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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Happy birthday to the two individuals who are you.
  2. I take issue with that: firstly, I don't see why wishing for Light's death shows a lack of understanding, and secondly I balk at describing Death Note as a mature anime.
  3. Pan's Labyrinth Wow, that's probably the best film I've ever seen. 10/10
  4. Ah, the post got edited... the first time round, it said d > AB &c.
  5. Melikes this, though it gets a bit silly later on.
  6. They aren't all met - in that case AB and AC would be greater than d.
  7. Probably 1-2 weeks, but that was a while back and I may well have been sick. When at home rather than at university I often go for 3 or so days.
  8. This reminds me of a guy I know who reaches out and plucks a hair from the head of slow moving people in front of him on the street. It tends to get them moving.
  9. I swear cherryade mixed with vodka, aka bop juice, is the worst way to get drunk ever. It took me about 11 glasses to reach something approaching drunk, by which time I had had more cherryade than most people have in their lifetime.
  10. Maybe it's good for its genre, but I prefer my films to have stories.
  11. How about the influence of scripts and fonts in advertising?
  12. The Cottage Er, lol at this. Typical cliched horror verging on comedy. We actually went in having no idea what the film was, because we'd chosen at random. 3/10
  13. Yep, I'm a first year currently studying natural sciences... chances are I don't know her, unless she goes to my college. (Magdalene) The Lent term ends this weekend, but we definitely aren't breaking up for Summer - we have five weeks off for Easter and then the Easter term, which is exam term...
  14. To be fair, the pope also says nobody should have sex out of wedlock, which would very effectively slow the spread of HIV, but most of those who take him up and don't use condoms ignore this.
  15. Methinks we must await the decision of the noble quizmaster.
  16. Gah sorry, I screwed up and read things wrong, I thought you could only answer 1... Mundi's answer stands. (also, I knew that dammit!)
  17. Well that was fun... I need to set up a meeting with someone else next term, and have a long debate about when exactly I can do it and what exactly I can do, and also need to convince them, interview style. And also I have to get a 2:i or better in my current subject. I reckon I can manage that.
  18. Just about nothing - Godot never arrives.
  19. I went to a crazy play one of my friends wrote as a dare, performed by him and his two exs. Then I went back and helped my freind analyse an insane passage for her English essay... this turned into a random conversation about theism, children's literature, chemistry and law, and various other people on the same corridor joined in. By this time it was 1am, and I remembered I too had an essay to do... Anyway, I have a meeting with my tutor in an hour or so... I need to convince a German engineer who happens to speak Japanese that I want to change to linguistics.
  20. I have a subscription to New Scientist but they get sent to my home address... which doesn't bother me, I don't have the time to read magazines during term, and I'm learning more interesting stuff anyway.
  21. Yeah I've had a lecture featuring this, and seen it on Brainiac, so I passed.
  22. Hmm, today I slept for most of the morning, sort of by mistake. I had a superivison, and then did something insane - I actually updated my long abandoned blog. It's the room ballot in a few minutes, hopefully I'll get something decent for next year.
  23. Incorrect, I'm afraid. In an alphabet each symbol represents a phoneme, whereas in a syllabary each symbol represents a collection of phonemes. For instance, in English the word cow is transcribed under IPA as [kʰaʊ], whereas the Japanese word for cow, ushi/牛/うし is transcribed under IPA as [uʃi], so each kana does not correspond to each word. So while scripts such as Hangul are indeed alphabets, the kana scripts are not. [/pedantry]
  24. They don't have an alphabet at all, unless you're talking about the limited use they make of the Roman one - there are two syllabalries and a semanto-phonetic script. [/pedantry]
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