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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. No time in particular - just go for it. I've so far had one audition for Agatha.
  2. Hmm, I could do. Currently I was going to let it sort of come out as the stroy was being told, but either way is good. And don't worry much about the maths thing... if this goes the way I want it to, there won't be much maths involved.
  3. Nope, because it's third person. I'm looking for you to write as you'd be writing in the roleplay. Let me give a brief example for style purposes (not being any character in particular): She looked round, and noticed that she'd left her bag on the table. Going back to retrieve it, she noticed a guy standing by the desk. "Hi, did you see a bag around here?" "Yep, there's one there," he said, pointing to the side of the chair. "Ah, okay, thanks." So yeah, that's the sort of style... but try to write something more interesting. Feel free to control NPCs.
  4. You don't have to know about maths to play the Jim or Henry, but I suppose it could be difficult. Anyhoo, I'm looking for third person, with direct speech, and also descriptors if you want to include them.
  5. Height is a textbook example of a phenotype that is caused by a mixture of genotype and environment, though the genetic component is generally thought outweigh the environmental one. Have a datum: my mum is very short (not sure how short), my dad is about 6 foot, and I am about 6 foot 3.
  6. I nearly fell out of my chair reading King_V's post. Anyway, I think horoscopes work to some extent in that they descibe certain types of people, but it's pretty much lucky dip as to whether you happen to be the correct type. And of course, it's very easy to write descriptions that everybody thinks describes them accurately. If you're really interested in dividing people up into personality groups, then you might want to look into Myers-Briggs personality typing.
  7. I think it goes to all mods of the relevant forum, not sure about admins.
  8. Okay, I've written some intial character profiles up. There are 5 spots up for grabs (I'm taking John Bateson), and if you want someone then you have to audition for them. This means writing a short piece (no essays necessary) from their perspective - a description of part of their day, say. So, without further ado, here are the first characters: Name: Anna Sayles Age: 20 Occupation: Student Description: Anna is a second year English literature student who is very much at university for the experience. Having been brought up in a small village, she loves the contrast of the city, and as a result of this lives life to the full, displaying an extroverted personality. Nevertheless, she at times feels a sense of detachment from the repetitiveness of ordinary life, and is prone to daydreaming. Name: John Bateson (played by me) Age: 34 Occupation: Currently unemployed Description: John sometimes feels he is suffering from a premature mid-life crisis. He divorced two years ago, and his ex-wife still holds some kind of grudge against him. Thankfully he still gets to see his daughter once a week - she's pretty much the only thing that he cares about these days, though she doesn't seem to show him a great deal of affection. He used to be keen on staying fit, and even reached the rank of shodan in kendo. These days he feels too depressed to exercise much, and has fallen out of shape. And to top things, a few weeks ago decided to quit his job at Tesco, and hasn't been able to find work since. Name: Jim Corbin Age: 16 Occupation: Student Description: Jim is in the lower sixth, and is studying maths, further maths, physics and history for AS level. He did a few maths modules in January and easily recieved full UMS marks in all of them - it seems that his A levels will go the same way as his GCSEs. He is a geek and natural loner, and his contempt for anyone of inferior intelligence doesn't help his case - he has even alienated himself from his parents. He learns ancient languages in his spare time, and also enjoys flaming those he considers idiots on the internet. He goes by the handle confuto, and lives up to his name, be it on forums or on IRC. Name: Alice Bateson-Lowry Age: 7 Occupation: Student Description: Alice is John's daughter, though she lives with her mother. Her primary interest is her pink ipod nano, which she recieved for her 7th birthday. A firm believer in cupboard love, she showers her mother with affection and treats her father as a bit of an embarrassment - after all, when was the last time he bought her an ipod? To be fair, she does actually like him, but she just wishes he could be a bit more of... a dad. When she's not listening to music or watching TV, she is plaiting, undoing and re-plaiting the hair of the girl sat in front of her at school. Name: Agatha Lowry Age: 35 Occupation: Management consultant Description: Ex-wife of John, and mother of Alice. After spending her childhood trying to cope with her first name, Agatha gave up and told people to call her Chris. She very into her career, which gives her copious quantities of money in exchange for time, but this isn't really a problem for her - she can afford to pay a nanny to look after Alice. And of course John takes her off her hands every Sunday. She never did really get John - even now, he seems to think she hates him, but she doesn't have the brain space to allocate for such feelings. Name: Henry Clarkson Age: 52 Occupation: Maths teacher Description: One of the few people Jim considers to be an intellectual equal. Extremely good at maths, but not so good at actually teaching it. He's gradually realised this over the years, but now it's far too late in his life for a career change. After all, his wife wouldn't take it too well if he suggested he wanted to go into research. He provisionally teaches Jim, though the boy hardly needs actual teaching, so he instead looks up difficult problems for him to do, which he does sitting at the back of the class with a smug look of satisfaction. Sometimes he wishes Jim was more empathic, but something really major would need to happen to change the world view of someone like that. That's all so far... as I said, more will become available as the story progresses, so don't worry if you don't get a role, or don't want to play any of these people. One other thing to note: I do have a plan for where this story will go, though it might take a little bit of nudging. Either way, bear in mind that interesting stuff should happen. So, auditions are now open.
  9. Bleh, I want people to want to be who they are playing... also, this is the kind of thing that could get screwed up if an unsuitable person is playing a role.
  10. I'll describe settings, control one of the characters, and at times send PMs, giving characters information only they should know, or informing them of various "events" that may or may not occur. People are free to post whenever they like - this'll be a long term thing, but of course there has to be a limit. I'll control any people who don't post for a given period of time (say, a day or two), and if they continue not to respond and/or tell me they wish to drop out, I'll change the person playing the role. Well, people will post, giving descriptions, including direct speech and the like. It'll take a bit of work (mostly on my part) to get the right scenes at the right times, but it gets easier when people converge - here they can often have a conversation easily without the GM needing to interfere.
  11. Right, so we needs to decide who is taking which character. As this is going to be realistic, some people will get significantly more "screen time" than others. This makes things more fun for you, but it also means you're required to post more. I've had an idea of how to choose - I'll make (sort of) detailed profiles for the characters, then people can audition for the role they want to play, and I'll either decide myself or get people to vote. Don't worry if you don't like any of these roles, or if you don't get chosen - there will be plenty of other characters to come, some of whom may well become key. (nothing's definite of course - it will partially be your actions that determine the course of events)
  12. So, I have no idea if any of you guys have roleplayed before, be it on a forum or otherwise, but I had an idea for a forum game. I have minimal experience (as in, I've taken part in a couple online), but this one will be in a setting of my own devising. This makes me game master, but I'll possibly also play a character as well, both to give people a rough idea of what to do and to have a slight attempt at steering things. This will take place in a modern day unidentified British city. The current characters I have in mind are a female student, a middle aged loserish guy (this is probably the one I'll take), a geeky teenage guy, and a small girl. (maybe 5) Detailed profiles to come. More characters will appear as the story goes on - ideally I'd like new people to fill their shoes. You might be surprised, but things like this can actually be pretty fun. Providing you try as hard as possible to act reasonably and in character, the situation can really come to life. Note that I do have plans for this story, and things will happen to the characters to make things interesting... you'll have to wait and see what these things are. So... anyone interested?
  13. I like taking one shoe and sock off, and leaving the other shoe and sock on. I didn't see anything wrong with this until my sister started complaining about how odd it was.
  14. Hmm, had a lecture which was quite good, went to Pizza Express which was quite good, did a biology of cells exam which was not so good (damn calculation question taking way too long), will have a supervision later. Perhaps the time has come to go to Starbucks.
  15. You should have said "ano" or "eeto"... it doesn't mean you're any better at Japanese, but it sounds better.
  16. Same, I'd be useless at fighting 5 year olds... And I'm apparently 67% geek.
  17. What the hell is this meat = cancer thing? I don't exactly trust dynastygal's "science", based on past experience... Edit: Aha, found a paper on it. It concludes that eating large amounts of red meat is linked to contracting lung and bowel cancers... which isn't quite the same as meat = cancer. Anyway, the pork I just ate was good.
  18. You contribute to FAVC? That's a really great piece of software, I'm pretty sure I've used it before.
  19. Which you buy in Whittard shops... I know of one in St. Albans and one in Hatfield, but have never seen any others. You can probably buy stuff online though.
  20. "And your mother too"? Sounds like some kind of comeback...
  21. Wow, I remember you of old. Welcome back! - penguin avatars are never a bad thing.
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