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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Not really "bad" bad, but a load of Chinese people have decided to host a cooking party through the wall from me, so loud Mandarin was distracting me a little from work... but then they appeared to switch to Japanese all of a sudden, which is just bizarre.
  2. I think the pencil skirt makes you look most like an Apprentice candidate, which is kind of the point, right? Good luck!
  3. I'm not sure what the previous reasons have been, but I think shoutboxes have been decided against. Either way, I think more people should chat - it's great until people forget about it.
  4. Oh crap. That's of course a result of my inexperience, time for punishment fun... There's always possibility 2a, that both me and Sprout are good. And I don't know which powers are more mafiayish than others - it seems to me that every time someone reveals their power someone calls them out as potential mafia.
  5. That's just testament to how vague and useless my power is.
  6. Quotey quotey: I'm guessing he got a similar description to me, or was able to use my power.
  7. It was info on you! I was following up Diageo's comment a while back, and it didn't really tell me anything new...
  8. Potential hypotheses: 1. I am evil, which divides into: a. Evil and mafia, so everyone should lynch me. b. Just generally evil (assuming evil != mafia, which still isn't entirely confirmed), meaning I may be helping the mafia without actually being one, meaning you should maybe lynch me. 2. I am good (or merely suspicious but with townies in mind, like Godot), implying Sprout is incorrect, because: a. He's an inconsistent but good cop, with his current judgements arising as a result of chance, making the "evil" judgement entirely a result of chance. b. He's in fact an evil cop, with the judgement of himself being a lie, and the one of ReZ a calculated one to gain the town's trust before picking off a potentially problematic townie. Obviously I'm going to claim 1a is false, and while I can't give any specific evidence for this, I can point out that I've not targeted anyone in a negative way such as killing or roleblocking (can you check for that?), with my power being a fairly useless one that just gains information on people that doesn't say very much. For instance, when I targetted MadDog a couple of nights ago, I just got the following: Which doesn't tell me much apart from the fact that MadDog's power may somehow be related to the amount of times he posts - this could be useful if he's mafia, but we don't have much reason to suspect him at the moment. And in general, I haven't been all that active thanks to days often falling towards the ends of weeks, and I have to go to lectures in London every Friday (like the one I failed to meet Dannyboy at), then I'm often visiting people or being visited at the weekend. But I've tried at least to read what's going on and keep abreast of things. 1b is just not the case (I wish it were though, as it would be a good way to gain info on the mafia), but it's worth bearing in mind that it might be so for other people. I think it's likely that evil just means mafia though. So onto the 2s, one of which is probably the case. I don't have any way of telling which, but I suspect that 2a is less likely, as the power would have had to have got the right answer by chance at least twice (as far as I know?) with both Sprout and ReZ. Leading me to believe that 2b is most likely, suggesting that Sprout needs investigation. Whatever happens, I think Sprout will be dying soon - at the hands of the town, if he's mafia, or at the hands of the mafia if he's town. Unless his wrongful accusal of me leads the mafia to think his answers are just random. So yeah, it's your call. I'd be suspicious of me too, but I'd also be suspicious of Sprout. What do you mean by this? I've given you my night time power; I also have a courtroom power that removes someone's vote by objection, which would be helpful both for the mafia and the town in the endgame.
  9. Well it turns out that "King's Cross" is far too general a meeting place, so we didn't get a chance to see each other before I had to run and get the last off-peak train. So sorry to anyone hanging on our potential interaction (), and sorry to Dannyboy that I was in too much of a rush.
  10. Okay, well I need to stick to the King's Cross area really, with only little windows of freedom, but I'll let you know.
  11. I'm going to some lectures at UCL all day, and can have a brief lunch/drink with you in the afternoon if you'd like. May or may not have to head back to Cambridge quite quickly though. Also, first image from the PW film:
  12. I'm with chair - it's not men that are shallow, just people. And even then they're often only shallow from certain perspectives. As for attraction, if enough is present for you to fall for someone, then biological changes should cause you to start thinking of them as more attractive, and to mentally edit out their unattractive features. Yay for dopamine!
  13. Wow, this game goes so damn fast, I didn't even have a chance to post in the last day. Not that I found out anything of interest, as I didn't even get any PMs. Can someone explain why people are so certain that Gumshoe is a competent cop? I still don't see why self-investigation explains this (shouldn't that be equally competent/incompentent?), but I might be misunderstanding the mechanic. Either way, ReZ's response is a little odd however you look at things - if he's mafia, he surely wouldn't be that useless at arguing back (unless it's a double bluff), and if he's town, then shouldn't he have a decent excuse to use? Either way, I'll abstain from voting for him for now, but I can see why people find him so suspicious. And it looks like he's already lynched, abstention or no...
  14. So, I need motion plus for this right? Does that have to be bought separately, or does it come in any packages with the game, like the gold one? Not terribly interested in another controller though...
  15. Mummy... is it really you? () I have a curry maybe once a month to once every two weeks, but the last couple of weeks I've had about three as I went to a friend's birthday yesterday which turned out to be at a curry place, having just gone to one the night before... Edit: Do you not want to say what you do? Or are you assessing the responses so you can decide?
  16. Wait, the one that says "everything. everyone. everywhere. ends." on the cover? You'd think it's guessable that that's the last season...
  17. Happy birthday Daft!
  18. Happy birthday! May you celebrate it by conceptualising 7 new Nintendo games, each better than anything Nintendo has ever produced.
  19. I think we an additional law should be to always play the background music while reading post descriptions. That aside, I Vote: No Lynch.
  20. Happy belated birthday chaps.
  21. I definitely don't want multiplayer - I wish they'd stop gradually turning Mass Effect into a standard third-person shooter.
  22. Haha, I actually played with a gamer friend in the end, but before that I was threatening to show it to my girlfriend.
  23. I would, but I've already played around three hours of the co-op, and it's best to do when both people haven't played before.
  24. Oh wow. Poor guy, there are so many people in the news dying young.
  25. Have a happy birthday! (or at least, do so 40 minutes ago )
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