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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Guys, stop winding up dynastygal, and dynastygal, stop biting off a finger every time you get prodded. And yes, the maximum avatar size is 125x125.
  2. I have no idea how the thing works, I just put £1.40 in, add in one of those Ariel fish eggy things and press the button. It's not like I have any whites to worry about, anyway...
  3. I would post loads in that thread, but I'm way too busy.
  4. There are some beers that use no animal products apparently. (dynastygal, I got that from the thing in your sig... and no, it didn't convert me :wink: )
  5. I'll have you know we're fascists, not communists! :wink: Any mentions of "the circle" will not be appreciated.
  6. The organised chaos that was my room a few months back: ...pity my mum made me clean it up before I left for uni. Oh well, I have organised chaos going on here too, so all is good.
  7. Bad is no longer a permitted word - you want ungood.
  8. Look, this "list" wasn't written through grudges at all. I wrote it based on who I thought was causing the most arguments - I like some of the members on it, and would hate to see them banned.
  9. Ask an admin, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say.
  10. Yes, Shorty painstakingly went through all the infractions, getting rid of them. As for this ban... we've been talking about banning them for over a week, but now probably wasn't the best time to do so. As for the list, few people are left, and the most of them should never get banned. As I said before, it's only a list of people who were constantly causing arguments.
  11. Actually, though my room is messy, I tend to remember the position of everything in it, and can tell quickly if something has been moved... it really irritates me when that happens.
  12. Most people recommend watching in it the order it aired, which means the episodes will be shuffled up. You can also watch them in chronological order, but that's not as fun.
  13. I've never been organised... I just tend to remember where things are. I think some people need organisation more than others.
  14. Right now they just serve as warnings, but the whole system'll be changed soon.
  15. Hmm, just seen this in time. Happy birthday, enjoy drifting further into the sea of teenagehood.
  16. Ok, it's around the same length as ToS I think... including the many side quests.
  17. Judging by the trailer, they utterly missed the point of the book - it was supposed to be using the land of a fairies as a contrast to the Victorian society as the time. It looks like they've gone more down the "enjoyable fantasy romp" route.
  18. I think that Skies of Arcadia is one of the best games I've played, ever. But it does take a long time to complete, so depends how long an RPG you want. Also, Paper Mario really is a bona fide JRPG, even if it's a bit on the easy side. The legend of the seven stars is way better than any of the other Mario RPGs if you ask me.
  19. I didn't necessarily mean you, though it came out that way. I meant that this is getting off topic.
  20. Set a transparent square... then post a picture of yourself, given the thread.
  21. Go on then (a picture for the Hikaru no Go fans): Height: 6 foot 3. Weight: 13 stone? Interests: Go, science, Japanese.
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