mince pie this Christmas, but it was good, and more will follow. They're best heated up with some brandy cream. My parents insist on getting puff pastry rather than shortcrust pastry mince pies. I think they might be heathens.
  11. I just thought seasons 1 and 2 were pretty mediocre.
  12. Rainbow pasta with homemade pesto and slices of goat's cheese:
  13. Ugh, now you've even scared away Q Magnus. How am I supposed to op myself now?
  14. I'm seriously impressed by that chicken.
  15. Thanks all - it may be too small to see, but the main damage is on the end of the front raised part, where there's a bit of paint chipped off. Anyway, glad to hear it's a reasonable price - I think this may even be a Halfords quote, or if not, they weren't able to give one. And the chip is a bit too big to completely conceal with something like T-cut I think, so I think if she wants it to look the same as before then she's best placed getting it done professionally.
  16. I'm not sure if this is more appropriate for the Tech Talk forum, but it's not really tech, so here goes: My girlfriend has a small scratch on her Nissan Micra that she'd like to get repaired, which looks like this after being cleaned up: She's been quoted £132 inc VAT to get this fixed. Now the problem is neither of us know anything about cars, so have no idea whether or not this is reasonable - can anyone help me out? I tried to google for forums specific for this sort of thing, but couldn't really find any, so I thought friendly N-E might at least be able to point me in the direction of somewhere where I can find this out.
  17. Time to play Dota 2, where you just repeatedly lose because people are genuinely better than you. :wink:
  18. In case anyone cares (which seems a bit doubtful at this point), the third international Dota championships are currently in progress, which are freely watchable both in-game (which is now released and free on Steam) and on Twitch tv. The prize pool is currently over $2.8 million, which I believe makes it the biggest of any gaming tournament so far. Anyway, that aside, I'm still really enjoying the game, and willing to teach noobs and/or play with or be taught by non-noobs.
  19. Thomas the Tank Engine goes with everything: And something more original in the same vein:
  20. Yeah, I never really worked out had to use mines or C4 successfully - I think they're both mostly about studying guard patrol patterns and so on, which I never bothered to do, mainly because you seem very vulnerable when placing it.
  21. So, is anyone actually playing this, or have you all given up? If anyone's still interested, it might be fun to queue together, or co-op against bots, and I can try and impart what little I know based on playing about 100 matchmaking games. I'm really enjoying it so far, anyway.
  22. Also, get a sniper silencer, and pick off first the alarms, and then anybody who's way out of the way and won't be noticed for a while. And if I recall correctly you only lose the stealth bonus if you're actually spotted, so you can kill enemies in sight of others, although of course this is risky - however, it can work well for instance if you lob a grenade over a fence into a bunch of guards that you've previously tagged, then run away and make use of the quick crouch steath skill, and pick off the remaining guards while hidden, moving location regularly. Disclaimer: I played on easy, so these strategies may just be nonsense on higher levels, but I feel I'd have a good chance with them.
  23. So, despite being into food and cooking, I've never made, and aside from school dinners, never eaten, chilli. I'm deprived, I know.
  24. I have massively got into this recently (I did the new tutorial a few days before the game went out of beta, and by now have played about 50 real games), and while it is stupidly complex, and often punishing, when things all come together it's brilliant fun. It'd be cool to play with/teach other NE-ers, if anyone fancies doing so. And in case people hadn't realised, it's entirely free to play, with money only being used for cosmetic items (just like TF2 hats), so there's one incentive...
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