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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Dionysus never appears anywhere? I think you're reading the wrong books. Try The Secret History, if you have Bacchic inclinations. I once went to a fancy dress party as Dionysus. And I approve of Greek mythology mixed with Pokemon! I'm hoping for a Medusa Pokemon...
  2. I finished it yesterday. I didn't hate the ending quite so much as everyone else seems to, but it was fairly lazy of course. Overall though, I think it was my favourite Mass Effect game.
  3. So mine is getting dispatched in the week starting 21st May apparently.
  4. Can I join in on this? If I recall correctly the last one died mid-game...
  5. Oh fair enough, I thought you meant everything we encounter even in other areas of science is intuitive.
  6. Yeah, but our brain evolved to make sense of the world around us, which is very much macroscopic. You get the same thing at the other end of the spectrum - people can't really comprehend the difference between a million and a billion, let alone larger numbers, and ironically this is one of the reasons that some people find it difficult to come to terms with the vast stretches of time necessary to make sense of evolution. And we can't visualise e.g. 4-dimensional systems, etc. for similar reasons. But that doesn't mean we can't employ deduction and experiment in totally unfamiliar domains of course, and that's why you end up with seemingly crazy things like quantum physics, which are nonetheless predictively brilliant.
  7. Yeah, I'm no physicist and haven't read Hawking's book - my only advanced knowledge of quantum physics comes from the bits and pieces of Schrödinger's equation etc. they taught me in chemistry undergrad. You guys really need someone like @Ginger_Chris, who still appears here occasionally. Still, I never understood why people expect things to be even remotely intuitive at the quantum level...
  8. Debian and Fedora etc. aren't modern? And they're pushing that MIT thing for young kids, but it also supports Python, C, and Perl (and BASIC, lol). And, well, anything you care to put on it. But it's an ARM processor, so it's not compatible with Windows.
  9. Still no Pi for me yet, but then I knew I was in the second batch - I'm expecting mine sometime in May. Aw, I hope they do use that knowledge, even though a lot of the models are simplifications and/or outdated. I use stuff I learnt at school every day. But yeah, the general skills are of course more important. As for the continued discussion about how much point there is in Raspberry Pis, I've mostly said my thing below, but I think people are consistently underestimating how much access there is to computers both in schools and in the home for the average child.
  10. Ugh, I ordered Mass Effect 3 on Amazon, and accidentally had the delivery address to my parents' house, so now I'll get it two days later as they'll have to send it on. [/first world problems]
  11. But maybe I will die! Anyway, I look forward to good characters for once. :) And Jason, or whatever he's called.

  12. But I actually need it for Wednesday... I'm far more cunning than you realise.


    Although the expected arrival date is Thursday-Saturday, so that kind of ruins my cunningness.

  13. I still have to wait for it to come first. Stupid cheap Amazon. :heh:

  14. I just ordered Mass Effect 3.


    I hope you're happy.

  15. Well, it of course doesn't offer any real advantages over an actual computer (other than maybe size), but the price tag is so low that it reaches out to people who either don't have a home PC, or can't code on their main PC as they'd like to for whatever reasons. And that's without mentioning the applications it could have in schools. People who already have as much access to computers as they want aren't really the target market, although it's possible that something more oriented towards programming might push some people towards it, but that's besides the point. And sure, you need an input device as well as a TV, but that costs all of £10, so the whole setup remains about a third of the price of programmable calculators, which only tend to support BASIC and assembly anyway. And there'll presumably be some documentation, but the reason it has an ethernet input is so kids can look into more advanced materials etc. online. It's just a cheap option, albeit one with various open-source packages for learning pre-installed. It's not - it is a PC, just a very cheap one, that will come with various preinstalled packages (some learn to code for kids thing, then support for python, C and some other things if I remember correctly, with a focus on python). But yeah, it's a PC, so you can do whatever you want with it ultimately, although it of course has limited memory and specs. And Windows currently doesn't support ARM processors (although I think Windows 8 might?) so for now it'll all be Linux. Which is probably better to help people actually understand computers.
  16. I think part of the point is that parents are often terrified of letting their kids do anything other than the most obvious things with their computers in the fear that they'll screw them up - after all, to many parents, they're highly expensive magic boxes that would be very costly to replace. Raspberry pis provide kids with a much cheaper playground, and it's also plausible that they can have a personal one in their room, especially given they can connect to tvs - even if parents let kids code on the family computer, they're likely to get kicked off a lot of the time. I think you're right that only kids who have some inclination towards coding will be interested, but currently lots of people with that inclination just have it suppressed.
  17. This show is one of the best sketch shows ever, and I have it all on DVD. Watch it now!
  18. If you haven't heard of it, this is a miniaturised computer about the size of a credit card that's been designed with the express purpose of teaching kids to code for an (extremely!) minimal price - around £25 depending on where you get it. It's set up to boot Debian from an sd card, and has the following specs (which are in more detail on Wikipedia): Broadcom BCM2835 system on a chip CPU: 700 MHz ARM1176JZF-S core (ARM11 family) GPU: Broadcom VideoCore IV, OpenGL ES 2.0, 1080p30 h.264/MPEG-4 AVC high-profile decoder Memory (SDRAM): 256 Megabytes (shared with GPU) The trial/developer's version went on general sale last Wednesday, as covered in this BBC article, and sold out pretty much instantly. I heard about this when it was in development last summer, and thought it was just about the most awesome idea ever. When I heard just now that a version was on sale, I ordered it instantly, pretty much for my own geeky satisfaction... I must be even more of a geek than I thought, I never impulse-buy. And it'll probably be a long wait until the stock gets round to me... Anyway, what do people think?
  19. There seem to be as many lines as posts in a thread, i.e. the error is caused by each post.
  20. There definitely seems to be an error per-post in a thread. And I get them coming up on all themes. Another thing - the thanks button seems to have vanished, again regardless of theme.
  21. As noted in the bugs thread, I'm still getting the parse error.
  22. Yeah, I get multiple instances of that error at the top of every page (Firefox).
  23. Well, I'd say #cube-europe, but it seems I don't have sufficient access to Q on #n-europe to change the welcome message to a redirect... could someone who does (jay I think) change it?
  24. I'm also an Op of both and both have Q (for now), but the general rule seems to be that online gaming discussion/organisation takes place on #n-europe but most social chat takes #cube-europe, ever since the move was initiated. However, it's common to get confused people - for instance, last night martinist was in #n-europe complaining that nobody's ever online, when actually about 4 people were actively chatting in #cube-europe, but by the time I saw his message, he'd left. Anyway, I guess the thing to do is to pick a room for good, and set up a semi-permanent redirect message in the other, along with changing all the links of course.
  25. The thread can be locked for failing to mention the Epic of Gilgamesh, however.
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