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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. So far my expercience at university has been awesome, and I'm not even halfway through the first year.
  2. This is perfectly true, but also not science - it is people getting in the way of science. The difference is that faith is an integral part of religion, whereas it has no place in science. Hence trying to equate the two will merely result in problems - the scientific principle should not be applied to religion, just as faith should not be applied to science. The fact that people try both these things is a result of them being unaware that science and religion have nothing in common. By contrast, men and women have a great deal of things in common, and one sex trying to understand the other is the antithesis of futility.
  3. Effectively it is the idea that the theory involving the least assumptions is likely to be the correct one. The thing is, science really doesn't require faith - the reason you give for this shows exactly why it does not. If evidence suggests that a theory is incorrect, then that theory is dicarded in favour of another. This is simply an application of the scientific principle. Religion works not by the scientific principle but by the principle of faith. I see no problem with this, all it means is that religion is not science, and science is not religion.
  4. You've failed to realise that everyone on 4chan is a "newfag" who's read up about memes on Encyclopedia Dramatica. Sure, some of them are hackers, and they organise invasions, but this doesn't stop them being idiots.
  5. Really? I liked Voices of a Distant Star (it is also rare in having an English title that sounds far better than the Japanese one), but thought She and Her Cat was a bit silly... I liked the fact that it was black and white though, and of course the animation in both is great. (but not as good as his latest work, 5cm/s, which is quite frankly the best animation I have ever seen)
  6. It may well have an effect, but that doesn't stop Annoymous being a joke. Ask yourself why they do things, and the answer should be clear - for the lulz.
  7. So many of these at the moment... Happy birthday, anyway.
  8. Anyone who takes annoymous seriously needs to go to 4chan /b/ sometime. It's just a joke, even if it does involve hacking Scientology wesites.
  9. Go for the win of course... also, Vernon God Little is good I think, if a bit strange. It's a bit of a farce, but then I think that's pretty much intentional.
  10. Same for me, as does every Friday... I was crossing Drosophila, and fiddling about with fungus master plates and E. Coli.
  11. Lol, my bollocks survived all 3 seasons of Marimite and all 2 seasons of Honey and Clover. But then again, I have odd tastes for a straight guy, hell, I don't even like shounen.
  12. There's no trick to make the calculation easy... this makes it boring.
  13. All I know is that it's alright if you do it in the ear.
  14. Garlic and sapphires in the mud Clot the bedded axle-tree. The trilling wire in the blood Sings below inveterate scars Appeasing long forgotten wars. The dance along the artery The circulation of the lymph Are figured in the drift of stars Ascend to summer in the tree We move above the moving tree In light upon the figured leaf And hear upon the sodden floor Below, the boarhound and the boar Pursue their pattern as before But reconciled among the stars. ...okay, this is actually by TS Elliot. But it's so awesome, it deserves to be in this thread even if I'm not the one being creative.
  15. I see, you're defining the binary operator. :wink:
  16. Aaaanyway, anyone got some sciency type questions? I'll even have a go and linguisticy ones, or anything else random...
  17. Sorry, can't remember the last time I checked.
  18. I'd always assumed that the colour pink was somehow linked to mestruation... seems I was wrong.
  19. And here's the quotation: "If you want to have sex, you've got to trust At the core of your heart, the other creature." - Pansies, line 57. I love having free OED access.
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