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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Yay! Although I think most of the time I was just a monk getting in the way.
  2. I'm still not convinced, but I'll vote for him this evening if nobody else does. Actually, there's not much point waiting, and I think we might as well get the lynching rolling. We seem to be way ahead, so there's not too much to lose. So Vote: jayseven.
  3. Not currently, but then again it's never really been a problem.
  4. Okay, so there's some activity in #cube-europe for once, and I've kindly been opped, so we're getting slowly closer to an official chatroom location. So join and mingle!
  5. Only that I've been sent to recall it (and googling about the book seems to suggest that if I do, we can stop the eclipse and have control of it or something). But I know nothing about who has it. Was it the same stolen thing people were talking about much earlier?
  6. Erm... not really - the mafia already know who the townies are, people who aren't them (expect in the case of neutrals, and as far as we know the potential neutrals are Cube, jay, and Eenuh - I can't remember if we got any further with this).
  7. Well, jayseven looks like a reasonable choice for lynching, but I think we should try and gather all the information we can first. Yeah, sorry about that, but I thought he'd be an obvious target for the mafia, and so was worth protecting... although it looks like you were in fact the only person who targetted him. And good point Rummy - we still don't know mr-paul's power, although he claims that he's targetted Zell a lot and that it's somehow beneficial. This is farily plausible given Jonnas' alignment investigation last night, but I'm still interested in the power.
  8. I very much agree with the above.
  9. I can confirm that protectors can target themselves - I did it two nights also, largely because there was no information to go on, so I thought I might as well keep myself alive (nobody targetted me either time, however). Still, Vote: Diageo. I really don't get what's going on then. My PM specifically said I stopped two people from getting to ReZ.
  10. Hmm ok, well I'll trust you for now, but you could equally be telling me what I want to hear, so I'd be interested in why you lied too. Well, I protected ReZ, and you protected jayseven. And I think that Tales was blocked from targetting ReZ by my protection, rather than being protected himself:
  11. Is this a test? If not, you should be called Peto based on my googling of the book, which is somewhat suspicious. And my PM implies I wasn't redirected. Also, your power! Or votey votey, perhaps...
  12. It's Kyle. And yours? Yeah, was reading back through the thread and it seems this is so. So for now Remove vote, but you're still a bit suspicious. Heroic, are you a roleblocker?
  13. Lol, alright then. Who's claiming to be the other monk? Actually, I doubt there are that many townie protectors, so for now Vote: Diageo.
  14. I think you're missing a night. So are you claiming to be a monk also? What kind of a monk did it say you were in your opening PM? (just as a test)
  15. Who did you target? I protected ReZ, to prove to him that I'm not mafia, and stopped two people getting to him. Which would suggest that he's not mafia either, but was a target, unless the lack of a kill was entirely unrelated to this incident. I don't quite get the police chief stuff - was this a separate incident? If so, I guess ReZ is the police chief. Although I found his over-the-top accusations yesterday slightly shady. Also, I'm still not sure whether my power stops all targetting, or just kills. I'm guessing the former, unless there are way more killers than we think...
  16. I'd like to try it out on the NE server, but not for a week or so...
  17. No, Skyward Sword is the jollity I'll be having when I'm done. You didn't think I meant I'd use IRC did you? I will actually be on IRC...
  18. Sorry, I'd like to, but I'm seriously IRL busy (!) until the end of next week. But then, much jollity shall be had.
  19. (stupid Photobucket made it tiny, click for the full version)
  20. Well, things a looking up a bit on the information front! Vote: Jimbob. I targeted myself, but have yet to recieve a PM about it froms Peeps - I'm guessing he forgot. Peeps, if you're reading this, I need a PM! As heroic pointed out, I'm a protector, not a roleblocker. And I should be one of two monks (I'm guessing the book will confirm this), with the other one possibly having the same abilities as me. This. Do you genuinely think Yvonne would try and get Rummy lynched if he was mafia? The only remotely "evil" thing I've done is not voting for Yvonne, and that's hardly terrible - I wasn't sure which was right out of him and Rummy at the time, and then the majority was reached pretty quickly. So when I found out, I decided to protect Rummy. Who do you want me to protect on the next night? Someone can check up on me, if you really want, but you'd be better placed letting me know who's likely to be in the firing line of the mafia. (possibly me, now...)
  21. But... mafias obviously aren't fair. There's no way all players have equal "power," and it's not even clear whether or not that's desirable (after all, we often want some townies to be a bit sheep-like), so I don't see why it really matters how the GM chooses to resolve individual cases, unless he/she actually has a bias against an individual player.
  22. Should the GM have to resolve things in a principled manner? It seems equally reasonable to judge things on a case-by-case basis (though not, as you pointed out, a first-come-first-served one).
  23. I might as well come out with my role to avoid suspicion - I'm also a monk, and a protector - I was the guy preventing people from targetting Rummy the night before last, which I did because I thought he was a likely mafia target after his argument with Yvonne. And I stopped two people from targetting him.
  24. I know what asymptotic means, and get what you're saying above, but just saying "it's asymptotic like that" means "it tends towards a value/curve like that in the limit," which doesn't make any sense in the context, hence my response. TL;DR: If you're going to make a geeky joke, make it properly.
  25. Nobody online after the little flurry a few days ago? Remedy this at once!
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