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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Wait, is he? I always Anglocentrically assumed he was English.
  2. (I obviously meant to say "I'm pretty sure the Bourbon Kid is mafia" in my first sentence in the above post)
  3. I'm pretty sure the Bourbon kid because he killed Aqui1a last night... unless he just randomly kills people sometimes? Which would explain the two kills last night, I suppose. Either way, if you're as incompetent as you sound jay, the Bourbon Kid really has nothing to fear from you and so not much reason to kill you, so it's still slightly suspicious that you were so wary of giving out your info. Then again, people do tend to play these games giving out the bare minimum of information in case anything they say will make the mafia jump on them.
  4. I think it's unlikely that Rummy's mafia, as he was trying to get people to vote for Yvonne earlier, so unless it's some really complex ploy by the mafia in general, it's probably more likely that the mafia would try and kill Rummy.
  5. I wanted to know if you were one of the people interested in Rummy.
  6. Who did you try to target? (if anyone, that is)
  7. In that multiple people were interested in him.
  8. Hm, well I found out that Rummy is hot property, but little more.
  9. She probably was testing your blood for presence of alleles (different forms) of the Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) group of proteins. These are proteins that are heavily involved in the function of your immune system, and so the presence/absence of different forms can be used to flag up your susceptibility to various autoimmune conditions (those where your immune mistakenly attacks your body). It's likely she identified something like HLA-DR4, which is a variant that's associated with increased rheumatoid arthritis and various other conditions, so she sent you to a rheumatologist, as the positive result for HLA-DR4 makes it more likely that there could be rheumatism involved, so you need to get it checked out. Note, however, that increased susceptibility doesn't necessarily mean you have something - I have some of the HLA alleles associated with arthritis, but have yet to exhibit any symptoms, and probably won't until I'm much older. Hopefully that helps a little, although check with the doctors as I may be off the mark - this isn't medical advice. And good luck with your follow-up appointments!
  10. I know, but I would feel the guilt! Thanks anyhoo.
  11. So... the currently suspicious people are Yvonne and Rummy. Do any of you have anything to prove your innocence? Who stole from Rummy? If nobody comes out with it, then he's either lying and mafia, or good and the thief is mafia/misled. Who (if anyone) carried out the resurrection? Admittedly it's not really a power you'd want to reveal... Gah, I added the "if anyone" as a careless edit, which didn't even show up on the system... but I accept any responsibility for this. Stupid drunken mafia playing...
  12. There's no correct answer, because of the self-referentiality.
  13. Maybe things will work once we get onto someone who actually wants to play...
  14. A boring night - apparently nothing happened to me.
  15. Oh dear people, well done for doing another Cube. I'm not sure how game-related my post is allowed to be, and thanks to my cock-up earlier I'll err on the side of caution, but try not to be so quick to jump on people next time, even when they look a bit shady. Anyway, that was fun... while it lasted. I look forward to watching how things play out from the grave!
  16. I generally find canned squirty air does all I need. If you need to do some more serious cleaning, you can buy key removal tools. And of course everything's harder if it's a laptop keyboard.
  17. Yeah, I'll play. I think I'm getting the mafia bug now.
  18. I went on for a bit, then got bored. I'm supposed to be doing work anyway...
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