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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. People keep telling me I should try a mafia (only done it in real life before), and this seems the perfect theme for me. So I'm in.
  2. Pretty much all trees have a load of fruit (usually 3-4 pieces if I recall correctly), but it can be really hard to notice. And you only get white-tailed lizards around save shrines - there are plain black ones elsewhere, but they have no tail to eat.
  3. I don't think there's a limit to the size of the whitelist, there just can't be more than 8 on the server at any one time, which hasn't been a problem as far as I know. Either way, I'm also much more into the survival gameplay.
  4. Yep. Maybe a little, although the castle is constructed like an actual building in that everything links in a plausible way. This thread is making me really want a PS3.
  5. So the internet in my college accommodation has gone from 2 to nearly 100 Mbps since last term, which is pretty amazing. Pity I have a usage limit though...
  6. But have you found one of the three strongholds yet?
  7. I have some lapis lazuli I can donate for that, unless you're intending to use admin powars. Actually, it's probably not all that much...
  8. Happy birthday! I blame my belatedness on the server downtime. And I had no idea Tescos do such awesome cakes.
  9. *builds new gaming pc* *uses default texture packs for minecraft* It's just how I roll.
  10. Happy belated birthday! I wish you pikes galore, unless jayseven already has that covered.
  11. For higher education, there's no need to list individual grades, just give your overall marks, and you could mention other marks if they're particularly good. And for secondary, I'd just put "15 subjects under [qualification system name], including..." and list the most relevant/impressive. And if there's no grade, then no need to put one.
  12. Definitely put down higher education scores (along with any awards/anything that might sound impressive), and then it's probably best to detail your most recent secondary school qualifications. If you did IB, most employers will know what that is, as a few people do it here, so just list your subjects and give the overall score (which IB has if I recall correctly?), or if you did something else, again list the subjects and try and explain how the mark is comparable to A-levels (i.e. equivalent to a UCAS score of 300 or whatever). People will probably be most interested in maths, English, and whatever subjects are related to what you're applying for.
  13. That looks great to me - CVs vary in length depending on their purpose, but the average is probably 2 pages, so yours is fine. The specifics seem okay too, although people might want to know what marks you got in your courses (unless there aren't marks, or I'm missing them).
  14. That's pretty awesome - I didn't realise there was quite that much of an ocean. We still need to find a stronghold, anyway! Apparently at the moment there are only three per map, all 640-1152 blocks from the initial spawn point, and 120 degrees from each other. Also, me and martinist played a slightly laggy game of spleef, but I unfortunately didn't have quite enough snow to totally fix the arena. Hopefully Happenstance can sort it out, or else we'll need to find a snow biome...
  15. So I finally have been approved for accommodation. That only took a month of constant work...
  16. Happy birthdays for all! (except those not having birthdays)
  17. I'm exactly the same. As some people on this forum probably know, I'm very much nocturnal, and even when I'm working and it's a good day I go to bed about 2am. But when I feel like I haven't had any free time, I need to relax for a bit or I won't sleep anyway. Plus for some reason I feel much more comfortable playing games and browsing the internet at night, so I tend to leave it for the evening then spend ages on it.
  18. At this rate, I think I'll be cancelling my subscription with BT.
  19. Me and Peeps found a massive abandoned mineshaft system, then we both got killed by a crazy number of creepers and a nest of cave spiders. Although I recovered some of our winnings, allowing me to complete the official NE railway, which goes from the default spawn point into town. It could do with a few more powered rails, however, and once that's done it'd be cool to make some stations.
  20. There's essentially no way you could correctly work out that probability, as you'd have to define a set of potentially "useable" names, which is somewhat problematic for something trying to debunk a psychic. But of course the probability would be very small.
  21. So I started building my "house" in the mountain behind the NE hut, so that's claimed. Also I ate some steak from the hut, which I'll replace. And the server rebooted at one point and kicked me off, but I joined again without any problems.
  22. I'll play on your server, and will actually be able to use it this time without absurd slowdown, as I have a better computer. My username is Supergrunch.
  23. I procrastinate by tidying, so my accommodation at university tends to be very tidy (the kitchen a little less so, but still far better than average). My room at my parents' house is a different story, however, especially given there isn't actually any space for all my stuff.
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